Sunday 19 July 2020


Hello, well I have had a bit of a break from the blog this last few weeks but now the summer holidays are here so I feel I will have more time for making and blogging. I finally got around to this make with stripes, I bought this fabric just before lockdown and I was a bit undecided what to do with it so it sort of got pushed to one side.  Friday I made the decision to make  McCalls dress with it as it needed to be simple, I had not however made myself a note the last time I made this pattern that it comes out huge!  It has a sticky note on it now!  A ,lot of taking in, a few darts added and a curved hem and you guessed it, it is now far away from the original but better I think and I really must make notes on patterns as soon as I realize they are poorly sized.

I bought the fabric from Happy Hare in Sheffield, it is a good weight jersey so will also be good for autumn/winter with tights.

It is good to know that I have a few weeks of uninterrupted time stretching out over the next few weeks as there is so much to do. I had sorted my oldest son's bedroom a few weeks ago after he moved out in preparation for a ceiling repair, that will be a few weeks yet waiting for the plasterer and then I can redecorate.  The bedroom at the front was cleared yesterday ready for me to decorate that and my husband will build me a new long desk as that will be my sewing room.   It was a big sorting job in there too, for years my boys have never wanted to part with anything including the lego boxes (just in case) and now all of a sudden there is so much to get rid of and nowhere for it to go.  The tip says emergencies only?  What would qualify as an emergency at the tip I wonder? We may have to get a skip but  I don't really like doing that, it is also still tricky donating to charities at the moment as a lot of places are taking   the minimum, not taking books or are just overwhelmed.  I would imagine a lot of people have been off and sorting so this is perhaps a time when lots of  people have  clothes, books and toys to donate but nowhere is accepting it all. 

The garden is looking amazing at the moment, well I think so it is a bit wild and full as I have put plants in everywhere I just hop they don't all stop flowering at once.

I wasn't sure how big some of these mixed seeds were going to grow so now I  have things over shadowing others, I'd try to pick some out but I don't want to damage anything.  I will try and get some better pictures later it was so grey yesterday today we have a bit of sun.

Last week I started reading A Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante, the library digital version, I read the first book my brilliant friend over two days and loved it.  I recently watched the TV version and it was very close to the books.  There are four books  in total so I will be reading all of them, I highly recommend.

Well that is all for now as I want to get out and enjoy the sun, have a lovely weekend, bye for now.


  1. I will be doing the same with my boys room very soon. They just want to move out but keep their rooms the same, so there will be loads of trips to the Goodwill store for me. Stay safe and I love the dress.

  2. I love your dress, the fabric is a perfect choice. It is annoying when we make something and it doesn't fit right, you have reminded me that I really must put a note with a pattern I have just used as I had to tweak it to make it fit.

    I hope you enjoy your weeks of uninterrupted time, they are rather lovely to have stretching out in front of us aren't they, it sounds like you will have plenty to do.

  3. Glad to know you are all safe and sound, I love your dress. Life has been hectic over here too but I have enjoyed having a catch up of your news. Jo x


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Me Made May 2024

 Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well I know it has been a while.  There are so many things that I haven't posted that I just do...