Tuesday 19 May 2020

Making Fabric Fit The Pattern

Not a bad day here again, a bit dull this morning but still warm enough for a dress.  This dress for me made May 2020 day 19 is once again made with Minerva fabric and I also made a bag with some of the scraps but that has now sold. I used New Look pattern 6125 but I found it was too loose for me so I added darts and a bit more shaping, I also lined it.  Once again it was comfy to wear all day not impractical and while fitted there is still plenty of movement, if I make this pattern again I may use slightly stretchy fabric and just make it a bit smaller then that would save the need for all my modifications.

Being a bit impatient with sewing as I am I got out my odd pieces today and made a start on the McCalls shorts.  There was I found just enough fabric for the front and back pieces but not enough for the pockets or belt.  So I have used paisley for the back of the pockets, a different fabric for the bit that shows but pieced on  a matching bit to the tops.  I will show more when they are finished, I have to say the instructions were not very clear (I don't like instructions!) I really do think if you didn't sew already that is the kind of thing that would put you off.   I usually just cut out and off I go but I thought I would have a look at them, now I know why I don't usually bother.

See it only just fits on, if I want belt loops there are at least little bits for that.  This is John Kaldor fabric that I made a dress in a while ago, here I have used the reverse as the right side as I didn't want shiny shorts. It remains to be seen what the oddments pockets will look like.

There is not much more to do on them but now my husband said he is not sure he will like the wide style.  We will have to see what they look like on.  I had to break off from my  busy sewing as I had to go into work for a meeting, real life getting in the way!

I think I am becoming something of a recluse, at first I thought great get out and go to work and see everyone.  Then I was relieved to get home, that is a strange way to feel but then these are strange times.  The thing is we tend to get used to how things are no matter what, that is part of our make up for dealing with situations I guess, it would be a shame if we all got too comfortable staying away from each other wouldn't it.

A little sample of fabric arrived that I ordered, I paid for it but it is so small it made me laugh they didn't even get all of the pattern on. I will not be paying for samples again I'll just use my judgment looking at the pictures.

A few memories of past photographs popped up earlier, I have had a laugh looking at us all looking younger.  Then I saw a little dress I made for my friend's daughter about fourteen years ago, it was from a pair of wide leg jeans and I had forgotten all about it.  Now I can't find it and I wanted to share it, I will have another look and hopefully you will see it tomorrow.

Right I am off for a cup of tea, stay safe.


  1. Very clever on getting those shorts to fit the fabric! I'm in between on using pattern instructions - I like to have them there and do look to see what comes next but I've made enough things that I don't really need them. It's a habit I suppose.
    I agree with you about being creatures of habit - we do seem to like as little change as possible and once we are used to something we dont like to become un-used to it!!

  2. A beautiful dress, you are one stylish lady. I must admit I have lived in my jeans since the pandemic, not the same pair obviously but jeans and a jumper or t shirt depending on the weather.

  3. Cute dress - both of them! I did some short shuffling this week and used an old navy pillow case for the pocket bags and the waistband lining on my shorts because I was short of fabric too. They turned out really well. Jo x

  4. I hear you on written instructions. I struggle with them at the best of times, I need pictures to help me. I usually do what you are, and use the pattern as a starting point and then run off with it in a totally different direction!


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