Saturday 2 March 2019

A Flamingo Makeover

Last week I was wondering what to do with the fabulous flamingo wrapping paper that I bought from Wenthworth garden centre. A few ideas came to mind like notebooks and storage boxes but I still felt it needed to be on display as it is too pretty to hide in a cupboard. Julie at  My Threadbare Life suggested putting it in a frame, that is also a good idea but then I spotted one of my sewing boxes that was looking a bit tired.  I had painted the vintage box when it was given to me some years ago but it was starting to get a bit faded and scuffed.  It is one the boxes I use for some of my cottons and many of you may have one the same.

Here it is with its new flamingo cover...

I started off cutting out all the pieces by carefully laying the paper on then making a little fold where I needed to cut.  Originally I started out with some very sticky glue that was not a good idea and just made a mess, a trusty glue stick from Asda worked much better I just made sure I put plenty on.  It could really do with a clear coat of varnish now but I haven't any at the moment.  All the ones I have seen in the shops have a slight yellow tinge to them and I don't want that.  Any ideas would be welcome.

When I had placed all my paper pieces there was still a little bit of cream paint showing around the edges of the drawers.  Luckily I had a little pale green paint leftover from when I did the makeover on my hall cupboard here Retro cupboard makeover, it was a little pale for this so I added a little dark green from my son's paints he had when he was younger.  I kept the little box of paints and brushes  as I knew they would come in useful and they often do!

This has given it a new lease of life and the wrapping paper was only £2.49, there were so many lovely designs I will have to keep them in mind for any future makeovers.  There is still a small amount of paper left so maybe it will go around a pencil pot or something like that.

Here it is before I started with my  original paint job, it has many more years of life left in it.  I think the old lady who originally owned it would be pleased to see it is still being put to good use.

Etsy Shop


  1. Such a great idea to use some lovely wrapping paper! It looks fab.

  2. A wonderful job you made of it and has given it a completely new look.

  3. I think your box looks just beautiful! I love those old fashioned style of sewing boxes so much. Have you thought about Mod Podge to cover the paper? It goes on white but dries clear & is a wonderful sealer for anything pasted on. In fact it dries invisibly - I have used it on lots of things.

  4. Looks great. I was going to suggest modge podge or decopatch glue as above but as a teacher I am sure you can lay your hands on some PVC glue to water down and give it a coat to give it some longevity. I think it is a great way to look at your beautiful paper. Jo x


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Me Made May 2024

 Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well I know it has been a while.  There are so many things that I haven't posted that I just do...