Monday 25 March 2019

Make it Mindful

I only just found this out but it is world craft week, is anyone else joining in with this?  My make was a quick coaster this evening as it was all I had time for after tea, I really enjoyed it though and I think I will make a full set of little elephant coasters.  Note to self though, do not try to bind the rest with the floaty fabric it is just not the thing, but it was just the right theme so that was why I chose it.  There is a theme for each day and today is make it with colour, that was why I did an Indian elephant.  If you want to join in here is the link world craft week.

Also this week I have made another bag with the santoro fabric that was left, some more faux leather and a charity shop bag.  I love this bag too!   It is very difficult listing things for my Etsy shop because I always want to keep them but if I always do that I will just become a hoarder  so I must be a bit ruthless.  My mum said if it doesn't sell in a month it is a sign to keep it, so maybe I will go with that plan.

The wardrobe gap filling has started, I  made a black t-shirt but being me I couldn't just leave it there and I found a bit of black broderie anglaise and added a panel to the front to jazz it up a bit.  Well it is still a black t-shirt so I did  what I set out to do.  I used to the top of a dress pattern for this make, I just made it longer.  I tried it on and made adjustments where required, it worked out really well.
This is the dress pattern I used.
I made some bias binding using some black cotton scraps I had left, I get the idea a bias binding tool would be good for this as I have a habit of catching my fingers with the iron, I think the tool probably prevents this from happening.

Let me know if you are joining in with the craft week, I hope to be back each day this week with something new.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Early Summer Sewing

Well, call me optimistic but I have made a start on my summer sewing already and I know we are nowhere near.  Oh well we can dream, and to kick off my summer wardrobe I have made a lovely floaty sun dress.  I know there are gaps in my current wardrobe that probably need filling first but when you get sent this gorgeous fabric what can you do?  This dress is going to be a favourite I feel, the full post will be shared later on Minerva crafts but for now I thought I would share a peek.

I love this fabric and it also comes in a black design, needless to say I had to make a little lining for the bottom half or otherwise it may have felt like I wasn't wearing very much!  The plan was nip outside for some photographs in this but it started to rain and the wind was blowing all afternoon, I don't think they would have made  good images.

There are a couple of pieces of jersey sitting on my sewing table waiting to be made into t-shirts, it is a quick job but I have not decided on the style yet.  The plan is to make both a little different if only in terms of sleeve length and neckline.  These will be wardrobe gap filling projects as  I keep pulling out a patterned skirt and thinking I need more plain tops.  I did mention this last year and then what did I go and do?  I bought patterned fabric and made tops that I now wear with jeans!

During the week I have been flicking through some sewing magazines that a friend gave me a while ago, this has provided me with a couple more online fabric shops that I didn't know of and a couple of new blogs to read.  I have also been making a note of different styles I like in them so I can copy, I don't always use patterns so sometimes it is just a case of having an image to go on.  One dress in particular caught my eye and I had just bought a £5 duvet cover from the charity shop with more or less the same colours and a very similar print.  So that is one plan for recycling that item.

Later today I have a jumpsuit to modify the shoulders on for someone, this is to make it look  little more dressy and my son has informed me that his pockets have gone through on some of his jeans so they need repairing (or rather remaking!)  I think I'll have a walk with the dogs before I start.

Etsy Shop

Wednesday 13 March 2019

March Inspiration

It is finally looking a bit brighter morning and evening and my creativity seems to have woke up a little.  The weather is all over the place  but at least it's light so I don't feel like I'm venturing to and from work in the middle of the night (dramatic I know but I loath short days), daylight does wonders for the mood.   I made another bag last week inspired by all the gorgeous daffodils that are everywhere, a few recycled bits and pieces and a repurposed strap from another bag that is no longer used.  The idea for this bag has been in my head for a while but it was the daffodils that finally brought it together in my head I think.

 I have added it to my Etsy shop I will put the link at the bottom from now on as I don't quite know how to add it at the side!  If it doesn't sell after a few months I will have it, it cheers me up.  The problem with that is I often think that so I would never want to part with anything.
There may be other bags along this nature theme as I really enjoyed stitching the design on this one, it is also a great way to showcase lovely bits of fabric you have leftover.

My modern twinset was featured on Minerva crafts here a couple of days ago, I did intend to share that on the day but I had wrote down the 13th for some dizzy reason.  Here is a reminder anyway the full post is available by  following the link above.

The top has had lots of wear already not so much the jacket so I have a feeling the top is going to fade much quicker.

I finally found a fiction book I am enjoying at the moment in fact it is almost finished, it is called The Wonder by Emma Donoghue.  It is historical and I am finding I enjoy that particular kind of fiction more.  I picked it up because I liked the cover as they say you shouldn't but this time it paid off.

I have had a bit of a run of starting books that had a lot of hype or good reviews and they have been terrible, so it does make you wonder how some books get so much attention.  Although I have put quite a few on order at the library so let's hope they are worth a look.

Etsy shop

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...