Saturday 9 May 2020

A Suuny Day Dress

What another glorious day and a chance to wear this dress that I made for a Minerva make and this dress needs just the right weather as it is not really one that I can layer up.  Me made May day 9 (is it only day nine?) and I am not used to this daily photograph business, happy to make the clothes and write the blog but I always feel  a little foolish in front of the camera that is why you usually see a lot of my makes on the mannequin she is much more confident!  The pattern for this dress is a Kwik Sew one and I do like the style and I think it would look good in a jersey, mine is a sort of chiffon so I have had to line the skirt.

I opted for an indoor image today as the sun is so bright out I could hardly see what I was doing.  Here is the pattern if you want to try it out.

There has been a lot more planting going on and I am now in need of another  bag of compost or possibly two.  A few seedlings were potted out on the front and more started off in the greenhouse.

Here are few lovely things making me smile in the  garden because they are just returning and taking care of themselves.

I am still rescuing these from all over the place I love how they just get on with and grow any where, even if you dig them out of paths and pop them in some soil they come back completely undisturbed.

This little beauty has never seemed to die off, it was flowering in winter!  There are loads of new buds on it.

These little buns were made just using up lots of bits that needed eating, over ripe bananas, nearly a full carton of coconut cream, half a bar of dark vegan chocolate plus some raisins and almonds for good measure.
I made 24 so you are only seeing half of them here, I really need to buy myself another cake tray as the rest were put in cases with no support so they look a bit mutant!  Never mind they will still be consumed, one disappeared as soon as they were out of the oven they never last long.

We had a nice drink in the garden today, making the most of things it felt a bit like we were on holiday.  Best not to think too much on what  is going on while at the same time being sensible.

I hope you are having a good weekend wherever you are. Back soon.


  1. Love the dress, what a wardrobe you must have.

  2. You look lovely! Good on you for being brave and facing the camera!!


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What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...