Tuesday 5 May 2020

Going with the Flow

Another day at work in it's new location and the day passed by pleasantly, I felt a bit reluctant as I left for work yesterday in a different school and I thought this must be how supply teachers feel all the time never knowing what to expect or where anything is! For us of course this is only temporary while the children of key workers are cared for in specific School sites, I needn't have worried as it was completely fine.  Today I was completely fascinated by  pair of twins who kept changing the rules to a game we were playing outside. Now it was a made up game so of course they made the rules but it was just so interesting to hear them bouncing ideas off each other, agreeing then disagreeing but all the while keeping up! Children are so fascinating when you have time to listen and be part of their worlds, plus they were having such fun with this bean bag game of theirs it was a joy to observe and play along.

Todays me made May day 5 is another self drafted skater dress same as my red one ( there are a few of these!)  fabulous fabric on this one that washes like a dream, very bright after lots of wear and I have other items in the same fabric so watch out for it again this month.  My colleague loved it so much I took her to the fabric store and she bought some, I then made her a t shirt out of it.

 Here we are lucky enough for another outdoor picture, still in tights you will note but I have hope for tomorrow as it is supposed to warm up.  Things are looking leafy and green and quite a few of my seedlings in the greenhouse need potting on now so that is a job for tomorrow.  I have planted some straight into large tins that can go straight out as soon as they are large and sturdy enough.  The cook at out School last year saved me the large catering tins for tomatoes.  They make excellent planters some are still silver, quite a few are rust.  They only have flowers in them so the ones that are rusty looking won't affect the flowers will they? I wouldn't plant food in a rusty tin though, time will tell with the flowers.  I'm sure some gardening expert out there will let me know if this was a dreadful idea, I had intended on just recycling them when they lost their sheen but I quite like the rusty shade.

My exercise for the day was just dance with the children this morning in the hall, once again I feel the staff enjoyed it more than the children did.  We are all just clearly happy to be out in the world! I may in fact find some of these routines myself now and carry with at home for the rest of the week, it's not a bad way to start the day.

I've shopped my own bookcase and decided to revisit another title, this time The Four Loves  by C.S Lewis.  I do like his style of taking about life and getting you to think, he is not always easy to follow but definitely worth it.
Tomorrow I am home so I will have time for some making, I'm going to have a think now before I cut into my new fabric.  Stay safe everyone.


  1. I think maybe you needn't worry about rusty pots....I have a memory of reading/hearing that some people bury old nails and cans under certain fruit trees for added.....um...something! Sorry its not coming to me but I'd be asking Mr Google and I'm sure there'd be some info there.
    Of course your dress looks lovely on you as usual! It's a really pretty fabric too.

  2. There is nothing nicer than listening to the chatter of children as they play. It seems so quiet here at the moment with very few children passing by. Another beautiful dress, love the fabric.

  3. The colour and drape of you dress is wonderful, I can see why a colleague loved it so much.

    I could (and often do) spend hours watching children play, it is so fascinating I agree!


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What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...