Monday 11 May 2020

The Freya Top

Yesterday I finished my Freya top from the Till Stretch book and I am really happy with the fit, it gives a choice of necklines one of them being a cowl.  I originally cut the neck as it is for a roll neck but I felt this was too high for me and may drive me a little crazy, so I unpicked it and halved the size then stitched it back in.  Much better for me at this size, although if I made it a bit looser I am sure it would be great with the higher neck for winter.

I opted for a size three and the length and fit are very good but you do have to ensure that your fabric has the correct amount of stretch to get the accurate fit.  This will become a staple of my wardrobe and I will be adding more of these for the cooler months when I see the right fabric at the right price of course.

So here is my me made May day 11, I have paired my new top with another self drafted skirt, fully lined with a side zip.  This skirt has been in my wardrobe a good few years and I love the bird print, birds feature quite a lot in my clothes.

I tried the top on my mannequin before I made any final changes to the sleeve and hem but to be honest it was already looking good, so a very accurate fit for me on this one.  Just a tiny hem on the sleeves as I do have long arms.

 Here it is with the higher neck before decided to shorten it, if you didn't want this style of neck at all you could always turn a narrow band to the inside and topstitch down, this would create a flat round neck.

My trusty brown baking paper on the go here again, I have made little white sleeves for all the patterns have made from this book then I intend to print of some of my images of the finished garments to stick on the front of them.

I have had a lovely day of making today, it is a gift for a friend of mine and I love it so much it will be hard to part with it.  Due to this fact I am unable to share it yet just in case she sees it on here and her birthday is this month.  I will have to try and remember to share it later.   It was one of those projects that just fell into place, the perfect fabric was spotted the other day and then it arrived today earlier than expected.

There has been some mending going on too and that is always very satisfying, I have a few images of that saved too.  I am currently working on my husbands laptop mine is in my techy sons room as he adds a new ssd, I am worried about lost documents and photos even though this is his job.  We really do rely on our computers now don't we and feel a little lost when something goes wrong.

That is all for today, stay safe.


  1. This is very nice. I’m a big fan of polo necks, as I always seem to have a cold neck!

  2. I've made this pattern so many times, it's fab!


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