Wednesday 20 May 2020

Something from the Past

I found the picture of the little upcycled dress I made years ago for a toddler, it has taken me ages we save so many photos now, far more than we ever did when we had paper copies it is quite overwhelming to look through!   Here it is made from the bottom legs of bootcut jeans with buttons at the back.

I came across this yesterday and I had completely forgotten about it, it was so nice for it to pop up as a memory.  The butterfly on the front had been cut around from a back pocket I remember and then appliqued on.  The little girl it was for was two at the time she will be about sixteen now, our boys were friends and they moved away so we didn't see them much after that.  It is nice to revisit past projects sometimes.

It has been such a glorious day that I did not stay in and sew, I have been gardening, planting and tidying up then I had a distanced visit with my mum. It is the first proper face to face conversation we have had since this all started.

My me made May day 20 choice for today was a Burda shirt pattern made into a dress, lovely Minerva fabric.  I think this challenge would have seen more repeated outfits had it been done during the winter months.  I don't know about everyone else but I definitely make more summer clothes and I think sew more in general at this time of year.  It probably has a lot to do with lighting and the longer days.
 On a more mundane level I got all of the dogs bedding and cushions washed and hung out and they are now back on their beds.  It is one of those jobs you need a warm day for as they need to be out on the line.

My mum was getting a bit annoyed that the window cleaner hadn't been for a number of weeks, the windows don't look dirty but she does like her routine. My window cleaner stopped coming to us because we had the cheek to ask if he had done the back ones one day and he got offended.  We know he hadn't as a bird had flown into the window leaving a mark and it was still there (we didn't mention that fact).  I wouldn't mind but when he lied and said he had we just politely said oh ok and paid him in full, then he stopped coming!   Bit of a cheek on his part really but never mind it saves me a bill.

Well that's all for now, take care.


  1. Love the toddler dress reminded me of the ones I used to make for my girls, many moons ago. Caught out and embarrassed more likely!

  2. What a delightful dress and how clever of you to make it out of an old pair of jeans. It is a great way to make children's clothes isn't it? I made a few items for my daughter when she was younger doing the same thing, she is nearly the same size as me now so that is no longer possible!


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What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...