Friday 13 March 2020

The Frankie T-shirt

This past week I have made another garment from the Tilly Walnes Stretch book, this time the Frankie T-shirt.  I chose this because I like this style and I have made it before but using my own pattern.  When I did that I found my sleeves were not as wide at the top as maybe they should have been so it was interesting to see how they worked on this pattern.  I felt that this was an easy make so great for any beginners however I did find the fit very loose, far too loose for me in the body so I took it in by quite a chunk at the sides.  That said I love it and already have another cut out, it is great for using up small leftover bits of jersey for the arms and that is what I did here with mine.

I was in a hurry to wear it so a rather quick selfie here, I made a white t-shirt a while ago and these pieces for the sleeves were left over.  I did in fact have to put a mock seam part way up my sleeves as I wanted the see through stripe to lie horizontally on them and that was the only way to make them fit.  It is fine as the seam hides in the stripe.  My only worry now is that the red doesn't wash pink into the white sleeves.

For the neck facing I just turned the spotty fabric to the wrong side so that I could have it plain around the neck.

So far so good with that book and a bonus having got  from the library and another library order arrived just over a week ago too and that is The Testamnets by Margaret Atwood.  I ordered it months ago as I was on a list but it came and I read it this week.

 I enjoyed it and I was happy with the ending which is not always the case however The Handmaids Tale is now in for collection that I ordered at the same time!

  So I am reading them in reverse, I did know the story as I have watched the TV version but it will be interesting to read the original as the books are usually better.  I couldn't have saved this one either as there is such a long wait list for it you can't renew.   I did consider buying them both  before I ordered them but went with patience, after all they only sit on my book shelf once read and if I had bought and kept every book I ever read we would be a bit pushed for space.

 I tend to have a sort through every now and then and just keep my absolute favourites for my bookshelf.  Unfortunately I have lost a  few favourites along the way as I will lend them to people and then they are never returned,  that seems to happen with the best ones!

Last night I made a saag aloo to go with my other homemade curries that we were having for tea, I followed a recipe and decided the potatoes were too firm but it was tasty.  Next time I will be part cooking the potatoes before they go in the pan and I am sure it will be perfect then.  Honestly I don't think all recipes are tested  as I followed it exactly, well I actually gave it a little longer but it wasn't long enough to cook the potatoes through.

That's all for now, have a good week.


  1. That's a pretty t-shirt, red is a good positive colour in my eyes and you can never go wrong with a raglan top.
    I always find that different varieties of potato take different times to cook through. Glad your curries were tasty. I fancy a curry myself, must go and check what ingredients we have. Enjoy your weekend x

  2. Just your kind of stash busting Tee I would say. Looks great. Jo xx


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