Monday 18 May 2020

Making Plans

I have been hunting through my offcuts of fabric today trying to find a bit big enough to squeeze these shorts out of...
A friend passed this pattern on to me and I would like to try it out now that the weather is so nice, unless I do one leg each colour I am not sure I will manage it out of the pieces I have left. There is a stripy sheet but they may be too see through, oh what to do?   I have put the pattern and the pile of fabric to one side for now and will have another think about it tomorrow.  The rest of the day has been spent in the garden, walking the dogs and hoovering and sorting etc.

I have ordered  a used Burda magazine from ebay, mainly because I watched a browse through of it and liked some of the styles and also because it was only a couple of pounds.  I will see how I like it when it arrives, all of the printed Burda patterns I have are a good accurate size so I would like to see how the magazine works out.  A lot of people swear by it but I have often picked it up in shops and not been that taken with the styles, I watched a youtube video of someone flicking through this one and then found it for sale.

While I was shopping in the supermarket I bought myself another roll of baking paper purely for pattern tracing so I am all set for when the magazine arrives.  I have tried on a number of occasions to contact Knipmode magazine with a view to subscribing but they never return my emails.  I know there are people in the UK that receive it and they say contact via email. I have give up on that now I suppose they are saving me some money by not responding!

My me made may day 18 outfit is a dress by kwik sew that I made with Minerva fabric, a wrap dress.  I think this is only the second time I have worn it so that just shows the pointlessness of saving for best.
Now I managed to carry a large bag of compost from the car without getting dirty and planted up and re-potted some things so it is possible to live life without jeans I am finding;)  though some of those shorts would be great!

Keep smiling everyone and take care.


  1. Your wrap dress is very pretty and I bet gardening was rather comfortable wearing a dress rather than jeans. I need to wear more dresses, I basically live in jeans or pj's at the moment, not a great look. I am going to put my pretty new top on now, inspired by you wearing a beautiful dress.

  2. Lovely dress.It's a sunny day here for a dress. Great minds think alike and I have made a pair of shorts this week from some donated fabric but I did have to use an old navy pillow case for the pocket bags and the inside of the waistband facing! You should look up Ottobre magazine. I do not subscribe because 1 magazine can see you through a whole years sewing but I buy back issues which are about £10 but there are 20 patterns in each magazine. I also treat myself to squared pattern paper from amazon. I thought it was expensive but I ordered a new one last week and noticed the last one was bought in 2017. It is wider than baking paper so not taping required and the squares help with tracing. Happy thrifting... Jo xx

  3. Great dress. Look up Ottobre magazine. I don't subscribe because one magazine lasts me about a year because there are 20 patterns in each one. I buy back copies from their website. I also treat myself to wide pattern paper from amazon. I thought it was expensive but when I ordered a new one this week I noticed the last one I bought was in 2017. The squares help with getting accurate pattern pieces. I have a fabric bag for you, send me an email of what you think at

    Jo x


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What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...