Showing posts with label Random thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 September 2023


 Hello everyone I hope the week is going well for you all, it has been an early start for me as I feel my insomnia is back. So after fighting it I have decided to try a different strategy which is probably what I should have doneall along.

So after trying to get back to sleep for two hours this morning I got up at five, I know that may be a regular getting up time for many of you but we are not early to bed so that is not sufficient sleep but as I am not sleeping anyway laying there pondering is not helpful.  You know that pondering you do about anything and everything in the dark hours of the night?   For many years now I have tried to be still and just put up with it, in part because I didn't want to disturb, my husband, my sons, the dogs! However I know it is the worst thing you can do as the longer you lay awake the worse it gets, also all the things I have not got around to doing I may as well get up and do, then if I get tired later maybe I will sleep better the next night, who knows.  I have also noticed that when my husband can't sleep he will get up, what is it with us women that we feel we shouldn't disturb anyone, I have to say I was still creeping about this morning trying to not make much noise.

Anyway the point is I am going to look at it in a new way, as in hey I have some extra time I will go and do ... whatever that thing is that I want to do (probably quietly!)  I did used to have a very definite morning routine that fell out of favour, maybe I will start that again.  Do any of you have a routine that you stick to in a morning and by this I mean something for you and not just getting everyones lunches and everybody else ready for the day.  If so let me know, how it helps, what is the best thing about it.

I chose to stand outside and what the sky change for a little while, this was quite peaceful.  I often listen to the Huberman Lab and this is something we should all be doing every day he states.  In the morning as close to sunrise and also close to dusk to regulate our body clock.  I know this and yet very rarely do it.

I snapped a couple of images of the sky, as apparently I can't just stand there and be...

Well have a lovely day all of you I don't know if anyone will see this close to when it goes out but I would like to hear your thoughts on this.  Are you a stay in bed and try to get through it type, or do you just get up whatever the time and go downstairs?  I am sure there will be a mixture of us out there, but I don't feel this is going away anytime soon me being of the menopausal age so I need to get a better routine.
Thank you for stopping by.

Saturday 28 January 2023

 Hello everyone I thought I would do an ing pist for the end of the month and try and get back into that habit.  I hope you are all having a good week it certainly has been a lot brighter these last few days and that makes all the difference.  Here goes..

Starting a spring quilt, so I follow Frugal Queen in France on her facebook group and she has organised a spring quile along.  Everyone making their quilts to be ready for spring.  So I thought this was anice idea to join in and also to do some each week will keep it progressing nicely.  Now I certainly would never do these for work as Quilts take so many hours and I wouldn't want a strict deadline or have to try and explain the manhours but as a thing to plod along with it is a nice change.  She shared her block and then everyone is digging out their colours with the aim to do six a week for six weeks and she did say not sashed. So a sofa size, now I am really liking the blocks I have done so far so I think I will sash mine and then that will add quite a bit to the finished size.  Here is a block...

I am not a quilter so I am finding I am not that precise, so having to try and be more so because the seams allowed are tiny on this design. A few pieces of the gifted fabric are being used here so the cream and green, the rest are little scraps I am digging out.

Reading more, now always a reader but trying for a definite book a week this year and so far so good.  It is not always easy when occasionally the book is huge, but enjoying what I have read and also trying to vary the genres.  This last week I am reading Pandora and the previous week I read Fevre Dream by G.R.R Martin and I enjoyed it but had to skip a couple of grisly paragraphs as my brain will not let me forget somethings!  That is why I am not into horror, but this was an old fashioned vampire story and I did enjy Game of Thrones so I thought I would give it a go.

Eating out so we have taken advantage of a few lunch time deals this last month usually at the weekend.  We found a pub not too far from us that did a lunch deal wed - Fri so went on my husbands day off a few weeks ago.  Then a walk last Friday and a meal at the Plough Bradfield agian lunchtime special.  Then last night we met family for a teatime drink and a curry then home for 8.30!  We have never been people that go out much and this is over the course of a month so we are just enjoying it.  It is also nice to see that more places have vegan and vegetarian options now too.

Keeping with my sewing scrapbook so that has been fun.  Now when I want to know what this top is I am wearing for a work video I just flick back in my book and I have all the information I need, very useful.

Watching 1883, that was the origins of the Yellowstone drama we have watched and I thought it was good.  My husband was not a fan of the main character narrating all the way through it, he does not like that effect in drama or films so for him that spoilt it.  Maybe keep that in mind if it is something you don't like.

Listening a lot this week to songs from New Jersey by Bon Jovi.  These were my favourite group as a young teen and I had forgot just how much I love this alsbum in particular.  I have been playing it on spotify, which is somewhat different to how I would have listened back then.  I had all their albums on cassete, then Album and later CD.  These Days,  eh!  That's a Bon Jovi song in case you missed that!

Enjoying walking our dogs and appreciating that I can amuse myself.  After a few conversations with various family members I am left confused as to why so many of them do not know what to do with themselves if they don't have work to go to.  I am talking about jobs they are not enjoying here as well, so we are talking people at retirement age here. Now if you love your job I can imagine never wanting to stop but going just because you are afraid of the free time is something that I cannot fathom.   Therefore I am grateful that I have never been bored, if I don't have work to do then I always have lots to fill my time.

Looking forward to spring, we have a few little holidays booked in our caravan so it will be good to get back into that.  We are returning to a few tried and tested sites and a new one we have never been to before. I think everyone starts to feel the need to book something to look forward to at this time of year.

Making clothes of course  and here are some of this weeks projects...

New Look 6632 dress

This Marlo Cardigan will be made in future in the cropped version.

Well have alovely weekend whereever you are and I hope you manage to get outside and make the most of the weather. Back soon.

Thursday 6 October 2022

Autumn Musings

 Hello, there is a definite chill in the air now so I have been planning what I need to add to my wardrobe.  A lot of what I have made this year has been for the summer months mainly due to work that I have been doing.  Lots of gorgeous prints and so on but now is the time that I am looking for ways to extend the life of these clothes, or pack them away for next year. I do find that with lots of things I can add a cami underneath, a long sleeved t shirt and I am good to go, or maybe the base layer and a cardi over.  Some items though are just too summery to do that with so they have been rolled and placed in a lidded box, a sad sign to the end of summer!  

I have just planned another coat, my husband will say this is not required as my wardrobe is full but the fabric was gifted from a friend when she was destashing and the patterns I already have.  In a recent video that I made for youtube I gave a few options of what I might make with it, now it is just a case of making the fabric fit what I choose.

Another little crafty thing that I did recently was to upcyle an old picture frame into a mini notice board for my sewing room.  I wanted to keep some of my personalty to it so I didn't want to buy one same as everyone else and also I am always all for keeping costs down.  So I painted the gold frame white, removed the glass and also painted the board at the back of the picture white.  Now this his taked about four coats as the board just drinks up the paint, the paint I had already so no extra cost there.  When it was all dry I made mini bunting, added fabric samples, a tape measure, a little sewing image, a few threads and a holder for my current pattern.  I am really happy with how it turned out and I think it does the trick.  I had been requested to add some colour to my space and I am all for colour but for the last year I had been under the impression I had to keep things plain professional and white background.  It does look more inviting with some colour, I also have to watch for darkening the space too much as it is a small room and my phone is not an iphone so I do all I can to keep the light in there.  Here it is below...

For research purposes I have been looking at the background of others in the sewing community but a lot appear to be in a much bigger space than me so if I start adding shelves and lots of stuff to walls I may lose a lot of the light quality.  I have been looking at second hand iphones, after years of saying never, I did look at filming cameras but got a bit overwhelmed by it all. 

Do any of you follow Kate at The Last Homely House on you tube?  Well this week I watched a video of her taking down her granddaughters quilt from her board, it is English paper pieced and the colours are just out of this world.  If you are not familiar with her channel go and have a look as her quilting is so beautiful and really they are works of art.   It has me inspired to have a go, she has been making it for the last three years, this is inbetween all the other things she makes and in the last video she also made a couple of quilted cushions to go with it, this was to teach people how to finish the edges. 

Other news, I am currently enjoyng House of  the Dragon, the Game of Thrones spin off, I have also been watching Bad sisters.  I don't really watch an regular tv we just pick a series to watch together then watch one in the evening usually after nine. 

For the rest of this month we have a few things planned, a night out for a curry for a family birthday, a long weekend away in the caravan to North yorkshire (Near Leyburn)  a  trip to the theatre to see a Buddy Holly tribute night and I paln to see a few friends for lunch one day.  So a few things going on, I don't usually have a very full month socially and that looks pretty full for me. 

I have been reading The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood and it is just plodding along, so it has taken me longer than usual I am almost done.  Also read  The Penelopiad by her also dull, maybe I need to give her books a miss now? Also started After Alice but this is not grabbing me either, every now and then I  have a run of bad books and it makes you think this is why some people don't like reading, if they tried to get into it then made a few bad choices it would put them off carrying on.  Maybe I need to start and just bring home a reall random armful from the library and then just put them down if they are dull, my trouble is I try to carry on as I hate leaving them unfinished.

Yesterday I checked out a Sewing magazine from the inline library and it reminded me why I don't buy them.  I must have flicked through it in no time, lots of ads, space fillers and just afew articles.  Good that you have this option online to look at magazines though.

Well that is my bit of a ramble for today I will link my latest youtube video below just in  case you want to watch,  Have a good week.

                                                                        Find the video here

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Last days of Summer and Saving Energy

 Hello everyone I hope you have all had a good summer, I say that like it is over I am hoping not just yet but it is feeling a touch cooler and the nights are getting darker already so unfortunatley it is on its way out.  Still tme to embrace the Autumn I do love the colours and in past years there has been still lots of sunshine into September and the beginning of October so fingers crossed. 

I have been trying to think of ways to winter proof us this last few days, there is so much talk about the energy prices that it puts you off turning anything on but I think perhaps the main culprits are anything that heats up. We have a mini oven (very small) for the caravan and although you can only fit a couple of things in it, it is very energy efficient.  So we have brought that in and whenever I want to just heat up spring rolls or a garlic bread for family to hve with dinner I am using that.  All this time I have been putting on the main electric oven but when you think about it all that heat for one thing.  People do say use it to its capacity but what if you only need to heat one thing?? So we have brought that in but as I said it is tiny.  If I had the room I would buy another slightly bigger mini oven, or I am even considering removing the main one and just replacing in the space there.  There are only three of us and when we have company it would be hob top meals!  Drastic I know but up to 6K a year on bills for a family, I don't think so.

We had some of  our double glazing replaced earlier this year, the front of the house as that was the worst but there is one back window not done that is a bit drafty.  I have had the idea that my husband will make a secondary frame for that, we have turned the water heating temperature down and are experimenting with how far that can go. So the main thing is going to be the heating, now people lived without heating for a very long time and we didn't have it when I was a child up to a certain age, then our second house didn't have it at first for the first winter we were in. Therefore the thing is we don't need it on as much as we all do, unless you are older or ill.  Have we become just too soft? I am speaking mainly for myself here so please don't take offence, I have always said I don't see the point in being cold at home but now no way am I contributing to the profiteering, yes there may be a shortage but why then are companies having record profits?  I will be wearing lots of layers, exercising and keeping a close eye on our usage.  If you have any tips please leave them below.

Right back to sewing, over the weekend I made the Bertha Cardigan from Make it Simple.  My friend has let me borrow this book and while it is a lovely book I am pushed to find much I want to make out of it.  Mainly because a lot of the patterns are just things I already know how to make as they are just very simple shapes.  Great for a beginner though so still worth a look if you are just starting out and don't have these patterns, and as laways super instructions.  One thing I did like was the Bertha cardigan, so I ordered this fur backed sweatshirting to make it.  It is a quick make and I really like the shape so I think there will be more of these for my winter layering up.

I think I might choose a more sweater style fabric next time, so something softer like a nice drapey knit, any suggestions.  If you have made this and it worked well please let me know what you have used, I really need to make them in some solids but there I went again chhosing a print!

Well that is all for today, a bit of an energy rant really take care everyone. 

Monday 3 January 2022

A Good Start

 The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day, what a good start to the year.  We have just been out with the dogs and came back to have a sandwich and some crisps.  The park was full so maybe everyone has the same idea to get out while the sun is shining.

As I don't eat regular bread I have used the last of my little gf rolls, so if anyone knows of a really quick little bread that can be made daily in small amounts please let me know.  I know how to make a full size gf loaf but it doesn't keep, it is only really good on the day and only me that eats it.  I buy the schar ones occasionally but they are so expensive for what you get so I need a really quick fix maybe something yeast free?  I had thought of adapting my scone recipe but there is plant spread in that so not so light as a bread, just a thought is thee such a thing as a scone bread?

Yesterday I finished my bag and listed that, I actually got all the photographs done only to find i had not added a label to the front.  As I have bought these bag labels they ought to be used so I handstitched one on and redid the photos again!  It is a good combination of colours this one, a bit of good news too when I got up this morning to see I had sold another bag, that always makes me happy.

First bag of the year this one, watch out for many more I do enjoy making them. 

 After lunch I have listed a few items on Ebay, I haven't done this for a while but thought I would give it a go.  They are clothes I don't wear anymore all in good condition back from the days of me buying in the next sale.  That was sometime ago as I make everything now but they are classic work wear styles so nothing that is out of fashion.  Step one for me of letting go of what I don't use, I look at them and they are nice but never wear them so someone else could be using them.

We have been watching Around The World in Eighty days and I am enjoying that, it is nice to see some easy to watch TV.  Also watching The Tourist, they do tend to start the new year with a bit of good viewing.

I have commented on the weather too soon as I have been typing this the sky has gone dark and it is now pouring.  We got out just at the right time. That is where my flexible plans for my days will come in handy, to get out while it's good and never put off a dog walk while the sky is blue. 

The tree came down this morning, it is always a little sad to say goodbye to Christmas.  Many people do leave their trimmings up a while yet but once it is new year we always tend to tidy them away for a fresh start.  It is just bare in the window without the twinkling lights.   We pop everything back in the loft in the same place each year so it is easy to find, the little counter top tree I had in the kitchen has been put in a bag with all the baubles still on it ready for next year.  Do you do the same or do you have a change each year?  I like to stick with the same decorations but if you like to mix things up I suppose you could do a swap with a friend or relative to save on waste. 

Have a lovely day everyone.

Sunday 2 January 2022

New Year Plans

 Happy new year to you all, I hope you all enjoyed your celebrations. I am excited for the new year and one of my intentions is to try and stay clear of the news especially first thing in the morning.  It can put a real spoiler on the day I think and of course there is not such much media coverage of all the good things in the world so I am aiming to focus more on those things.  I will of course watch later in the day at some point to keep up to date but I don't want to be consumed by it.  I think there has been a lot of that this last few years so it is now time to move forward without constant dread!

So I read the other day that is better to have intentions and I agree, we should try to do more of things we plan rather than this all or nothing approach where we just give up after a few months.  

We are palnning some more trips away in our van and we are looking forward to be able to plan those when we want now that my working time is more flexible.  For many years I have been restricted to the school holidays becasue even though my boys are grown I worked in school.  As I won't be doing that this year we are free to go when we wish and my husband can book his holidays when it is not peak times so that is a real bonus.

There is new bag cut on my sewing table ready to be but together, well it is mostly cut I just need to decide on a base and a lining but getting into all those odd bits of fabric. My stash of little bits is quite large now so I need to make a few more bags these coming weeks and get them worked down a bit I can barely get in the cupboard.

The little zip you can see in that image was also salvaged from something I was throwing away that was too danaged to go to the charity shop.  I just snipped off the zips and I will unpick it preperly just before I use it. There is much fun to be had getting out all the scraps and playing with them on the table, I am sure those of you that quilt probably do this too.

When we were going through the boxes to take for reycled I noticed that the whittards box that my tea came in before Christmas was patterned on the inside and very pretty, I have flipped it inside out and it is now on a shelf filled with zips.  Here it is with some of my other thrifted sewing bits, a nice tin (also home to zips) and my little tea cup.

One of my aims is to be more intentional with what I do in a day especially now as I am working from home.  I do tend to focus better with a list as  having things wrote down does give some structure and a plan.  There are  two jobs crossed off already today although I do know that many people don't like to do this.  It is whatever works for you, but pen and paper seem to be my friends in this regard. 
All of my sewing jobs for the next few weeks are lined up on drawers ready to go and I planned the next list after that last night. 

A few other bits I wish to improve on are 
  • Staying off facebook unless its a quick check in for groups that I am in 5 mins tops and using a timer! My close friends don't use it anyway so it is a bit of a time waster I fell back into last year.
  • Reading more non fiction alongside my fiction of course.
  • Doing a daily declutter even if it is just a couple of things.
  • Looking back on the past week to see what is on track, to celebrate not criticise. 

So I think they are a few good things to concentrate on for now I can alsways add more if I wish,  what are you up to this coming year any specific things to focus on for you?

Well have a lovely day and enjoy the rest of the week. Take care. 

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Books and that bit inbetween

 Hello I hope you are all enjoying a good rest and not too bloated from a week of over eating and drinking ;) I have to say it is 5 pm here I am about to start a curry for dinner and I am drinking a glass of rose!   Just the one mind although not usual on a Wednesday, it is Wednesday right?  We are currently in that bit of the holiday where I really don't know what day it is or what I am supposed to be doing with myself.

I do like a new start to the year, some people think it is pointless to start with new intentions but I like to plan something new.  That does not mean calling them resolutions though because I feel people miss a day with those and give up.  I prefer to try to do more of something and write it down, that way if you miss a day it doesn't matter as you can always reset the next day and still see all the days  you have been successful and not stress about the one day you missed.  I think doing something most days of the year and occasionally slipping and having a day off is far healthier than doing something every day for a month then giving up!

It is also fun to look back on my notebooks as I can see what I was doing or being interested in a year or two ago.  I have only done this the last few years but is very enlightening and there are also some super quotes in them and I have wrote some of them out again as a reminder.

One thing I did today was to move my cook books into the kitchen, now years ago I had them in the kitchen at my first house.  I did say never again as a few got a lot of splashes on them, looking back they were too close the oven area so that is why but they are to be used.  Up to now I have had them on the book shelf in the dining room and walked back and forth everytime I wanted to check something.  So no more of that but my son has had instructions not to splash milk every where when getting cereal as they are near the fridge unit.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you keep your books close to where you need them or in a safer place?  I didn't pay a lot for any of these, the oldest one there is possiblt the Rose Elliot one and that was from a charity shop along with Veg, Deliciously Ella and the Abel and Cole one. The big Vegan Cookbook there was a recent gift from my son, the Aine Carlin ones were all new but a fiver each and I have to say they are very well used.  The vegan baking one on the end was also bought new and is very good.  A few of these  books I had from the library first before finding second hand for a few pounds.

Personally I have never had the Abel and Cole veg boxes but a friend did and used to pass on some recipe cards now and then so that is why I spotted that particular book.

I have just been to collect my car from the garage and it has passed its MOT (that was before the glass of wine of course) we use a car centre that is very local to us so we walked there with the dogs then my husband carried on and I drove back.  It is always a relief when you don't get a big car bill after these things.

Well I had better go and get on with that curry as no one else will cook it. Just a bit of a check in today so stay safe and rested everyone and I will be back soon.  

Thursday 25 June 2020

Well I have been a little blog absent this last few weeks but sometimes you have to have a little  break especially at the moment. Last week I had intended to post here but I had pulled my back and couldn't think of anything else for days, no sleep, couldn't sit for any period and generally feeling a bit useless at hurting my back!  Therefor I did not complete the sewing planned for the weekend, it is all cut and ready to go...

Planning a jumpsuit, well tracing off and cutting out then leaving on the table all week! That is what happened but that can't be helped but the weekend is nearly here and I will finish it off then.  It is the Burda jumpsuit that I shared from the magazine and the third make form the May issue.

Here is my cut fabric, when will I wear this? Well hopefully soon and lots I like to make things that I can wear every day but my days are looking very different at work so we will have to see.

Adapting to my work... small classes mean I am often surplus, so cleaning sorting etc, it can be dull at times. I love the busy ordered day where we have so much to do and lots of children to work with with.  The difference is quite drastic and as we all do I long for normality.

Reading  some of the books I have bought, I have read a little book on Frida Kahlo it wasn't very long but I like the way it was styled.  You could say it was more of a gift book really with just a few art pictures, quotes and details of her life.  I enjoyed it but it was a very quick read as the pages were meant to look pretty rather then be fact filled.  I am still enjoying Things in Jars by Jess Kidd, reading at a slower pace and in no hurry  but loving it none the less.  Next on my list will be Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik I have enjoyed her other novels  so I thought I would give this one a try.

Now this is rare for me as I am a lover of the library and charity shops for my books but we do  not have that option at the moment so I have bought new.  I am ok with that as it is out of necessity and they will be treasured.

Loving  all the plants starting to flower in the garden, there is still a lot that will be a while yet but the ones that are are starting to bloom are looking lovely.

 We have three water butts and we are getting through a lot plus there are the courgettes and tomatoes which tend to be very thirsty.  I love watching things grow however and I am perhaps too over excited at at a new bloom.

Watching Sinner and we are are on series three I believe, my uncertainty is due to the male habit of always having the remote so I know what we watch but I often struggle to tell you if it is on Netflix, Now or whatever!  It may even be sky... anyhow we are binge watching that this week, well does one episode a night equal binge watching?? I think the young people would probably watch the whole series in one sitting, but that is not my thing.

Browsing  my new copy of Burda magazine but I am not as taken with this copy, I would say I don't need a pattern for all of the items in it so why would I trace them?  There is maybe one dress that I will make but it is not great I feel for July.  Everything is way too basic, it could be the time of year and the styles or just because I haver made similar before.

That is all for now, I hope to be sewing productive this weekend so I will hopefully have something to share next time, take care.

Sunday 31 May 2020

In the Garden

Another glorious day today and it would have been peaceful but for the hedge trimmers this morning blasting away over the back and then someone has spent the afternoon cutting down a beautiful old tree with a chainsaw over the back.  The noise has been very annoying but not as sad as another tree going down.  I know they need to be moved in certain areas if they are dangerous or diseased but there seems to be a lot of it at the moment.  A property sold not far from here recently and there has been a lot of work going on, there were various trees and shrubs around the property but not any more.  The entire front and side has been cleared of every bush, tree or anything remotely resembling greenery and it is a big area and now it looks like it will all just be hard landscaping. It is not my business and people can do what they like but I don't get it, it just looks like all the character of the land has gone.   Does anyone remember that song with the lyrics 'they paved paradise and put up a parking lot' well yes they did that!

I am happy to say it is the last day of me made May, I am wearing a very bargain stash skirt that I made with a £1.25 remnant some time ago and it is one that I love.  Self drafted a-line with a side zip and button, t shirt is challis again own pattern, a simple back and front piece ( not to be confused with my green jersey t shirt with the buttons on the front)   I do realise I have made two very similar tops.

This photo is a bit bright and doesn't do the colours of the skirt justice but I have shared it in the past.

After watching spring watch the other evening I went on the website to have a look at the survey they mentioned about pollinators.  There wasn't a lot to it but I did it anyway, I spent ages trying to get some good shots of the bees and wasps but they be still? ;)  When you go on it only lets you add one pollinator at a time so I had to go back to add another and go through the whole form again.  I had more to add but stopped at that point I will probably do some  more on another day.  It would be a nice thing to show  children and get them involved looking, there is a link about the different pollinators so they know what they are looking at.

This hedgerow is behind our fence and the bees love it.

I got a bit carried away taking phots of bees so I will stop there, I am sure when all my plants flower there will be a lot more to see in the garden too.

With a new month ahead I am on the look out for a new challenge I am not sure what it will be but I always feel the start of a new month is a good time to begin new projects.  I had an idea a while ago that I might like to have a go at making videos about sewing, well I have changed my mind on that.  I filmed a very short intro the other day about something I planned to do just to test the sound and I really don't like it.  Writing down random thoughts here is fine but filming no that is not happening, I also felt slightly mad talking to myself too.   

There was a little email stating my Burda magazine is on the way so hopefully I will be able to share plans from that soon, I am looking forward to trying it out and seeing if it lives up to its repuatation.

Well bye for now, I will be returning to a more relaxed blogging routine now that May is over, back soon. 

Monday 21 October 2019

These posts certainly come around quickly don't they?

Settling into the new season and only beginning to get used to getting up in the dark!  What happened there then? The dark mornings have literally come out of nowhere and my body is resisting getting up without daylight.  I am seriously considering trying out my SAD alarm clock again but the only trouble is it bothers my husband. I'll keep you posted.

Making a handbag as a gift for my friend, I had a lovely day sewing yesterday, planning it and finishing it off.  I am going to use similar colour ways for another one for my store but not the same of course, never two the same!  I hope she likes it.

I may add a few beads to the charm, if it doesn't look too much.

Same on the back minus the butterflies.

A bit of hot pink lining.

Reading 'Adventures for your Soul' by Shannon Kaiser, it is a bit airy fairy for me in places although I do enjoy positivity I draw the line at asking the universe for everything and it appearing. I'll carry on though as you never know there could be that one little thing in there that I just love. Also 'What the Dog Saw' by Malcolm Gladwell, now I have loved his other books but this one is very much a series of shorter articles.  A little disjointed and not what I thought but then that is my fault for not reading the review thoroughly.  On a brighter note I have loved 'The Corset' by Laura Purcel this was night time reading for when I go up to bed .  I like something gentle and non threatening before I go to sleep so this book just fit the bill.  I usually have a few books on the go non-fiction, a more challenging novel and an easy read for bed. My mum doesn't understand why I don't read them one at a time however they suit different moods and times of day. Does anyone else agree? 

Baking cakes, my latest was a lemon and walnut cake it was supposed to be just lemon but I didn't feel it was going to be nutritious enough so I swapped 50g of the sugar for ground walnuts and the water for soya milk.  It tasted amazing and I will make it again, no photos as it went so fast.  My gram flour eggless quiche did not fair so well .

Entering lots of sewing prize draws online, this is not something I usually do but I thought why not.  My friend enters these draws and she is incredibly lucky ,maybe some of it will rub off on me. 

Eating lots of seeds, I began doing this after reading an article on seed cycling to regulate hormones in the Healthy magazine.  You eat 1-2 tbs of flax seeds and pumpkin seeds for the first 14 days then switch to the same amount of sunflower and sesame seeds for the next 14 days.  You start all this on day one of your cycle.  It is easy enough to just add to cereals, I am hoping it may be helpful for migraine as I have a definite link with the timings of these.

Walking in the woods and being amazed by the size of the toadstools, much bigger than my hand and keeping my dogs away as they eat everything and we can do without more illness.

Appreciating all that I have, family, friends and a cosy home.

Take care everyone. 

Friday 9 August 2019

I thought I would do a post like this early on in the month instead of leaving it until the last minute so here goes.

Making mainly bags at the moment, I have decided to set a certain amount to stock on each online shop then stop, leave them on for a fixed time then if nothing is really happening after a reasonable amount of time they will be used or gifted.  Here is yesterdays bag, which is more of a revamp as I made this one a while ago but it has been improved.

Baking gluten free, vegan scones for the second time this week, I just know they would taste so much better with regular flour as the GF stuff has a certain taste to it but I have to look after my tummy.

Watching  Keeping Faith, I have pretty much binge watched this, this week and I have really enjoyed it. The scenery is lovely and I found the story very engaging even if I did wonder what the hell she was doing standing by her sad husband, if you have been watching you will understand!

Reading currently Night Road by Kristin Hannah, now I am half way through this and it is not really my thing but a friend passed it on and said it was amazing.  Well I am not feeling it and my husband keeps on saying why are you still reading that book you don't like? Well I feel I should see it through as she enjoyed it and books are a very personal thing.  Who knows the last few chapters  may blow me away, fingers crossed.

Growing  more lovely flowers in the garden, quite a few of what have come up have been a surprise as I planted some mixed colour seeds.  It would be nice if they had specified what they all were as I am now finding I like certain ones but have no idea of the names.

Enjoying the summer break but wondering why it always leaves me uncertain if I am in the right job. Maybe it is having more time to think but I am just not sure if I want to do the same thing for the rest of my working years but have no clear plan what path to take. 

Listening to  more Rich Roll podcasts, the latest one was an interview with Dan Buettner founder of Blue zones you can have a look at the website here . He has travelled the world studying the longest lived citizens of various communities and what they have in common, it is really interesting and of course a lot of common sense.  Both the website and the podcast are worth look/listen.

Wondering what to grow next in my greenhouse or garden for late summer, any tips for autumn colour as I would really love to keep the colours going for as long as possible.  Budget plants being the theme, I have no time for expensive plants that give a week of colour and then they are gone, especially with our British weather.  A week of bad weather could see us inside all week with blooms been and gone, no I want to grow or plant value giving varieties to keep the garden looking well a little longer.

That's all for now have a good weekend. 

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Green Things

This past week I caught up on watching Hugh's War on Plastic, it is pretty unsettling stuff I have to say and a lot of it just leaves you feeling a bit helpless.  We try to do our best but as the show highlighted, the shops don't make it easy for you and there is also the fact that as fast as we are trying to reduce our consumption the manufacturers are setting targets to increase output of the stuff.

I was asked this week by a colleague to make some reusable scrubbies for taking off make-up, she had bought some from a shop and wanted more.  I used materials I had and made twelve small circular ones and a little drawstring bag to wash them in.  I had a nice photo to share but yesterday my phone did an update and now everything is in the wrong place and all the photo's taken before yesterday have transferred small and out of focus!  I am disappointed about that and will get my son to look at it when he is home later, as I am not one of the phone generation it will take me twice as long to sort it.

This evening I have been altering t-shirts for another colleague, she buys them and then likes them shorter, with smaller sleeves and a lower neck.  It is one way of getting what you want, a lot of people won't shop charity shops but if they did they would see that you can buy things you love cheaply then get them altered.  It is still often cheaper than buying new and you can have them fitted to you.

It seems there is a lot of action from the public on reducing our consumption but very little from the government or big business. I still see a lot of unnecessary  packaging everywhere and lots of plastic that doesn't serve a purpose.  My husband just feels I think too much about these things but there are too many people who don't think about it at all perhaps.  A lot of the plastic free shops are in affluent areas also and I would imagine many people struggling on a tight budget are more worried about buying  affordable food for the week than they are about our long term futures on the planet.

On a lighter note summer term is almost over, there is lots of winding down going on, people moving on and new faces appearing at work.  I was sad to say goodbye to a colleague today, she  started at the same time as me and has been wonderful to work with.  I am sure we will be seeing her again soon.  She very kindly bought me this plant and I will leave you with an image of that after my initial grumpy start over the state of the planet.

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Sewing Blue

I think I need to shake things up a bit when choosing my fabric, I have just set out the fabric for my latest make and once again it is blue.  When I am choosing it I must just go into default mode as it is only when it arrives that I realise I have once again chosen the blue option. A couple of my makes were featured on the Minerva Crafts Blog on Sunday 7th (I've had to amend this as I was given a different date!) so if you would like a look go have a look on the blog, you'll have to go back a bit,   but they are of course blue.  Some of you have seen a peek of these before...

This top.
This dress also.
I have to say they have had a bit of wear already, the dress is comfy and the top goes well with jeans, if you want the full details just follow the link above to Minerva. So as I said this came to mind as I was planning my current make, this fabric...

Maybe I can let myself off the hook a little as I did make the green and grey cami on Friday but that was more of a using up small pieces project.   I wonder if any of you find yourselves going into auto pilot and making the same sorts of choices with fabric or wool. It does make sense to shop what you will wear of course but do we sometimes get stuck in a colour rut without realising it?

Here is a little compilation of some of the other blue makes, not including the one above, so as you can see a bit of a theme.  It also seems to have been the last year or so. Note to self to be more adventurous with the fabric choices.

I have just read 'Grit: Why Passion and Resilience are the Keys to Success ' by Angela Duckworth this past week.  It was an interesting read and makes a lot of sense when you consider some of the people who go on to do great things, they are not always the people who were outstanding students or particularly gifted.

 Following on from that one I read 'So Good They Can't Ignore You' by Cal Newport, this was also enjoyable but not always realistic.  A lot of the career stories mentioned  were of people in fields where there is a lot of room for growth and promotion.  While it is always preferable to be doing your best in anything you do, late hours, working and taking no holidays as a life is dedicated to a certain job has seen some people cast aside redundant after many years of service.  Some are simply overlooked no matter what while others may progress  by doing very little, but have the connections, say the right things and so on.  I think in some cases circumstances just fall right for some and other times life just doesn't go that way.   This particular author is very interesting and has achieved a lot, I have another book of his on my to read list and I find his ideas fascinating.  I just think we have to be prepared for the fact that unfortunately good work does sometimes go unnoticed and that is just the way it is, but to not let it ruin the next venture because there will always be something else.  This reminds me of what I mentioned a couple of weeks ago regarding exam results.  Young people need to be aware that there are many paths, some careers may not work out and some will, plus our plans can and will change.  To be believe in a sole dedication to one thing or else is quite dangerous. What do you think? 

Friday 21 June 2019

Making Parts

Today I have been busy all day but not with what I originally intended, I came down ready to start a another bag but was annoyed to find fruit flies in the kitchen not loads but enough for them to be annoying and of course we don't want that in the kitchen.  So that meant a browse on the net to find the best solution without chemical to get rid of them.  I opted for a trap that is just apple cider vinegar in a jar with a bit of washing up liquid, you then put a paper cone in the top and they go in but can't get out.  It is working, but initially as I was vacuuming I was getting any strays with the nozzle.  I feel bad  about this but we can't have contaminated food.

After that distraction I vacuumed the whole house as I may as well while I had it out, then I was hot so I did my pilates then rather than later followed by guitar and a shower.  Can you see how quickly I went off plan? Watering the greenhouse I noticed how large the pansies were and flowering so they have been potted up  along with a hanging basket.  Washing out and 'Oh look at the time' better do the supermarket shop. After putting the shopping away it was time to take the dogs to the park and then of course because it is actually warmer today the rest of the garden needed a water.

 I must try and pass on some lettuces this weekend as I don't want them wasted.

When I finally looked at the sewing machine there was just enough time to do something but not much before I had to start the dinner.  I decided to make a strap for the bag I am going to make as that felt like a complete thing in itself.  I am a bit funny in that once I start things I like to carry on but I have been trying to make things over a few days recently to take a more relaxed approach.   I have some cotton and recycled bag furniture so I paired that with some faux leather.  At least I feel like now I have achieved part of it, I will go back and do a bit more later.

I suppose it is better not to rush and I have thought making the handles in advance like this might be something I could do in future so that I have ready made supplies, if I do them in  quite neutral colours so they will go with lots of fabrics.

It has been a bit of a ramble today I know but that sort of goes with the day, sort of non stop without the doing what was planned.  Do you ever get those days where you know you have hardly sat down but when asked 'well what did you do today' you feel like you can't think of anything of any substance?    Of course that is not true, the house is clean, the fridge stocked everyone has clean ironed clothes every week and a cooked dinner but of course don't these things often go unnoticed. Oh dear now I sound like Victorian woman I am going to go before I ramble some more, bye for now. 

Friday 14 June 2019

A Few Friday Thoughts

Today was the last day of exams for my son, I'm sure there are a few of you out there who have children going through it at the same time.  He has been very relaxed about it all so I hope that has been a good thing I know some children find it incredibly stressful and that is so sad. I know there are young people with very fixed ideas about what they want to do, and some of them feel failing now will mean they never get to do it.  However there  are always access courses and taking a year out to try things, I know many people who have retrained later in life so these exams are not a map of life.  Sadly this is not the message that many young people hear, and expectations are piled on by school and home.  We all want our children to do well but this must not come at the expense of our relationships with them or their feelings of self worth and emotional well being.  So to all families out there who have been going through the exam period this last few weeks I wish you well.

Over on Minerva Crafts blog today you can see my post about my sundress that I made a little while ago.  It is a nice easy to follow pattern and the fabric is just wild.

It will be great if I ever get to wear it this year, unless I want to wear it to go for a paddle in the rain!

I have tried a few new recipes this week after my month of sticking to the same routine of foods, these falafel last night were lovely and you can find the recipe if you go on over to Minimalist Baker they are called kale and humous falafel.

Sorry I don't have a prettier picture of them on the plate as I had tow other dishes on the go at tea time and then a rush to get it on the table.  One of which was jackfruit wraps and we enjoy that, my husband had his with chicken in yet another pan.  There was enough jackfruit mixture left over to make some wraps for lunch today too, just a couple.  Youngest son enjoyed that and he has been eating more vegan food weekdays with just meat at the weekend.

On the top of these is a little vegan cheese, I don't use it a lot but it is ok in a wrap or sandwich.

I have just been watching a  few videos on YouTube about the benefits of waking early and how people have transformed their lives, some were really interesting.  One video however feature Mark  Warlberg  walking at 2.45am then working out at 4.00am, I am all for discipline but I don't get that unless you are catching a flight or something.  He goes to bed about 7.30!  If you did this you would be just effectively turning your life upside down to the point where you don't see anyone.  I don't know maybe some  people think that is a good idea but where is time for family if you have a self imposed permanent night shift.   I am impressed by his discipline like I said but I do wonder what his family make of it.  

That is all for now I am off to walk the dogs. 

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Hi there, I thought I would join in again today with Christina  and Joe with another 'ing' post.  I have to admit that this has come around far too quickly and like many of you I'm sure, feel like I am in a constant battle with the clock.  Well enough of that here goes...

Growing all sorts of things at the moment, quite a lot has gone outside now. I'm very happy that from a few seed packets I now have lots of plants outside so this will have been quite a saving.  Although saying that I would never have bought that many flower plants as I planted out over forty on Thursday and there are still some to go out.  I have peas that need putting out and the lettuce that are inside are doing really well much better than the ones outside.

Reading 'Can We Live Here' by Sarah Alderton, this is a travel memoir and I wasn't sure when I first started it if it was for me.  I have continued with it and it has a funny moments however some of the language feels a bit young to me (or am I just getting old) for example calling people dude, as a grown woman is  a bit weird to me and phrases like that.   The young family in the book rent out their house and set off around the world with a little one in tow to find paradise, or at least something like it where they can live.  Some of the descriptions of places sound stunning and others appalling as you would expect when seeing the whole spectrum the world has to offer. It has been a good change to read something a bit different.

Drinking  tea, water and cordial only as I have decided to do one year no beer, not that I drink very much anyway but I have decided to do this after seeing it on a podcast and listening to a very interesting talk about it.  I probably buy a bottle of wine about once a week and I just decided why? To be honest I often feel sleepy after a glass anyway so I am giving it up.   

Deciding what to make with the lovely purple fabric from Minerva Crafts. I had thought an underwear set like the one below however it occurred to me that they require photos of finished products and there is no way I am being photographed wearing that!

Wearing tights again today and not happy about it, the building at work is cold and just when I thought the summer wardrobe was out to stay here I am walking around all day with a fleece on.  Hopefully this dreary weather won't last.  My son has been at Alton Towers this last couple of days too, not the best for standing in cues.

Eating pretty much the same menu each week recently, pasta, curry, stir fry and so on.  I have just felt it has been one less thing to think about and made shopping so quick on a Friday.  I find I go through phases of trying lots of new things then settle into a pattern now and again, I may have to mix it up a bit soon before the family complain;) I'll maybe have a new set menu for a few weeks.

Listening to the Rich Roll podcasts on YouTube, usually while sewing or ironing.  He is an ultra athlete, former lawyer who completely changed his life.  He interviews a variety of people and some I enjoy more than others.  I like to have something to listen to while I get on with things.

Waking up earlier, this is always so much easier in the summer and mornings feel more relaxed.  I don't stay in at the weekend anymore as I am just naturally awake earlier.  It would be nice to think this will continue through  the seasons but I will have to report on that later in the year.  Just reading a few pages and eating breakfast slowly is wonderful.  Does anyone else experience this more at this time of year or are you an early riser all year round?

Well that is all for now,  thanks for reading.


Friday 8 February 2019

Here and Now

Hello, I thought I would share a little of what I've been up to as we move through February, hard to believe it is here already and wasn't it just Christmas? Anyway I read this fabulous article on and you can find it here.  If you have not read this blog before it is well worth a look through all his back posts as they are so interesting.  This article is all about how we often start new hobbies, strive for new achievements and meet new people without ever really getting to know in depth that which we set out to do, learn or achieve.  The same goes for some relationships he stresses, for some people.  He talks about he spent  time developing lapsed hobbies, returning to previous learning projects and also spending time with people close to him.

I thought this was a really  thought provoking article as today we are often encouraged to keep striving for the new, the novel and the latest craze and it is somehow seen as being left behind if you are not at least trying to get on board with the latest social craze. David (the author) also recommends returning to much loved books and half finished projects around the house.  Just developing a feeling of having and being enough without looking for the next thing.

I have been trying to keep this in mind as I go about my days, and there are all kinds of areas we can apply this to. Just  before Christmas I started a  course on Future learn about English in early Childhood.  This relates to my job and while there was lots of overlap with courses I have already done there was still lots of  new and interesting information.  I have lots of non fiction books that I have enjoyed but I can't remember all that they contained, I have decided that my current book pictured below will be read with an eye to learning rather than just whizzing through it, I have to say I sometimes do that and it is not a race to the finish is it?
All in all the theme was to go deeper into everything we do or already do and I am trying to keep that at the front of my mind whatever I am doing or am about to do, without seeing things as a task to be got through.   When we first start  new things they are not tasks are they?  I think perhaps we make them so just because they are no longer new.

With that in mind today I had some alterations to do and while I have done rolled hems before I thought I would watch a professional first.  I found this on YouTube How to sew a perfect rolled hem and this is really good as she does not recommend using the rolled hem foot just your zipper foot.  This will depend on your machine but I have always found my regular foot works well, the tips on handling though are really useful and I did notice a difference so take a look at that. 

Yesterday a top I made for my mum was featured on the Minerva Crafts blog if you want to take a look you can find it here Minerva Crafts  you may have to scroll down to find it, it's the metallic jersey top.

I am also reading The Little Drummer Girl in fiction, I did watch the drama when it was on TV so I have had this on order from the library. Sometimes the book is so much better and other times they disappoint we will have to see how this one measures up. 

Oh I have one last link for you, this song from Hillsong United, Hold Me Now , it is a worship song and I know that may not be for everyone but they are amazing musician's so have a listen, it is so beautiful.  I have it on now as I write this, it's a current favourite of mine. 

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...