Saturday 15 January 2022

 Here we are halfway through the month already so I thought it was time for an 'ing' post.  I am loving the month so far and trying my best to stay on track with all the things I want to do. How are things where you are?  Is the new year treating you well? I'll get on with it then...

Planning a couple of trips away in our caravan, so we are in a group on Facebook for people who own T@B caravans like ours and the good thing about that is that everyone ahres all the lovely sites they are on and pictures too.  So you get reviews on where is good to go,  I had spotted one site last year that someone had shared and we have got in touch and will be having a  weekend away at the same site.  It is not for a few months so I will share that at the time. Another one we booked is a place we visited last year while in the lake district,  we were not actually staying there but loved the place it is called Grangeover sands so we have booked a site near there too that one is for a week.  

Walking daily, I have always walked a lot because I have dogs but not always as far and as much as I'd like week days as the dark nights and being out all day affected when  I could do this.  Well now I am taking advantage of the weather at different times of the day and fitting what I do around that, it is much better and very good for the mood to be out in daylight in the winter.

Here is the glorious sky in the park yesterday, today we went early while everything was frozen, again beautiful but in a different way but no image as I didn't have my phone with me.  Many teenagers would gasp in horror at that statement!

Watching a few new things on the TV, so we have NOW occasionally, and other things based on offers my husband spots but not all the time.  Recently we have had these things so have had the option to watch a few things. Yellow Jackets has been good, a bit of a blast from the past with the music, we have loved the soundtrack to this series and it is worth a look.  We watched a film last night called The Tender Bar, based on a memoir, starring Ben Afleck and I really enjoyed that. I nned to find something else now, 9 in the evening is my sit down viewing time. 

Reading  The Dutch House, I have just started this and I am enjoying so far but it is early days I do hope it goes somewhere if you know what I mean.  The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People now I know I read this years ago but it doesn't hurt to reread some things and we are always different when we read stuff years later so it is on round two. 

Eating something different for breakfast each day in an attempt to trick my stomach, still not quite right so I though I would try and pin point the culprit that bothers me.  So far it is not working  so I guess I am just having a not so good month with this, I do get like this now and again then things settle down. This morning my husband came doen to find me making Gf fruit scones early as another option to have, he said it's like living with Mary Berry, ha ha not quite;)

Sorting through my fabric scraps still, the issue is where to put them all in a more orderely fashion,  I use them for my bags and I am quite hap hazard at creating with them so they are in lots of places.  I don't want things to be too pristine that I don't want to disturb them but I want some sort of sytem.  Keep working on it is my motto for this one.

Sewing all kinds of things this week, still not sure what I am allowed to share at this point from the video making projects so I am linking a few on the Minerva blog feed if you follow me there.
Then I made this Freya top and a video for youtube to go with it, please have a look and if you do could you like, subscribe and comment please that would be a big help.  The link is below

Bag making, a few so far as you may have seen and here is the latest...

The lovely pink upholstery fabric in two shades thank you to Jo at Three Stories High, a butterfly lining some striped canvas I have left from another project and a few craft cottons.  My messy approach to bag planning worked well here again.  A note here, this bag sold immediatley to a friend. 

So what are you all up to ? Please let me know in the comments I love to read them, take care and have a good weekend. 


  1. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing stomach pain. It can be incredibly hard to work out what it is that is causing that as often it can be a cumulative thing.

    Grange Over Sands is s lovely spot, the Arnside/Silverdale area is not far from there and is really beautiful, but that may be where you are staying.

    1. We enjoyed our day trip there last year from the place where we were staying so decided to book closer this time. It had a beautiful landscaped walk along the front.

  2. Hasta ahora llevas un mes de Enero interesante y sigues creando bolsos bonitos y ropa favorecedora. BESICOS.

  3. You sound much more relaxed with life. I wore the skirt from that pink fabric last week! Happy sewing. x

    1. I am and those fabrics worked really well together, bit by bit they are all getting used. x


I love to read all comments. Please feel free to let me know what kind of posts you prefer.

Me Made May 2024

 Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well I know it has been a while.  There are so many things that I haven't posted that I just do...