Tuesday 14 October 2014

Fabric, Books and Under the Weather

Well the last couple of days have been a little unproductive as I have not been well. I am wondering if it is the change in the weather all of a sudden but I have had a bit of everything.  they say you don't catch cold from the cold (I know it is a virus) but why is it as soon as the temperature drops everyone starts dropping with it.
My fabric arrived but I have no energy to get started so it will have to wait, I am also now confused as to what to do with it.
The tartan fabric is lovely and soft and would make lovely winter cushions so a bag no longer looks likely. The fabric with the birds will still be a skirt but the birds are a lot smaller than I thought so they do not give the impact I had hoped.
If I go down the route of making cushions though I will have to replace all of my living room cushions with wintry ones. That feels like an unnecessary expense so unless I can come up with a frugal or recycled way of sourcing knit or fleece fabric we will have to see.  My patchwork cushions are perhaps more suited to spring summer, hmm.... unwanted woollies anyone?

This kind of thing would work with old jumpers.

While I have been feeling rubbish I have been reading Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman ,if you are interested follow the link in the side panel . It is really interesting and I love books that teach you about how you think and why. One small thing in it stuck in my mind and it was about an experiment where students were asked to read an amusing text, some held a pencil in their mouths sideways forcing them to smile. The others held it pout fashion, the ones smiling found the text more amusing.  Basically if you make yourself smile more you naturally feel better.  I have read about this before but we need these reminders don't we.
I have some little Amazon ads down the side of the blog now, don't know how this will work or if it will but I thought I'd give it a little try as I shop on there for my books and with Christmas coming I'll be buying off there for my children too. Nothing too invasive.
Oh, I also bought myself some B vitamins thanks to Pam in Texas for reminding me about that I'm sure when I recover I will feel the benefit.

Friday 10 October 2014

New fabric on order and it's Friday Yay!

I'm feeling good mainly because it's Friday.  It has to be my favourite day because even though I have to go to work ( I know I shouldn't think like that, but I do love days to do as I wish) it has the whole weekend stretching out before it.  Now we don't always accomplish everything we might like at the weekend but on a Friday there seems endless possibilities.
For me this weekend there is going to be more sewing. Making my jacket after a few weeks absence has reminded me that my mind is clearer and most at rest when I have a sewing task to get on with. I have some bits of fabric left and a large piece which will become a dress but sometimes the leftover bits force you to become more creative.
I also have a large bag of alterations that someone dropped off the other evening which will keep me very busy and has also inspired me to buy some fabric for me. The cost will only be a small amount out of the money I will make from the alterations, I ordered from fabric rehab. I may have mentioned them before, it is a gorgeous website but they sell by the fat quarter which many of you will know is not a cheap way to buy fabric, especially if you are a dress maker and not a quilter.
I ordered this...
This will become a large tote bag for me, the kind that can hold a ring binder for work ( and my lunch of course) and any other bits and bobs. Unless it arrives and it just has to be something else.

I also ordered this ...

Now this I will make into a skirt but I really want to find some fabric in the royal blue to make a top but more of a jumper, so something with a bit of weight to it to go with the skirt.
Now I don't know when this will arrive so for the  meantime I will have to make do with what I have.
I don't feel at all guilty about my purchases as I know the items will be made by myself here in the uk.  I also appreciate the time that goes into making things so I don't shop excessively and my fabric purchases are very well spaced and it all gets used up.  I often read about people with huge fabric stashes (I look on in envy too). Ok just kidding that is totally up to the individual but for me I would have the nagging voice going 'when are you going to make that up, come on when?' and that would just drive me potty.
Soon it will be time to make some Christmasy things (Spell check did not recognise Christmasy) well as made up word I can spell it how I want then.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Sherwood Weekend Break

We just had a nice weekend away at Sherwood forest Holiday park with the caravan. It was nice to get away and have a relaxing time.  We didn't take the TV, some friends took their caravan too and we just went out in the day, talked, ate and read. here is a picture from the site as the only ones I took on the phone were of the dogs!
It is actually a bit blurry but you can see better if you follow the link here  and there are lots of photos on the site. My son said it is good to go away for the weekend as it make it feel longer, I think that is probably due to the change in routine.

I started a new book while I was there called a Discovery of Witches, it is ok so far.  I chose it because it was supposed to be along the twilight style but more for grown ups.  I will let you know how it goes.

The book is the start of  a trilogy but if it doesn't wow me I wont be going for all three. 
So tired again this week and it is only Tuesday, I wonder if it is due to it getting dark early now or if there is something I am missing, loads of other people complaining of being over tired too. Something in the air maybe?

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Black Denim Jacket Finished

I finished the jacket and quite a lot of time went into this, more so because of the lining which I like to finish off by hand where it meets the jacket as the lining fitted this jacket so closely I had to ensure it sat well.
The buttons I chose were 50p each which is more than I would ever normally spend on buttons but they were the only ones in the shop that I felt went with it.  I also did not have any to re-purpose for this project.
I would have needed 10 buttons but they only had 8 and as I really wanted them I decided to make the jacket without the side straps. ( You know the little tabs on either side of denim jackets that have a little button)
A day light picture!
Here you can see the pink and white lining

I don't think you can see clearly here but the buttons have a sight curve and are a bit distressed not just plain silver. It gives it a bit more interest. Still needing a bit more more pressing around the last few finished edged to make it more crisp.

I have just looked at this picture and thought I should have added an inside pocket it would have taken no extra time at all really. Damn! I will have to do another in a different colour.
I thought I may as well go outside in the last bit of daylight and take a couple wearing it. 

A couple of things I will change, as I said the other day I will make the pattern a little smaller in the back but it is ok for fitting winter stuff under without being bulky.  I will probably buy ordinary cheap lining in a bright colour, the Paul Smith is lovely but for what you see of it, hardly worth the extra. ( Just a little design feature I fancied really that only I really know about. Oh and now you!) 
I will also have to start sourcing buttons again, years ago I used to have quite a collection but many bags and clothes later I have used them all up and wow have they gone up in price.
Another good thing that has come out of making such a time consuming item is it makes you really think how on earth can they ever sell stuff in Primark for a fiver and anybody make a living? People are getting screwed over so others can have cheap clothes.  Maybe everyone should have to make a really time consuming item and then get paid a few pence for their trouble and see how well that sits with them.
Sorry I am dissolving into a rant on ethical clothing, back soon.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Burda Black Denim Jacket and Random Bits

Sorry for the absence. I have had a more productive week and I feel like I have had more time for me and less time worrying about work but I only just got around to doing this!
I decided to renew my swimming membership this week it just wasn't worth paying weekly as I would end up wanting to go more often and this way I can just go when I want. It still works out to the same amount for just going once a week.
I feel I am making progress with the guitar playing, I can play a few songs now (perhaps not very well but still) and I can change most of the main chords quickly.  I made a promise to myself to practice every night so that is what I do.  If I never play it for anyone else I don't care, I wanted to learn and I'm going to see it through so I am feeling really positive about that.  Also my fingers no longer hurt as they are quite tough now and shapes I never thought I could get into quickly are now possible so perseverance does pay off.
I am reading 'Mindset' by Carol Dweck this week, not quite finished it but I would have preferred more tips and less anecdotal stories.

The book is about how people can achieve their full potential and that many people are stuck with a thought process that tells them if they are not good at something without effort then they are no good and can never be talented in that area. The argument is that successful people never stop trying to learn and improve and being the smartest at the start of life does not always transfer to a successful life.
Interesting stuff however she has a more academic book available on the subject and one review did say she had simplified this book too much so maybe I will check out her other work.
Today I have spent the afternoon sewing finally! I started the denim jacket that I bought the fabric for in the summer. Now that the weather is turning I felt more inspired to make it.
I am using a Burda pattern, I don't use many patterns but as this was very structured I decided to use one.
The only downside to this being everything takes so much longer than when I do my own thing as I am using somebody else's instructions etc.

I am doing 'A' style but in black, I am also lining mine in pink and white stripe Paul Smith shirting.  It is not lined on the pattern so I will sort that part myself.
The thing with doing these commercial patterns is all the cutting out of bits!  I spent ages just getting the pattern pieces sorted, I've usually made a dress in the time it took me to cut pieces!
Flimsy tissue paper!
I had to be quick and move these as we were also cooking Sunday dinner.

I enjoyed doing it and I sometimes forget how relaxing it is to just lose yourself in some sewing especially something like this where I have to concentrate. It definitely calms your mind. I got all of it put together apart from the sleeve bands and I still need to do rest of button holes and buttons.  I will sort the lining tomorrow it would have been completed today but as I am lining it there were bits I couldn't finish until that is in.
Here is where I am up to so far...

I am pleased with it so far but if I make it again I will alter the pattern and make the back smaller as I like jackets more fitted, but saying that if it is for Autumn I may want to fit jumpers under it so we will see.
I am also wondering whether to make the collar slightly narrower? I have already made it smaller than the pattern but I am wondering is it still a bit 70's. I will decide tomorrow when I finish off and hopefully then get some better pictures of it finished.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Feeling Positive

After a shaky start to last week I am feeling much more positive, there are so many things that I wouldn't change that it left me thinking why was I feeling so low about the new term. I have a choice in what I do and if an opportunity presents itself that I think is better then I will act on it, otherwise I will do my best with a smile on my face and not let trivial things spoil my day.

Here are some wonderful quotes that I want to share, these are my favourites...

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can,and the wisdom to know it's me.  -Author unknown

I'm working on it!

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.  - Berthold Auerbach

I have music on in the car every day on the way to work and it never fails to lift my mood.

All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads to complaining,but it's truer to say that complaining leads people to become unhappy. -Dennis Prager

This is one to think about. I tend to think that talking things overs helps but are we in fact fuelling the misery?
There has to be a balance though, a person who goes through life thinking everything is glorious while walls are crashing down around them may be unrealistic if not annoying.
If disaster does strike then I think you are allowed a moan.

Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!-Amanda Bradley

Thank you friends, you know who you are.
All these quotes are from Inspiration Line  

Thursday 11 September 2014

Late Summer Lethargy

I haven't  updated this as often recently, or done much sewing, exercising, reading (other than online) or learning Spanish for the last two weeks! I know it's disgusting isn't it? I need to get on with stuff! On the plus side I have practised my guitar every day but I seem to have chopped everything else for the time being.
That is not good, we need balance and I suppose if I go on like this I could ruin my enjoyment by making it the only interest.
There has been  some sewing for others but that is not really sewing in its role as a fun hobby but more an extension of work.
I do wonder whether I should feel guilty or if this slump is just a natural slowing down for a few weeks that I needed to take.  Any motivational book you read ( and I do like those) will tell you to get stuff done, get on, write lists, make stuff happen.  Should we feel guilty when we take our foot off the pedal? Are we allowed a few weeks of not maximising every minute?

It is probably ok  as long as it doesn't become a habit, days should be made the most of but if we are feeling run down then our bodies are probably telling us we need to slow down for a while ( although if you feel like that all the time, see a doctor!)
There is a wonderful list on the The positivity blog 25 ways to motivate yourself. I will be trying most  of them over the coming weeks to get back to a place where I feel more in control of my time. Thank you Henrik.
Personally I think it could be the end of the summer blues, if there is such a thing if not I just invented it.

It has been lovely this week while I was stuck in work (and many of you) and a couple of times I just got home and thought I'd take my cuppa outside and the sun went in or it turned cool. Grrr!! not good.
However new term started I need to get on and make the most of all those bits of daylight we have left when I get home then try and find something to love about the dark nights. Suggestions greatly appreciated.

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...