Showing posts with label scrap busting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrap busting. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Weaving Fabric

 Hello everyone, this week I have continued my scrapbusting and also thinking up more ways to use them and get creative with them.  So for a change I thought I would try something new, the idea was to weave the scraps together but in a neat way, not in a rag rug way if you know what I mean.

So firts of all I cut lots of strips in four colours that I thought would go nicely, then I stitched them together at one side so that they didn't unfold, so after folding them in half I stitched down the length of each one then pressed them flat.

I was unsure what to weave them on, had a good look around, thought about the back of a picture frame then finally settled on a cardboard box.  I pinned the strips each side then set about weaving on the box.  Not the easiet but it was what I had and sometimes you have to work with what you have.

After I had finished the piece I had to press it to some interfacing to stop it all falling apart, this was not that easy as soon as I released it, it began falling away!  I quickly rewove bits and got the backing on, then I stitched some cotton to the back of it.

I suppose there are lots of ways you can use this and lots of fabric combinations mean it is endless in what you can create. Perhaps I will get my husband to create a frame for me from odd bits of wood so that I have a more stable area to work on.

For my piece I have made one of my bags, it is on one side and the other is one of the fabrics from the weaving so the bag can be used either way.

I hope this has given you a little inspiration this morning for what to do with your scraps, other uses could be pot holders or coasters may use in a quilt or I thought of adding it to a top as a bit of extra embellishment.

Have a good week, everyone, bye for now. 

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...