Sunday 22 March 2020

The Bibi Skirt

Well here is my latest make from the Tilly Walnes Stretch book, I don't think I will make all the items from the book as I have very similar patterns already but the ones I have made are very nice.  I didn't have a contrasting fabric in jersey to make this the same as it is in the book but I did have some scrap pieces so I made mock piping to go down each seam so you would still get he effect of the panels in the skirt.   I really like the effect and I will do this again, so having less really does force you to be creative as I do not have the fabric stash of some sewers just a few pieces but lots of random bits that are not big enough for garment but might come in handy!

Here I have the top of the sweater tucked in but I don't wear it that way I just wanted to show the top of the skirt.

I am still undecided about the sleeves on this sweater but as I have been wearing it loads as it is so comfy and warm it can't be bothering me that much can it? Plus I was told it looked designer so I'll take that ha, ha.
With  the sizing on this skirt I played it safe and made the next size up but then it was too big so I just had to redo my seams, no big deal.  I think I was over cautious  as the first item I made from the book  the sleeves were a little snug and had to be redone and I always think it is much easier to take things in a little.

This is the cute version in the book with the two fabrics together, I do now have some stripy fabric but I have other plans for that.

While I was rooting around looking at left over bits of fabric I also found one my boys old t-shirts from when they were younger.  I managed to cut out the sleeves for another Frankie t-shirt and again used up various left over bits.  I  really love this make and my son said it looks like something you pay a lot for in a shop, high praise indeed.

I had to send these to myself from my phone and I have no idea why, wouldn't then save properly so screen shot from my email!  Weird, I hope these last few are clear enough.

I just have a feeling I am going to be making these tops for some time using all sorts scraps, oldest son has plans on one already.

This past week I finished The Handmaids Tale, remember I said I was reading them in reverse.
 I did really enjoy it.
I also read The subtle Art of not Giving a Fxxx.  I know, apologies if you are sensitive and he does use that word a fair few times in the book but I did watch a talk he did some time ago and he made a lot of sense.  The book was not about not caring about anything but the fact that what we care about day to day is just irrelevant and usually what people think of us, and that of course will really not matter and in a week or maybe even a day.  Priorities and finding what you really care about was really the message.  So if you can avoid the bad language and the fact that he can talk rubbish also sometimes (which he does of course admit his failings) then you will find some gems of wisdom in here too.

We will not be going anywhere anytime soon as my husband is now not well, constant cough and hot to touch. He is at the moment sleeping, we went online and of course we have to isolate too.   He was on the rota to work from home next week as was my son so if he feels ok he will still be able to get something done, at the moment I think he is too tired.

It is a worry for all the small businesses out there, I hope there is enough support  so that they don't go under but also wonder how long this period will last.  Stay safe everyone.


  1. Hope your husband is better soon. Stay safe and keep sewing brilliant stuff. Jo xx

  2. Your skirt looks so good, I love the added piping! Such a great idea.


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