Thursday 21 May 2020

Not for Me

Oh dear sometimes things that you start  sewing are just not meant to be and I am happy to share that as so many sewing projects turn out well.   I have been working on the McCall's shorts today and thought they were looking ok, pleats in, pockets done and while they may not have the crisp look I would have liked that couldn't be helped as I just used the left over fabric rather than one specifically for the task. I tried them on and oh dear, they look ridiculous on me.

 Now not sure if it is the fabric, or this style just does nothing for me (maybe both), my son came in and said are you going swimming? Ha, ha, I said I know they are not flattering at all.  There were a few bits left to do like belt loops, hook and eye. pressing everything and finishing seams but do you know I can tell I will never wear these so why go any further.  I have already spent a bit of time on them and they are really not bringing me any joy!

I wasn't going to take a photo in them as I really do look like I am about to enter the sea for a swim in an old fashioned costume, not a good look.
The fabric is partly to blame as this pattern has a bit of structure and this fabric will not hold any shape, so even with pressing it was never going to hold the pleats or the turn ups.  The main thing is I tried this pattern and didn't break into favourite fabric, I know that even with the perfect fabric choice this pattern is not for me.

Here are my pockets of many pieces that I faffed with to get just right, I think I will unpick and save them to use on something else;) Along with the zip I put in, don't want to waste that.

There will be a pair of shorts but next time I may self draft as I seem to like my styles better.  My husband said to me I told you they wouldn't be right when you showed me the pattern, how can baggy shorts look good? Well I'm sure they look good on some people but obviously we are all unique, something different tried.

There is  a bag all cut out on the side that I prepared this morning I am sure I would have had more fun making that. After my disappointment with the shorts I sat outside with a drink and a packet of crisps reading War and Peace. (Yes I am still reading that)   There are a lovely few lines in it I have to say that made me think of our current time.

There are two sides to the life of every man, his individual life which is the more free the more abstract its interests, and his elemental swarm-life in which he inevitably obeys laws laid down for him.
Leo Tolstoy     (War and Peace)

Is that what we are all doing right now? Obeying the laws for the sake of the whole and in every sense not feeling very free at the moment.  It is strange I could have read that at any other time and felt nothing as I read those words but of course we are different every day.

Before I go I will share todays me made my 2020 day 21, a self drafted shirt and skirt.  The skirt fabric came in a lucky dip bag from Minerva, it is a sort of stretchy twill and was just the thing for this sort of skirt as it is fitted but with a bit of give, think stretch denim. There is a zip at the centre back seam.

Keep making, trying new things and be free in your thoughts. Until next time, bye for now,


  1. Love the blouse, very pretty. Such a shame about the shorts but you don't know until you try.

  2. I am sorry the shorts didn't look right after all your work, but as you say that is a lesson learnt. You must have an entire wardrobe of clothes you have made, I am so impressed. I think I have one dress, one top and one skirt with another cut out but yet to sown!

  3. I wasn't sure about the pattern when you first shared it, I thought you had a petite frame and these would swamp you. I used the Simple sew Shannon collection pattern and it is lovely. There might be one on ebay as it was an old pattern free on a magazine. You can' win them all and you make some great stuff. Jo x


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