Thursday 30 October 2014

Frugal Errors and Overpriced Coffee

Yesterday we had a quick visit to Meadowhall, it was a necessary trip as son needed new jeans/chinos.  I like to get in and out pretty quick usually as people shuffling along at a snails pace wondering what to spend next just drives me crazy. So after a quick decision on my sons part we got the jeans and then made our way to  the Lego store ( we have to do this, it is the bargaining tool to get him to come and choose clothes he will wear!) we don't go to buy but just look and perhaps think what we might get for Christmas.
So after these brief amount of time we are heading out and we pass Starbucks, now I have to confess that over the past few months I have bought a few of these when we have been near one, nothing over the top maybe three times last month and a couple the month before.  I know you probably think 'so that is just a couple of pounds' but really when you look at it it is such a waste.  If my son has been with me or both of them I've bought us all one, at £3.00 a go that's £9.00 on coffee! To be honest the last time I had one mine was luke warm but I complain? No I was very British and grumbled about it to my son and did nothing.
The other insult about this place is that they charge you  extra to sit inside, you are a customer! Why are they charging extra to drink their product on the premises it's crazy!
Anyway it occurred to me that ever so slightly bit by bit for a couple of months I have been letting my frugal habits slip. I think this happens sometimes without us realising it, it becomes easier to spend money (or waste it) as you do so.  I have been doing the usual justifying that we do, you know what I mean 'I work full time, it's only a few pound, I'm allowed a treat' yes all of this is true but I like the freedom that comes from not having to spend money to feel good and having security behind me.
So I had a bit of a wake up call yesterday about what is important to me, and also felt a little shaken by how easily we can get sucked back into the wasteful consumerism. I walked past the dreaded Starbucks and decided that as we needed milk on the way home I would buy a jar of coffee that would last weeks and not just buy one cup.
I had to pass Tesco and when I looked they had coffee half price from £4 to £2. I came home and made us both my version of the caramel mac which Starbucks lured me in with.  I cannot drink milk I have to have Soya so this is how I made my coffee...
I spoon of instant coffee (half a cup of hot water)
Half a cup of soya milk heated in the microwave then whipped up with a fork until frothy and poured over
A good squirt of Syrup on the top (rest of the family take milk in theirs)
The syrup was from Aldi the other week £1, I use it for pancakes for the children.
Now look, that is as good as the overpriced stuff and I get to sit wherever I like.

I worked it out and the can of coffee says 55 cups on the side so 3.65 pence a  cup plus a bit of soya and a splash of syrup I think it works out to about 8 pence  a cup, as opposed to £3.00! I feel like I must have been in a bit of a daydream because yes we know it's expensive but you think well I'm out and I'd quite like a drink.  So stop and think.
There are a couple of other areas where I think I have also become a bit more free with spending and I need to reign it in.  I have bought fabric twice this month, I told myself it was ok as I have done extra sewing jobs but the idea of doing the extra work is to make money not spend it. I need to get back to sourcing more recycling for materials and not rely on the new stuff.
The weekly shop is always under control so maybe that is why I haven't noticed the other bits slipping away, now that I am mindful of it I think it will be easier to keep in check.
Has anyone else had a similar experience of realising they may have been a bit wasteful? I find it helps me to share as I become more accountable this way. 

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Scottie Dog Handbag

Well I have daylight pictures of the bag I finished yesterday so I thought I'd share. I used the new fabric for the main part but the rest of the materials are recycled, denim, husbands shirt, canvas belt, button from my stash, ribbon etc.  I always have in snap fasteners just in case the mood takes me to make a bag.
 Sometimes I want to make one and I don't have enough denim for the supporting fabric or a long enough piece to make the strap and no alternative belt or whatever then I get annoyed and start thinking about stuff I've got rid of that could have been used!  This is silly of course because we can't save everything, that is called being a hoarder, but if you sew you probably know the kind of thinking I'm talking about.
So here is the bag...
I made this one a bit longer than usual thinking people might need an umbrella at this time of year and it is so annoying when they poke out of the top of your bag.

Two functional pockets one outside one inside.

I have listed it in my Folksy Store and I would be interested if anyone is looking for something in a particular theme to let me know so I can think about making items up for my Store. 
Off now to sew something else.

Monday 27 October 2014

Half Term Sewing and Dark Nights

Lovely half term! Time to do what I want, that is a very positive thing about October, getting a week off work, other good things are my lovely sons birthday which is a positive in itself but we also always go away for the weekend as his treat. The other lovely thing is its my wedding anniversary this month.
 Now not so good stuff about October, dark nights, cold, dead plants (Ooh yes the trees look gorgeous but the rest of the garden doesn't) and the consumer nightmare in the shops that is Halloween.  Who is buying all that pointless tat? Also what exactly are we supposed to celebrate for this occasion? Zombies, witchcraft and axe murderers? Er no thanks.
I know I sound a bit grumpy about that but really, buy a pumpkin make a lantern and soup of course (don't wast the middle, I bet loads of people do) but the rest of it is just throwing money away.
Speaking of dark nights here is a picture I took at 3.50 when I went to drop my son off at his friends house for tea.
Oddly the sky looks quite bright in the picture it wasn't as I took it, by 4.15 as I was driving back I had to put headlights on and many street lights had come on. I really am a summer person.

Now I have to find some wonderful things to embrace about the dark night so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  I have already thought I will start lighting candles as they make everything cosy, I was very impressed buy some knitting I saw by Jo at Making it well she has recovered from an illness and been making stuff ever since.  Her sewing is fabulous but her knits fit so well, such a talented person.  I am inspired to knit something although mine wont be anything like hers.
I have knitted years ago but it takes so long I get impatient, maybe its just the thing to see me through winter.
This morning I got in an early swim  and intend to do that everyday this week while I am off as I never get to go in the morning when I'm working as it starts at 7.00 am and I have to leave for work at 7.25.  I go at night and then it is busy.
A new bag was made with little scottie dogs on, I will photograph tomorrow in day light!  I used this fabric that I was charged double for (not happy about that)...

I have a bit left so I may list that one and make a slightly different version for me.
This week I started reading 'The map of time' so far so good.

It is set in the era of Jack the Ripper in White Chappel so anyone who is a fan of Ripper Street may like it. It promises a time machine at some point but I haven't come across one yet, also the author keeps addressing you as you read with things like 'oh I'm straying off point here' and 'let us return to this character' which is a bit odd but I'm sure I will get used to it. 
Back soon with daylight pictures of new bag. 

Sunday 26 October 2014

Frugal shop

I went and did my shop this morning straight after church at Aldi. I try and do this whenever I can as it is quiet usually at that time and I try to get in and out as quick as possible that seems to keep costs down.  It does also mean that I sometimes forget the odd item but we are surrounded by shops so it is no big deal if I have to run in and grab one item occasionally.
Today was not so quiet as all the people who are usually in bed have got up because the clocks went back and they got an extra hour! I felt grumpy having to share my usually quiet supermarket with so many other people grr! Any how shop done and I managed to get it down to £40 this week. Mainly because I didn't need any toiletries or cleaning stuff and there were some good offers on the super six stuff, peppers (pack of three) satsumas, apples, plums, mushrooms and butternut squash all 69p.
I have this week off so there will not be any rushing in at tea time thinking quick what am I making, and while I do generally plan what we are having there are days when I come in and think, oh I just want to do something quick. Being off work this week will save all that hassle.  I'm also going to make sure that when I make a curry and veg casserole etc. I'm going to do a couple extra to freeze to save me some time the week after.  Here is some of what I got...
I had already packed away some of it before I took the photo but other than the box of cereal and biscuits its all fresh stuff and no ready meals or things like that.  I think when people overspend on their food shopping those items are usually the culprits.
Ready meals are usually disappointing and not at all filling so if you can get out of the habit of buying them it will save you loads.
I do have a ready fresh soup there, I could have easily made this as I have plenty of veg so it was only when I got home I thought what have I put that in for?  I also noticed as I was checking my receipt in the store that the pudding my son chose for today was £2.99! A bit more than I would usually pay but he is a big help and was running around getting me the milk and stuff so when he asked I said put it in then.
I must check my receipts more often as I went to the fabric shop yesterday and only noticed when I got home that I had been charged for a half meter and not a quarter making one piece of fabric £7.00 for a fat quarter ( if you sew you know that is a tiny bit of fabric!) I had some other bits and notions and stuff so I didn't check in the shop, also she was chatting and asking me about my sons so I suppose we were both distracted.
 The thing is the shop is right across town so the time and fuel to get there is hardly worth going back.  I must be more careful, it's no good saving in area then losing it in another.
I bought the overpriced fat quarter for a bag I am making for my store so lets hope I eventually make back the cost. I also bought the fabric for the cowl neck dress I shared the other day and some tartan for the skirt. watch this space.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Autumn Sewing

I have been wondering what to make this Autumn/ Winter as anyone who sews will know that it is difficult to find fashionable fabrics in stores that don't cost a fortune.  Honestly I find it very difficult to find new stuff at all because so few of us do it now they don't have a very good turnover of stock.  You can go in from one season to the next and still find the same stuff!
I think the crafting fabrics get replenished more often maybe as more people do quilting and smaller items but a lot of people shy away from clothing I think.
I like knits and jersey fabrics for this time of year but the patterns available in a lot of shops are so old fashioned, even online it's not much better.  I did find an online shop called Charlie Girl they have lots of gorgeous prints but the postage was absolutely ridiculous (something like £20 for my £11 pound order!) It is a US site but it isn't that expensive to post from the US so I don't know why the extortionate amount.
I spotted this lovely dress...
This is from the Burda Style site, now I wouldn't buy the pattern as I have shift style dresses and it is an easy shape to make without the pattern if you just lay on top of an existing item of a similar shape, allow generous seam allowances and try on as you go.  You probably will get a better fit doing it that way any how. I have not done a cowl neck before but how hard can that be? Not very I bet .
Now I need to  find some reasonably priced knit fabrics in good colours and patterns and this would make a few good work dresses with thick tights.
I really like the fabric in the picture, I have a lot of black though so maybe I'm playing it a bit too safe to go for that, anything too wild can look a bit too dressed up for work.  Must investigate options for this one.
I also really like this skirt...
Also from the Burda Style site but I already have a dress that I made last year in that type of fabric if you remember from my earlier post 

So you see I tend to go for the same kind of things but I don't wear that dress very often it is a going out dress. A skirt would get more wear but maybe I need a different colour.  I like the way it is cut at a different angle at the bottom. I will have a browse, charity shops, online etc and see what can be done. Recycled would be best of course.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Make way for Christmas

Now I know a lot of people will be thinking please do not mention Christmas just yet! Well I really don't get why it has become such a headache for some people and lets face it, it will be here before we know it.
I can understand people who are struggling seeing it as one more thing to budget for, but that is it, you need to budget for it and not get sucked into the buy everything lie!
We all decided years ago (about 17 to be exact) that we would not buy for the adults at Christmas, there was one child in the family at that time (my nephew) and that has only grown to four children over the years. It immediately took all the stress of 'what shall I buy, will they like it, did I spend enough?' We all breathed a sigh of relief and have not looked back. We buy on birthdays, this is more one to one and spread out through the year.
These were 10p card packs bought on sale just after last Christmas.

I also got plain card packs on sale from Hobby craft for the ones I will make, so some of the spending is already taken care of.
People say but I enjoy the giving, so why are so many people in debt, stressed out and complaining about it? A lot of it has to do with expectations and you need to decide whether or not those expectations are your own or other peoples.

The meal on Christmas day also seems to send many people into a state of panic, do you not cook the rest of the year? If not why are you inviting ludicrous amounts of people to your house on a day in which you feel the meal is vitally important.  If you are not confident cooking then don't invite everyone, if you want to be hospitable then invite but ask that all chip in and bring something.

The main event should be getting together and enjoying that feeling of togetherness, anyone who is more concerned about a burnt Yorkshire pudding is perhaps not as close to you as you thought. ( U.S readers may not know what a Yorkshire pudding is -it's a batter made with eggs and flour cooked at a high temperature in the oven until it rises and usually served with Sunday lunch.)

My children usually decide what they want about now and we get it sorted at the best price after doing a bit of research online, they know how much they can ask for and if they want something that comes to more they can combine it with the gift they get from grandparents etc.  This has never needed to be done as we usually manage to find what they want at the set price.

Don't leave it until last minute, that is the key thing I think.  If you know it will be a struggle then start saving in January if you must, why are people rushing around in December when everything is top price it makes no sense.

It is coming! Don't stress, spend as little as possible and just enjoy the twinkly lights and time off work that what I think anyway.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Make it fit!

I have done quite a lot of clothes alterations this past week, not for myself but for other people.  This is not always the most exciting aspect of sewing but it is one of the most useful and cost effective uses for the hobby.
I had a bag full  of dresses, trousers, jackets etc. at the weekend that a friend dropped off, I replaced a zip for a colleague of my husbands and last night I took in two shirts that my husband had just bought. He always buys them for the collar to be comfortable but then they are too wide in the body.

My friend is short so her trousers will always be too short, plus she has lost weight.
Now many people would see losing weight as an ideal excuse to just get rid of all their clothes and buy new. Well that could cost an awful lot of money, despite the fact that some people may object that by the time you have paid for alterations you could buy new, that is not really true is it?  A nice pair of trousers may be £20 at least, a local person would charge far less to make them fit for you.  There is also the fact that you may still need length adjustments , so on top of the new price you may still need to have them taken up for them to be perfect.
It is also the case that you can buy great bargains at charity shops and sales if you find some one to do your sewing for you. You never have to think oh that is too long, a bit big etc, just grab the bargains and have them fitted to you.
Often when I buy things at charity shops even if they are my size I still like to alter the length or tweak things a little, it make them more to my taste.  This is something you can't always get from just going out and buying new because we are all different heights and not many people are a fixed size waist and hips.
If you have seen this dress in an earlier post that I got from a charity shop I pretty much took it apart. It was a size 14 I think, (I'm an 8) and floor length maxi.  It was shapeless also, I gave it structure, raised the hem while maintaining the border at the bottom and sized it down.  Maybe you have clothes that just need some time and attention,  it will save you money and save those clothes ending up in landfill.  Why not find a local seamstress.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Fabric, Books and Under the Weather

Well the last couple of days have been a little unproductive as I have not been well. I am wondering if it is the change in the weather all of a sudden but I have had a bit of everything.  they say you don't catch cold from the cold (I know it is a virus) but why is it as soon as the temperature drops everyone starts dropping with it.
My fabric arrived but I have no energy to get started so it will have to wait, I am also now confused as to what to do with it.
The tartan fabric is lovely and soft and would make lovely winter cushions so a bag no longer looks likely. The fabric with the birds will still be a skirt but the birds are a lot smaller than I thought so they do not give the impact I had hoped.
If I go down the route of making cushions though I will have to replace all of my living room cushions with wintry ones. That feels like an unnecessary expense so unless I can come up with a frugal or recycled way of sourcing knit or fleece fabric we will have to see.  My patchwork cushions are perhaps more suited to spring summer, hmm.... unwanted woollies anyone?

This kind of thing would work with old jumpers.

While I have been feeling rubbish I have been reading Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman ,if you are interested follow the link in the side panel . It is really interesting and I love books that teach you about how you think and why. One small thing in it stuck in my mind and it was about an experiment where students were asked to read an amusing text, some held a pencil in their mouths sideways forcing them to smile. The others held it pout fashion, the ones smiling found the text more amusing.  Basically if you make yourself smile more you naturally feel better.  I have read about this before but we need these reminders don't we.
I have some little Amazon ads down the side of the blog now, don't know how this will work or if it will but I thought I'd give it a little try as I shop on there for my books and with Christmas coming I'll be buying off there for my children too. Nothing too invasive.
Oh, I also bought myself some B vitamins thanks to Pam in Texas for reminding me about that I'm sure when I recover I will feel the benefit.

Friday 10 October 2014

New fabric on order and it's Friday Yay!

I'm feeling good mainly because it's Friday.  It has to be my favourite day because even though I have to go to work ( I know I shouldn't think like that, but I do love days to do as I wish) it has the whole weekend stretching out before it.  Now we don't always accomplish everything we might like at the weekend but on a Friday there seems endless possibilities.
For me this weekend there is going to be more sewing. Making my jacket after a few weeks absence has reminded me that my mind is clearer and most at rest when I have a sewing task to get on with. I have some bits of fabric left and a large piece which will become a dress but sometimes the leftover bits force you to become more creative.
I also have a large bag of alterations that someone dropped off the other evening which will keep me very busy and has also inspired me to buy some fabric for me. The cost will only be a small amount out of the money I will make from the alterations, I ordered from fabric rehab. I may have mentioned them before, it is a gorgeous website but they sell by the fat quarter which many of you will know is not a cheap way to buy fabric, especially if you are a dress maker and not a quilter.
I ordered this...
This will become a large tote bag for me, the kind that can hold a ring binder for work ( and my lunch of course) and any other bits and bobs. Unless it arrives and it just has to be something else.

I also ordered this ...

Now this I will make into a skirt but I really want to find some fabric in the royal blue to make a top but more of a jumper, so something with a bit of weight to it to go with the skirt.
Now I don't know when this will arrive so for the  meantime I will have to make do with what I have.
I don't feel at all guilty about my purchases as I know the items will be made by myself here in the uk.  I also appreciate the time that goes into making things so I don't shop excessively and my fabric purchases are very well spaced and it all gets used up.  I often read about people with huge fabric stashes (I look on in envy too). Ok just kidding that is totally up to the individual but for me I would have the nagging voice going 'when are you going to make that up, come on when?' and that would just drive me potty.
Soon it will be time to make some Christmasy things (Spell check did not recognise Christmasy) well as made up word I can spell it how I want then.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Sherwood Weekend Break

We just had a nice weekend away at Sherwood forest Holiday park with the caravan. It was nice to get away and have a relaxing time.  We didn't take the TV, some friends took their caravan too and we just went out in the day, talked, ate and read. here is a picture from the site as the only ones I took on the phone were of the dogs!
It is actually a bit blurry but you can see better if you follow the link here  and there are lots of photos on the site. My son said it is good to go away for the weekend as it make it feel longer, I think that is probably due to the change in routine.

I started a new book while I was there called a Discovery of Witches, it is ok so far.  I chose it because it was supposed to be along the twilight style but more for grown ups.  I will let you know how it goes.

The book is the start of  a trilogy but if it doesn't wow me I wont be going for all three. 
So tired again this week and it is only Tuesday, I wonder if it is due to it getting dark early now or if there is something I am missing, loads of other people complaining of being over tired too. Something in the air maybe?

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Black Denim Jacket Finished

I finished the jacket and quite a lot of time went into this, more so because of the lining which I like to finish off by hand where it meets the jacket as the lining fitted this jacket so closely I had to ensure it sat well.
The buttons I chose were 50p each which is more than I would ever normally spend on buttons but they were the only ones in the shop that I felt went with it.  I also did not have any to re-purpose for this project.
I would have needed 10 buttons but they only had 8 and as I really wanted them I decided to make the jacket without the side straps. ( You know the little tabs on either side of denim jackets that have a little button)
A day light picture!
Here you can see the pink and white lining

I don't think you can see clearly here but the buttons have a sight curve and are a bit distressed not just plain silver. It gives it a bit more interest. Still needing a bit more more pressing around the last few finished edged to make it more crisp.

I have just looked at this picture and thought I should have added an inside pocket it would have taken no extra time at all really. Damn! I will have to do another in a different colour.
I thought I may as well go outside in the last bit of daylight and take a couple wearing it. 

A couple of things I will change, as I said the other day I will make the pattern a little smaller in the back but it is ok for fitting winter stuff under without being bulky.  I will probably buy ordinary cheap lining in a bright colour, the Paul Smith is lovely but for what you see of it, hardly worth the extra. ( Just a little design feature I fancied really that only I really know about. Oh and now you!) 
I will also have to start sourcing buttons again, years ago I used to have quite a collection but many bags and clothes later I have used them all up and wow have they gone up in price.
Another good thing that has come out of making such a time consuming item is it makes you really think how on earth can they ever sell stuff in Primark for a fiver and anybody make a living? People are getting screwed over so others can have cheap clothes.  Maybe everyone should have to make a really time consuming item and then get paid a few pence for their trouble and see how well that sits with them.
Sorry I am dissolving into a rant on ethical clothing, back soon.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Burda Black Denim Jacket and Random Bits

Sorry for the absence. I have had a more productive week and I feel like I have had more time for me and less time worrying about work but I only just got around to doing this!
I decided to renew my swimming membership this week it just wasn't worth paying weekly as I would end up wanting to go more often and this way I can just go when I want. It still works out to the same amount for just going once a week.
I feel I am making progress with the guitar playing, I can play a few songs now (perhaps not very well but still) and I can change most of the main chords quickly.  I made a promise to myself to practice every night so that is what I do.  If I never play it for anyone else I don't care, I wanted to learn and I'm going to see it through so I am feeling really positive about that.  Also my fingers no longer hurt as they are quite tough now and shapes I never thought I could get into quickly are now possible so perseverance does pay off.
I am reading 'Mindset' by Carol Dweck this week, not quite finished it but I would have preferred more tips and less anecdotal stories.

The book is about how people can achieve their full potential and that many people are stuck with a thought process that tells them if they are not good at something without effort then they are no good and can never be talented in that area. The argument is that successful people never stop trying to learn and improve and being the smartest at the start of life does not always transfer to a successful life.
Interesting stuff however she has a more academic book available on the subject and one review did say she had simplified this book too much so maybe I will check out her other work.
Today I have spent the afternoon sewing finally! I started the denim jacket that I bought the fabric for in the summer. Now that the weather is turning I felt more inspired to make it.
I am using a Burda pattern, I don't use many patterns but as this was very structured I decided to use one.
The only downside to this being everything takes so much longer than when I do my own thing as I am using somebody else's instructions etc.

I am doing 'A' style but in black, I am also lining mine in pink and white stripe Paul Smith shirting.  It is not lined on the pattern so I will sort that part myself.
The thing with doing these commercial patterns is all the cutting out of bits!  I spent ages just getting the pattern pieces sorted, I've usually made a dress in the time it took me to cut pieces!
Flimsy tissue paper!
I had to be quick and move these as we were also cooking Sunday dinner.

I enjoyed doing it and I sometimes forget how relaxing it is to just lose yourself in some sewing especially something like this where I have to concentrate. It definitely calms your mind. I got all of it put together apart from the sleeve bands and I still need to do rest of button holes and buttons.  I will sort the lining tomorrow it would have been completed today but as I am lining it there were bits I couldn't finish until that is in.
Here is where I am up to so far...

I am pleased with it so far but if I make it again I will alter the pattern and make the back smaller as I like jackets more fitted, but saying that if it is for Autumn I may want to fit jumpers under it so we will see.
I am also wondering whether to make the collar slightly narrower? I have already made it smaller than the pattern but I am wondering is it still a bit 70's. I will decide tomorrow when I finish off and hopefully then get some better pictures of it finished.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Feeling Positive

After a shaky start to last week I am feeling much more positive, there are so many things that I wouldn't change that it left me thinking why was I feeling so low about the new term. I have a choice in what I do and if an opportunity presents itself that I think is better then I will act on it, otherwise I will do my best with a smile on my face and not let trivial things spoil my day.

Here are some wonderful quotes that I want to share, these are my favourites...

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can,and the wisdom to know it's me.  -Author unknown

I'm working on it!

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.  - Berthold Auerbach

I have music on in the car every day on the way to work and it never fails to lift my mood.

All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads to complaining,but it's truer to say that complaining leads people to become unhappy. -Dennis Prager

This is one to think about. I tend to think that talking things overs helps but are we in fact fuelling the misery?
There has to be a balance though, a person who goes through life thinking everything is glorious while walls are crashing down around them may be unrealistic if not annoying.
If disaster does strike then I think you are allowed a moan.

Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!-Amanda Bradley

Thank you friends, you know who you are.
All these quotes are from Inspiration Line  

Thursday 11 September 2014

Late Summer Lethargy

I haven't  updated this as often recently, or done much sewing, exercising, reading (other than online) or learning Spanish for the last two weeks! I know it's disgusting isn't it? I need to get on with stuff! On the plus side I have practised my guitar every day but I seem to have chopped everything else for the time being.
That is not good, we need balance and I suppose if I go on like this I could ruin my enjoyment by making it the only interest.
There has been  some sewing for others but that is not really sewing in its role as a fun hobby but more an extension of work.
I do wonder whether I should feel guilty or if this slump is just a natural slowing down for a few weeks that I needed to take.  Any motivational book you read ( and I do like those) will tell you to get stuff done, get on, write lists, make stuff happen.  Should we feel guilty when we take our foot off the pedal? Are we allowed a few weeks of not maximising every minute?

It is probably ok  as long as it doesn't become a habit, days should be made the most of but if we are feeling run down then our bodies are probably telling us we need to slow down for a while ( although if you feel like that all the time, see a doctor!)
There is a wonderful list on the The positivity blog 25 ways to motivate yourself. I will be trying most  of them over the coming weeks to get back to a place where I feel more in control of my time. Thank you Henrik.
Personally I think it could be the end of the summer blues, if there is such a thing if not I just invented it.

It has been lovely this week while I was stuck in work (and many of you) and a couple of times I just got home and thought I'd take my cuppa outside and the sun went in or it turned cool. Grrr!! not good.
However new term started I need to get on and make the most of all those bits of daylight we have left when I get home then try and find something to love about the dark nights. Suggestions greatly appreciated.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

The machine is gathering dust!

I have been a little distracted this last couple of weeks and sewing has taken a back seat.  I decided I wanted to learn to play guitar and I have tried before on  my own from children's books but I got fed up of playing nursery rhymes! I have resolved not to give up this time and I am following an online tutor
 I have also bought a new guitar, an acoustic,  the one I had my husband bought a few years ago and was a classical.  I have been practising every day for hours! Obviously I can't do much of anything yet but my fingers are certainly getting tougher and a bit stretchier so I am sure in time it will come.

I have bought a couple of books from justinguitar one from a music shop in the city and I have ordered another from the site direct but unfortunately this one has not arrived! It is a good site and relies on donations and purchases to fund it but it is free to those who can't afford any of that.
So currently my sewing machine does not call to me, wanting to learn to play is occupying all of my free time and as I am now back at work I am having to choose one or the other.  I will see if I can spare the machine some time at the weekend!

Monday 18 August 2014

Practical Sewing, Ten ideas to get more out of your clothes

I have been doing a number of sewing jobs this week some of them for other people but all involved existing items. On Friday I had a request from a friend to turn a floor length evening gown into a knee length pencil dress. This request was made and needed for the following day for a wedding, so completed straight away and tried on and picked up later.   Due to the urgency I forgot (or did not have time) for photographs of the before and after which is a shame because I like to show that you don't always need to buy new stuff.
My friend has assured me she would take some so will post these another day, I also had to shorten a maxi dress for my mum, she doesn't usually wear these but saw it for her holiday for £5 and couldn't resist.

Finally I have taken in a couple of my T shirts that were getting a bit loose due to wear, they were still good colours and nothing else wrong with them they had just lost a bit of shape and a little taking in and a press of the seams made them look good again.

Sometimes the sewing I do is not all that exciting but it is necessary, saves money  and often helps out others and sometimes makes me a bit extra too.  I think sometimes we have to go and have a look at our wardrobe with new eyes before going shopping. My friend certainly did not have the funds for a new wedding outfit this week but I think she felt she had one after we altered her existing dress.  Some of your clothes may just need a little bit of adjusting to bring them up to date.

While I do enjoy making something altogether from the start a lot of the time we just don't have enough  fabric to do this do we? Unless you have a fabric addiction and buy it all the time as some other bloggers seem to confess to but I'm trying to save money here also so that is not an option.  I have two large pieces of fabric for projects bought a while ago and will be starting one later but after that it will be cautious purchases only or charity shop finds ( always good for cheap fabric)

So with that said I think sewing comes in very handy for refashioning items we already have, making things fit that may have been passed on or bought in charity shops and generally saving us money while allowing us to have an interest in fashion that is affordable.

I have said before I like to layer tops and dresses in the autumn winter but what about doing that in the summer also with vest tops and T shirts, I know a lot of people don't like to show their arms but don't let that stop you from wearing strappy clothes. A thin top underneath or maybe make small sleeves with fabric you have already or from another item.  I wouldn't worry about making mistakes because if you would never wear the item as is, then what have you got to lose?

The top with the wolf in the above picture shows tummy if worn with low slung jeans as many are now, this bothers me so I wear it with a top underneath in the autumn. You don't need to get rid of items just rethink them.

Ten ideas to get more out of your clothes

  1. Add darts and fit to baggy items to make them more structured.
  2. Shorten Maxi dresses, use the left over fabric to add detail at the top, make tie belt or straps.
  3. Change buttons, sometimes a contrast colour can really change the look.
  4. Experiment with sleeves, take them off, shorten them, add elastic, or in reverse make new ones in a different colour  of fabric and add them to strappy tops or dresses.
  5. Add a layer to a dress or skirt that is too short. This make take some thought but a few inches can sometimes save an item form being discarded. Look at fashion images online for inspiration but don't be tempted to buy!
  6. Turn jumpers into cardigans, not as tricky as it sounds, tight knit shop bought ones don't usually unravel easily,  take care to cut straight at the the front and either overlock or zig zag firmly on a small stitch or bind with ribbon or tape and fold back to hem. Add buttons or fasteners of your choice.
  7. Try things on with lots of other things you wouldn't usually put together, add belts and scarves.  
  8. Add trims, ribbon or lace on the hem or at the neck. Be subtle with this maybe use the same colour tone as going overboard I think can date things. It is good for disguising mistakes or not too perfect necklines though.
  9.   Turn old jeans into shorts, everyone should do this as even if you only do gardening in them they will always get used! Also if you have a very short dress that you don't' wear because of the length, pop on a pair of cropped jeans underneath and the length is no longer an issue. How short you go is entirely up to you, as is whether or not you hem them or let them fray.
  10. Gaping necks on tops or dresses should never be a problem. A few stitches can sort that out! Take up shoulders if neck is too low at the front (length allowing of course) Add fake panel or lace on a very low v neck, sometimes strategically placed darts at either side of neck can sort out sagging issues. The no stitch option of course or if you really don't want to change the neckline is wear something under it, like here...

I love the colours on this dress but the neck gapes open, due to the panel below the bust raising the shoulders at all would result in that seam line cutting across the bust. Also any alteration to the wrap over feature would affect the fall of the pleats. Solution to this was to simply wear a sun top underneath, luckily I had one that goes perfect but failing that I had a white one which would also do the trick.
(I bought this dress about 4 years ago in a charity shop for £3, originally from Wharehouse)

So even if your fabric stash is getting a bit low I hope that has given you something to think about before you go out and buy more clothes or fabric.  See what you can do with your existing items and I would love to hear about it.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Do it yourself! It's cheaper

I painted the rest of the kitchen yesterday and was pleased to have this completed, it didn't take that long as a lot of it was tiled and I spray painted them the day before. It took three coats to cover the existing dark colour red, I had the radio on and I really don't mind painting and always do our own but it got me thinking how much would it have cost if we had to get someone in to do it?
The room is a lot brighter in pale blue.

I had a quick look around online to get some ideas and found these prices here, £200 just to paint a small room, I don't understand why any one would pay that, but my next thought was maybe I should do that!  I'm sure there are plenty of ladies who would rather have a female come and paint their house instead of some strange man ( not that male decorators are strange, but you know what I mean from a safety point of view.)
Then again I would probably not enjoy the process any longer if I had to do it day after day.
I think the ideal way of working for me would be to do a collection of things, some alterations one day, dog walking service, a bit of decorating and any other random thing that would bring in a bit of money and mean that I was my own boss.
I really like the idea of not having to answer to anyone else, tricky customers could be a problem I suppose but you could always move on from that. If anyone has that way of working it would be good to hear from you and how you make a go of it.
That said though I would like to encourage anyone thinking of hiring a decorator to paint your room not to! Just have a go yourself, I had not decorated before when we bought our first house 20 years ago but you soon get the hang of it. The good thing about paint is, it washes off, you can go over it and even if you do make mistakes they will be quite easy to fix and still cheaper than hiring some one else.
 Wall papering also just needs a bit of practice, buy cheap paper the first time and try it out in spare room or just one wall, again if it goes wrong it comes off easy enough but don't be put off, plus a few bubbles are normal when it is damp and will go when it is dry, loads of big bubbles and you might need to do that bit again!
I  have a bit more organising to do now in the rest of the house, for some reason when we all at work and school things get shoved in cupboards and drawers just out of the way but now they are full of clutter.  I wonder how it happens so quickly?  When you move house you tend to have a big clear out and think you will never accumulate so much random nonsense again but then you do!
Of course it is harder when you a have a family  as you are battling their stuff every where as well, I'm thinking of having designated boxes in a cupboard in each shared room so that if stuff is left on sides I'm just going to scoop it into there and then into the cupboard (once the cupboards are clear of course!). Then I will take the box out once a week and say get everything out of here that is yours and either put it away properly or it goes in the bin.
I am hoping this will work or at least stop us plonking things down on the work tops or coffee tables. That is what seems to be a problem, you think I will clear an area but then all the stuff belongs to different people and you don't want to be wandering around the house doing it for them all the time.  I hope the box system solves this.
One last thing I need to do is try and get us removed from some mailing lists or all of them! I spend too much time picking up mail from the floor in the hall, tearing it up and walking to the recycling bin!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Kitchen Tiles Upcycle

I have been having a lovely time being off work but yesterday decided it was time to get on with some of the jobs I have around the place which need doing.  I posted a while ago about changing the handles on my kitchen cupboards, well another thing that has bothered me for a while is the colour and pattern of the kitchen tiles.  When we have moved into a house in the past I have changed as much as I can almost immediately, when we moved here 6 years ago everything had been freshly done so while we did put our stamp on it, it would have been foolish and wasteful to change everything.  I have lived with the tiles which wouldn't have been my choice but now it was time for a change.
 I thought about re-tiling but that would create mess and a lot of expense.  The main thing I don't like is the beige colour so I looked at tile paint, now I have done this before with an undercoat and top coat at the old house but to be honest I didn't think the finish was that good up close.   We had a look when we were out at the weekend and found this...
You don't need to undercoat first just give your tiles a really good clean with bleach to remove any dirt or grease.  I have to say if you are going to use this cover everything including your mouth, have every window and door open!  It is really high in fumes and I had to keep doing a bit then going to the back door to breath.
I covered everything with newspaper and masking tape and still found a coating of the dust on the floor behind me nowhere near where I was spraying, so like I said cover your mouth. 
 I also had the annoying matter of running out halfway through, I bought two cans which my husband said would be enough, wrong! It took three so I had to pop out for more, I was glad of the breather though.
This is the before picture, the border tile all the way along is beige that doesn't show clearly in this image. 

Despite the fumes I am really happy with the way they turned out.

I think it has transformed the look and the room looks much brighter, it is not a very quick job as you have to spray it on evenly in a fine mist then re-coat at 15 minute intervals, if you try and get complete coverage all at once you will get runs in it.  I found this out the hard way and had to wipe it quick, and I mean quick as it dries fast.  The coverage is much better than the old paint it on method as you can get right up to it and it is completely smooth.
Today I will paint the remaining untiled walls in the kitchen pale blue, they are a dark red at the moment, I did this room a few years ago and they are ready for a freshen up now.

I had a nice surprise brought home for me yesterday, someone at my husbands work was selling her set of Game of Thrones books so my husband bought them for me at £5 for all of them! I have been watching the show but thought I would like to read the books as they often miss out things in the adaptations for the screen. 
They should keep me busy for a while!

I am also reading another book which is actually about not worrying about stuff, now I have to say I don't really worry that much, (I suppose we all do sometimes) but it was recommended and I have read some of his other books so I thought I would give it a try.

A lot of it is common sense, the things we worry about often don't ever happen, or worrying about them will not make them not happen so what is the point.  Also giving thanks for what you have, there is always someone worse off. 
 The most relevant points I found were about keeping busy and helping someone else, they key thing being don't allow yourself to sit and wallow about things go and do something and really throw yourself into it, that way you will be too pre occupied to think about worries.  Also find some way to help someone else as people who help others are not so inward looking as to be concerned with their own troubles all the time.
Some of the writing is a little dated but the message is good, anyone who has a problem with this ought to take a look.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Children do not need you to spend a fortune!

I have heard again today via the media that apparently parents are spending on average £80 per child per week to keep them entertained during the holidays! What! Who are these people and how come they have so much money to waste in times of so called austerity?
I certainly do not spend that and I don't know of any parents that can afford it, I think the figures may be skewed a bit here, are they factoring in childcare? Actual holiday costs for travel etc.? I think this must be the case as who can afford to spend that amount consistently for six weeks on entertainment alone without ruining the family finances.
The weather this summer in England has been fantastic so far as well so there really is no need for so much excess.  Monday I met up with friends at Endcliffe Park we all took food for a picnic, four adults and five children from five to fifteen, they all got on great.

Its a big park so they kept going off to the play area or kicking the ball around then coming back to us for a rest, we had a whole afternoon there, the only cost being an ice cream for the children.
This park is not our local but we chose it for a change,everyone has a range of parks in their city they can choose from and they are free!  I don't get why people feel that children can only enjoy the day if they have been taken to a costly holiday event.
Yesterday my two went to the local park in the afternoon for a bit, did some drawing, played computer games, we walked the dogs etc. (every day doesn't have to be planned out for them)  Today we have picked up one of their friends in the afternoon he is sleeping here and then we are going to the pool 'dip for a quid' all of us in the morning.  So it will be Thursday tomorrow, everyone is happy,  no one is bored and I have not come anywhere close to spending that ridiculous figure above.
I have a clubcard voucher for £8.50 which is worth more in rewards so that will be going on  cinema tickets for us.  We will wait for a rainy day for that one, I would not be going if not for that as the cinema is so expensive now for a family, you are looking at over £20 usually just for tickets so we usually just wait until they are on DVD.  Movies for juniors in the mornings are cheap but my oldest is too big for many of those films now.

 On a wet day you could let the kids invite friends round, rent a film from the library and buy pop corn and drinks, much cheaper than a day out at the cinema and having their friends there will make it feel like more of an event. (Just a thought, you may spend a fiver tops)
There are lots of things you can do that don't cost a lot or are completely free, libraries and museums always have events, as do parks, there is grass sledging near us this weekend plus football coaching all free.  I think sometimes people think activities are only worthy if they are costing money and some might shy away from the free stuff or less obvious choices, don't! Keep your money for more pressing emergencies or the actual family holiday or day trip if you are having one, but I don't think children should expect this every day of the week and if they do what are we teaching them? That you can only be happy if you can afford it. Bad message that one.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Organised Sewing Space

I have not done  a lot of sewing recently but we have been away, that is the first excuse, the second is that I could not see my sewing table for mess and I think I had become a bit complacent about sorting it all out.  I have kept adding to the clutter and so has everyone else in the house! Not all the stuff on there is mine,  some of the stuff is used school books my son was asked to sort but he has just popped them in a pile on my desk.
On the table are also some of my T shirts I need to shorten ( my own alterations always get left and other peoples get done straight away) also my Spanish book (two weeks of school holiday over and I have not done any) and of course various bits of fabric, bags of fabric on and under the table, a tin of decking stain beside the desk (why??)   So I think this was no longer a very inspiring area.  I got on and went through every bag, you would not believe the amount of fabric under the desk. It took ages to clear this small area as I culled all the fabric bits that will never be used as I have had them forever.  Small shelf from beside the desk has been removed as people see it as somewhere to stuff shoes because it is near the door and other nonsense.  When everything was wiped down and clear I felt so much better and I wonder why I have let it get that way. (oh yes, procrastination)
That's better you can actually see desk now.

I have some sewing to do for a couple of friends and my mum this week so that will get done, I always prioritise other peoples stuff.  I need to get some sort of order in my life for prioritising my own projects though.
  I have not made any more baby dresses as  I only sold two privately from a friend through facebook and I really didn't want to get stuck with a load of them, that feels a bit like giving up but the cost to make them is not worth having them sitting in a cupboard forever. 
 I know people who sell have loads of stock sitting in storage or whatever but it just drives me nuts.  The money saver in me is always complaining I have wasted cash but how can I get anywhere if I don't try.  
I need to have a serious think about what I can try next, but whatever it is, time consuming and expensive it shouldn't be, as people do not have the funds at the moment and they do not want to pay a premium for all the hours it takes for custom items.  
I have a tidy space to work in now, I just need some ideas and inspiration before it's time to go back to the day job!

Friday 1 August 2014

Charity Shop Dresses and Feeling Good

I have just had a few days away in the caravan at  Whitby and lucky for us we picked a good week.  The sun has shone the whole time and it only rained one evening during the night.  Anyone who has a caravan will know that this is good news as there is nothing worse than being stuck inside while it pours.  We always take the dogs so it is not as if we can go and do an indoor activity if it rains because you can't usually take the dogs in anywhere.
 So lovely sunshine and a little bit of a look in the Charity shops, I don't know  why but Whitby and Scarborough have all the best Charity  shops or at least I always seem to spot something when we go there. We had a day at Scarborough also as it is just a short drive but Whitby was just a two mile walk so we walked there and back everyday.

When we get such good weather it really makes a difference.

So I had a look in the Charity shops like I said and spotted three dresses. Each one was £5 and I love them all, to be honest I saw more than three but I did restrain myself from buying more I'm going away again later this year so I though I had better pace myself. 
This one is a Dorothy Perkins dress and I have  a yellow dress in similar fabric that can be just washed, hung up and never needs ironing ( so a favourite of mine) I don't know how the little pleats will survive without an iron though, it is in the wash now so I will soon find out. 
This one is a make I don't know (Voodoo ?) again that lovely fabric that doesn't need an iron.  A summery dress but one that I think could be layered in the Autumn.
This is a definite summer dress but I love the colours.

So for £15 I have three new outfits. I am not some one who lets clothes sit in the wardrobe unworn, so the little bit of advice that tells people to get rid of clothes they haven't worn for a while rarely applies to me.
  I like to wear something nice everyday if I can.  If I am home on my own that makes no difference because I like to wear  clothes for me and not other people. 
Some items will only be worn in the summer but they will come out again next year and the year after.  This will go on until they no longer look good or I am fed up with them, if they are still in good condition when I tire of them they will go back to the charity shop.
It would have cost me more to make any one of these dresses and while I love to sew I also like to be practical about the value of it.
I think a dress is quick and easy you don't have to hunt around for something to go with it and I think they always look nice I'm also most comfortable in them.  
My mum likes to buy herself clothes to go out in at the weekend (she goes out once a week) she buys a lot, something new most weeks, however she will only wear these items for her weekly night out.  I really don't get this, she has an ever mounting collection of nice clothes that are rarely worn as she is always buying new but wears the same things day to day.  Her logic being 'but they are too nice to wear every day'  Why? Are we only allowed to look nice once a week?  
It is up to individuals how they dress and how they feel about this I know, but my feeling is if I think I am well presented then it makes me feel good, and I want to feel good everyday.  If other people don't like like that then that is up to them.  I don't think it needs to cost the earth and I certainly don't go in for expensive beauty treatments but if that is what makes you feel happy and you can afford it ( very important that bit!) then good for you. 
I have an amazing book called 'The 24 Hour turn Around' I think I may have mentioned it before...
My book doesn't have this cover it is very old and has been read many times.
In this book there is a whole section on appearance,( not as vacuous as it sounds) it is about they way people feel about them selves about how others perceive you.  It states that often when people have anything from a splash of perfume to cosmetic surgery it is not the thing that creates the feeling or change in appearance or mood, but rather the confidence it has given the individual that brings about the most change. 
If you have never read this book I would recommend it, some bits are cheesy but the positive message it has on many different aspects of life are just brilliant.  It is a quick read, intended to be read and digested over 24 hours, I read it a t 23 and have read it again many times since.  After my first reading of the book I enrolled in higher education, gained a degree, changed my job and my attitude, reassessed my attitude towards money and many other areas.  It was originally given to me by a friend  who never read it, I offered it back to her saying you should really read this, she didn't she wasn't bothered.  Personal development reading may not be you thing but you can get this book on Amazon for £1.77 it will be worth every penny. 
I might just mention  I have no affiliation with Amazon nor do I advertise or promote for pay, this is just a tool that I have found useful in my life. Let me know if you read it.

A Slow Week, A few Books and Pretty PJs

 Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.  So this week has been brought to a bit of a standstill for me.  I have somehow injured my b...