Saturday 15 April 2017

Slow Fashion

This post is about something that tends to come naturally to anyone who sews many of their own clothes and that is slow fashion.  I'm sure it is the same for knitters, those who crochet and also those who thrift a lot of items through charity shops.   If you are creative then the process is part of the charm, you know where the item was produced (but not always the fabric) and you know that you have played a small part in it.  There is also the fact that if you have spent many hours producing a garment you will be less inclined to quickly discard it as a passing fad.  You have invested your time and energy into it so it means more to you.

Unfortunately this is not the case for many items of clothing, they are in one season and out the next.  Wearing out of season clothing is viewed by some with scorn and snobbery with no thought for the impact that  all of this is having on the environment or our fellow human beings slaving away to mass produce cheap fashion.

Some people may think well it's not that cheap I buy from expensive stores, well it still is really when you think about it.  Even if you shop high end, factor in the farming of the materials, grown or animal based, the cleaning, dyeing, stitching and shipping.  Anyone who makes their own clothes knows that the labour alone amounts to hour upon hour for some garments and that is without the rest of it, so yes mainly your clothing is cheap!

Years ago people used to buy made to measure here in the UK, they visited a tailor or dressmaker occasionally and buying an outfit was a big purchase for many.  While it is wonderful that we are able to buy for ourselves without experiencing such hardship it is also a shame that we have lost that sense of respect for the labour that goes into every item we own.

I appreciate that when I buy new fabric many of these same principles apply, it is not something I buy often and I use every last bit of it, I also try to source second hand and repurpose whenever I can.

Top made from a charity shop dress.

There is an interesting article here at Not Just A Label, still a more in the theme of mass fashion production but maybe leading things the right way.  Of course there is always going to be a need for inexpensive clothing but often it is not a need that drives people to buy new but  the desire to own the latest trend,  just something to think about.

Friday 14 April 2017

Repairing Ripped Chinos

Another day another repair, these chinos have been knocking about for a while now.  My son ripped them skateboarding and they were new, I was a bit put out because I tend to say if you are off doing that kind of activity or parkour (glad that has lost it's novelty!) then wear jogging bottoms, but no put on some new clothing first if you are a teenager.  So I just got around to this repair and this appears to be the theme this week while I am off work.

Here is the rip...
Now we have had this dilemma before as this is something that appears to be a common thing on young people's trousers.  I decided to do  what  I have in the past and that is put a fake seam across the knee.  Sounds strange but it does work and for this kind of trouser, a patch does not.

So pin across first and make sure you do it in exactly the same place on the other leg.

I taper it out at each side like you would a dart, if you are worried the trousers will be a funny shape you can do the same on the back as well.  I have found though that after a good press they are fine.   You sometimes buy chinos or jeans with this kind of detail on the front so it's not a problem.

I then turn  them the right way and topstitch close to the seam.

So now they can finally go back in the wardrobe, hopefully no more holes for a while.

I also had to take in a shirt for my husband this week and I have a top to straighten on the bottom for  my mum, it goes down to two triangles at each side and she doesn't like that (it is new).  There is also the fact that my mother in law needs her hair dyeing by me on Easter Sunday when they all come around for lunch, after that I may get to my own pile of put off jobs. 

This last few days has given me time to catch up on a few sewing blogs and to see what everyone else is up to.  I have seen some fantastic bra makes and this really is something I should get around to.  I am not keen on the idea of buying a kit though as they appear ridiculously expensive for what they are.  So if anyone has any tips on the best online shops to buy the notions at a reasonable price please let me know. 

Thursday 13 April 2017

Shirt Sleeve Refashion and Repair

Repairing  clothes is something I seem to do a lot of, not just for my family but for friends also.   If you can repair an item it not only saves you having to replace it, it also saves that item from landfill.  I think these days people are far too quick to throw things out that can be salvaged, even if they don't know how to do it themselves there are people out there who can repair items.  Sometimes people may even see it as an ideal excuse to buy new but when did our clothing become such a throw away item?

Anyway rant over, this post relates to a shirt belonging to my husband that he split a few days ago when he put it on.  The split is on the sleeve and he did say it was too tight so no longer any use to him.  At this point the options usually are; can I make it into something for me? Shall I deconstruct it for the fabric? Is it nice enough that oldest son might want it ? Shall I take it to the charity shop?  (Charity shops also take damaged items for rag weigh in, so don't be put off.)  It is a nice shirt and my son likes it so I said I would sort the sleeve and resize it for him.

Here is the offending ripped sleeve...

My son wanted the sleeve length just above the elbow, about where they would be if you rolled them up.  So I marked where he wanted it to finish.  Then I cut the sleeve off just below so there would be enough to fold back.

Then I repaired the bit of the sleeve that was ripped and zig zagged the edge. 

The cuffs were used to cut out a small rectangle that would become the tab on the sleeve.
I edged each side then folded a small hem to make the tabs, button hole is already there.

I made a small hem on the bottom of the sleeves then folded it back and put my tab in place to get an idea of where to stich it and where the button needed to go.  (The tab in this picture is not yet hemmed I was still getting my idea together at this point.)

Here it is finished.

I also had to take the shirt in to make it fit my son, he also wanted it a bit shorter in case he wanted to wear it out of his trousers.  It looks more of a casual shirt this way so more his style but it will still be smart enough to wear to work.  Being a young man he is more into gadgets than buying clothes so I'm sure it will be appreciated that it is one less item of work wear that needs to be bought.

Once it was all finished I gave it a good iron, it is still a bit crumpled in this picture, I have to take the photos while it is on my mind so I am trying to get into the habit of doing it straight away.  

I hope this has been useful if anyone has had a similar mishap with a shirt or if you just want to change the sleeves to this  style.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Charity Shop Finds

At the weekend we had a walk around town, by that I mean the city centre.  It is not something we do very often as I am not one for wandering around shops but we were going for a bit of lunch so I had a look in a few charity shops. (Those shops I like.)

I am always on the lookout for inexpensive fabric and these days I tend to look at the duvet sets as I have a few good purchases in the past, I made the napkins for Christmas day from a pillow slip and pyjama bottoms from a duvet set previously.  I always look but I don't always find anything, I don't want anything too worn and of course it has to be a pattern I like. So when I saw this red duvet cover for just £3.25 it was perfect, I love the colour and the pattern.

The beauty of this is you get so much fabric for such a good price.

Here it is on the line after being washed on a hot temperature, I always do this as things are often sat around in bags in the back room in a charity shop and I like to wash all purchases on hot.   My usual wash is on a normal temperature that's better for the environment.

Then in another shop I spotted this dress...

Now this is a size 14 and I am an 8 but that's not a problem it can be easily taken in.  The fabric is lovely for the summer and will be ideal for work, I may need to take it up a little as well as it is a bit long. It was £6, the items were from 'Mind' and 'Cancer Research'.

I think I would quite like to make a dress with the red duvet fabric, although there will still probably be lots left for other projects, the duvet is 142cm wide by 200cm so if you factor in both sides that is 4 metres of fabric. It will probably be popping up in cushion covers, make up bags and patchwork for quite some time.

Some people don't like to buy used items but I really don't see problem as long as you wash things thoroughly as you don't know how they were stored but then when people buy new they don't know how things have been  stored either.  Many items come from factories over seas or in the UK where fabric may have been stacked in  a warehouse, they don't know what may have crawled on these fabric stacks and yet still they wear items unwashed because they are new.  This in my mind makes all argument for not buying used invalid, you decide on the cleanliness of your items when they come into your possession.

Today I will be repairing the sleeves on a shirt and resizing it for my son, I will take a few pictures and share tomorrow.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Caravan Upholstery Update

Just recently I made over the caravan seats for a colleague of my husband and I shared the images of the finished cushions.  Well things always look better in the correct location and the owner of the caravan has very kindly sent me the images to share.  I have to say looking at the cute little caravan has got me a bit nostalgic for ours that we sold.  These particular caravans are called Freedom Sunseekers and they are small and light with a pop up roof, they are so light they can be towed by smaller cars.  This was always something we looked at when we had a caravan as you don't want to be driving a large fuel guzzling car all year just so you can tow the caravan a couple of times a year.   We always looked at the weight first.  Anyway here are some images...

Here is the sleeping area at one end, I love the fairy lights over the bed.  The curtains are blackout lined.

Seating at the other side where you can eat.  My boys used to sit and play games at that end of the van when we had ours. 

It looks nice and modern inside.

There is just one side that she doesn't have foam for and I have saved one bit of the fabric for when she wants that one doing. This pattern of fabric is very wasteful for matching so while the curtains line up and match and the seat back and base it was tricky for the sides without wasting too much.  The piece saved is big enough for another box cushion and I know it was expensive so I didn't want to waste any of it.

We are hoping that in the future we will buy a motorhome, when we retire we are thinking it will be easier to travel with dogs and quicker to set up, stop off and see more places.  We are saving for that time and I know there are lots of beautiful places in the UK that we have yet to see and explore.

Thank you to the lovely owner of this sweet caravan for sharing with us.

Saturday 8 April 2017

Summer Blouse

Yesterday I finished my blouse, that is the first seasonal garment completed and it wasn't rushed.  The fabric was bought months ago and I didn't rush into what I wanted to do with it although I did have a top in mind when I bought it.  For quite a few years I used to buy fabric and launch into cutting it as soon as I got it home.  I don't buy as much fabric anymore and I try to be more considered about it, after all it's not going any where.

Here is the completed garment...

The buttons were recycled from an old shirt of my husband's.

I did pleats at the shoulder and elastic in the sleeve, I'm happy with this and can see I will repeat this style.

The collar is completely a feature and not intended to meet  at the front.

The blouse was tried on a few times to check the fit, I would always recommend this as you may have your mannequin set to your measurements but there is no real substitute for your body. 

We have been and had a bit of lunch out today (early bird menu) beautiful blue sky, warm breeze and short sleeves.  How completely transformed the day feels when the sun is shining, I know you shouldn't let the weather dictate your mood but it really does lift the spirits.    Let's hope the next few weeks bring more of the same.

This morning my husband tried on one of his shirts and split the sleeve, he says it is a bit tight when he moves his arms. I have a plan for it as it is a good shirt, I will share later in the week.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Recycled Photo Frame

A while ago I bought this small photo frame from the charity shop for a pound.  It has been sitting around my sewing table for some time and last week I remembered this little quote I had written in my diary.  I can't remember where I got it from I think it may have been pinterest, anyway some playing around with lettering and this is what I did...
I wrote it on the green paper from the inside of a card, it will sit on my table to remind me of these things.

Things I am enjoying this week...

Free exercise,  I have been doing some every night using the internet, there are lots videos you can watch for every ability.  I am doing something every day for 30 days then I will see if I can keep it up after that.   

The Last Kindom, really good I think and there is not a great deal I am interested in on the TV at the moment. 

Light evenings, what a difference it makes to have  more daylight.  I can take the dogs for an evening walk and see where I am going, sometimes even  without a jacket. (Oh little things)

The book 'The Whole Wide Beauty by Emily Woof, I just picked up three books from the library this week without spending too much time pondering and it seems to have paid off.  More on this when I finish it but so far so good.

Singing in the car on the way to work, I'm sure I look silly sometimes but who cares.

( This post has been edited  with regards to exercise, I don't want to encourage anyone to take up exercise that may conflict with their faith.)

Sunday 2 April 2017

Spring Sewing for Me

Today I have made  start on a new shirt for myself, I have had the fabric for a few months but had no desire to start it until now as it is light summery cotton. Also the dark months seemed to rob me of all get up and go this last season so I am only now getting back to wanting to get lots done, make plans, have ideas and so on.  Has anyone else felt like that?

Despite the fact that have been plodding on getting bits of alterations done for others and of course the caravan seating project there hasn't really been any sewing for myself.  It is also a delicate balance in that I don't buy fabric very often, I try to mainly recycle and not get sucked into the mindset of needing more.  With all this in mind I will be taking care with item as it is new fabric, and hopefully it will look good on when complete. 

This is the fabric, the little elephants caught my eye.

As everyone who sews will know sometimes you love a fabric and a design but once it is complete it just does nothing for you and unlike a bought item you can't return it.   Fortunately this doesn't happen that often and I do try to have gratitude for all the projects that turn out well and accept that some were just not meant to be.

On a thrifty note I didn't need to buy any notions when I bought the fabric as it is white so I already have the cotton in plentiful supply.  I also keep any small buttons off shirts when my husband has finished with them so there are plenty of those around and  there is just enough facing in my sewing box for the front and collar.

I am using a blouse that I own already as I like the fact that it is small and neat,  the collar only comes to the sides as the neck forms a sort of v.  I just lay it down and work around it.

I have cut these pieces slightly longer as this blouse is quite short in the body.

I'm going to mark these onto paper so I don't have to mess about with the blouse again a different day.

This is where I'm up to, I am not going to rush to finish it today as there are lots of other things I also need to get done and I want to enjoy the process not just rush to the finish.  That is me sometimes with sewing, hurrying to get it all done in one sitting.

Recently it does appear that I have posted more about food, since I turned vegan from vegetarian I have been much more aware of what I am eating and this will be reflected in my posts as food and cooking are on my mind.  I always tried to eat healthy as a vegetarian but I feel that now I am more aware of making sure I eat a good balance. It does mean that I sometimes think people may land on a page and think isn't this a sewing blog?  While that was my intention when I started it and the majority of my posts are about sewing I feel that these days it reflects the interests of a  crafter/maker. I hope that doesn't disappoint.  There are also I find pockets of sewing activity in my life where I seem to do lots over a couple of weeks and then more of a dry spell as in recent months. 

Friday 31 March 2017

Broccoli, Apple and Cashew Soup (Vegan/Gluten free)

I often make myself a nice soup for Friday lunch as I don't work on Fridays and it is nice to not be in a rush and have something home made and healthy.  I have made this soup a couple of times now but I'm only now getting around to posting it.  It is my own recipe and I like it quite thick so the quantity here for me is only 2 servings but very thick and filling.  It would definitely serve 4 as a starter just add more water.

Broccoli, Apple and Cashew Soup

350g Broccoli
60g cashew nuts
1 apple
1 veg stock cube (GF)
300ml water (boiled)
1 red onion
1 level desert spoon vegan cheese sauce powder (optional)
black pepper
Soya single cream (I use Alpro)

Steam the broccoli until tender, for the last few minutes add the chopped apple to the steamer to soften.

  Fry the onion in  a little olive oil until soft, sprinkle the stock cube into the frying pan and add the boiled water, you can also stir in the cheese sauce powder at this point if you are using it.

Pop your cashew nuts in the blender and blitz, if your blender is hand held you can put the nuts in a bag and beat them with a rolling pin, just take care the bag doesn't split. 

Add all ingredients to the blender except the cream and blend, then return to the pan. Continue  heating gently and at this point add a swirl of soya cream and a little black pepper to taste.

There is now a portion in the fridge for me to have tomorrow for supper, I always fancy something on a Saturday evening because we usually eat our dinner earlier so that is one problem solved.  Oldest son tried this last week and it got his approval and that is hard to come by when it comes to food he is fussy.
You can see how thick it is, add as much liquid as you need to your desired consistency.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Consume Less

There seems to be a lot of talk recently about how we are all going to notice rising prices etc. while at the same time airing shows that seem to promote over consumption.  I try and stick to buying things that mainly are a  need with a few wants here and there.  I certainly don't shop weekly for recreation as many people do as I don't see the point and it just creates a lot of waste which our planet certainly doesn't need any more of.

There was one show on a week ago which I couldn't watch because it was about spending less but then began the show by having two people show off about their over spending. No doubt about it that was exactly what was happening, the wife explaining she couldn't wear an outfit more than once because she would die, look at the hundreds of pounds worth of clothes in the wardrobe still with tags on, fake shock on her face. Oh it was just dreadful, I had to turn off and the sad thing is rather than being spurred on to save I think there would be some watching who might just want all that stuff.

Those kinds of show often offer alternatives to expensive treatments that are just a bit cheaper, or slightly less expensive clothing stores and so on when really they should be saying just stop!  Are you mad?  You don't need all that crap, you won't die if you are seen in the same outfit more than once but they won't do that because really they want us to keep the wheels turning.

Another thing I saw advertised was about the hotel business and the most demanding clients, those being the super rich.  In the add it stated the hotel rooms need to be repainted every three weeks, what? Why can't they just be cleaned thoroughly? It is possible to clean marks off walls without repainting all the time, can you imagine the excess pollution that is creating.  Hotels are already really bad for waste due to the constant need for clean towels and bedding, that much decorating is criminal.  Would the super rich implode if they had to stay in a room that wasn't newly refurbished? 
I have to say I wasn't inspired to watch the whole of that programme either there just seems to be a lot of celebration around being wasteful and proud of it, very sad.

I know a lot of people will disagree with my little poster above but I hope more are starting to seek alternative ways to spend their free time.

It is often the case that as we find new hobbies we are bombarded with ideas about items we should acquire to perfect these hobbies.  In fact any new activity you take up has probably been done by someone you know,  there could be equipment lurking in a friends garage or loft, ebay and Gumtree also have lots of used items so don't be dazzled by the shiny and new.  You can find lots of free instructions and videos shared by fellow bloggers and of course the library always has lots of information on everything.

So of you decide to get out there and do something new rather than wandering around a shopping mall don't use it as an excuse to go and buy all the kit.  I think there is a funny idea in all of us that we will do better at something if we are fully equipped with all the tools.  Sad  truth is owning the stuff doesn't make you great at something and wonderful things have been created with limited resources so it's the time, desire and the effort that makes the difference.

I have noticed the hilarious contrast in that there is currently an add saying shop now down the side bar. Ha! so much for related content.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Vegan Gluten Free Carrot and Walnut Bread

I haven't done much baking for a while, I tend to go in phases with it I think mainly because due to working with the gluten free flours there are more fails than there used to be when I could just use the regular flour.  It can be a bit disheartening at times,  I enjoy cooking new vegan recipes but the baking minus egg and regular flour proves challenging.

Yesterday I had a go at these cookies here  Naturally Sassy cookies  they were supposed to be made using pecans but as I didn't have any I used walnuts they came out ok, quite chewy, not a soft cookie  once cooled but I am eating them so they work.
You don't roll them out you just shape them with your hands which was quite therapeutic.

This morning while I was up early with the dogs I made a carrot and walnut loaf.  This recipe was adapted from the book Keep it Vegan, I had to adapt it because the recipe is not gluten free and also I didn't have a courgette! 

Here is my recipe...

Carrot and Walnut loaf
200g gf plain flour
100g brown rice flour
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp oregano
1 carrot grated
4 pieces of chopped sun dried tomato (optional)
175ml soya milk
50g walnuts crushed (rolling pin)
1tbsp chia seeds soaked in a little water
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 200c, mix dry ingredients in a bowl, add carrot and tomato pieces, make a well in the centre and pour in soya milk, stir through nuts and seeds.  This should all come together in a piece as you stir, flour your hands and turn it onto a baking sheet then shape into an oval loaf, score top.  Cook in the oven for about 30 minutes until it sounds hollow when tapped.

You only need a slice as it is filling, unlike regular bread which is just generally full of air.  It also has a lot of goodies in it again unlike regular bread which is often full of preservatives.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Caravan Seats and Odd Jobs

I was asked to make over the caravan interior upholstery for my husbands colleague last week. The curtains were complete last week but she didn't buy enough fabric for the seating so we have been waiting on that.

It was not an easy sew!  The fabric was woven so one side of the piece when you cut it kept unravelling in massive strips, it also got tangled around the needle a few times, oh awful stuff.  Anyway they are finished now, well I just have two scatter cushions to do tomorrow and they won't take long.

I also had some panels to sew inside some motorbike jeans this week, they are to hold the protective pads, that job was a first and also quite tricky to stitch through the padded denim. 

My job for tomorrow is to make some Mr Tumnus trousers to look like his furry legs.  I need to dress up at school next week, I will try and share  a picture but not sure if I'll do so while I'm wearing them.

So there hasn't been much in the way of garment making recently but lots of repairs for others and household style sewing.  Perhaps the brighter days will inspire me, I tend to stick to my same sets of layered clothes when it is cold.

It has been quite tricky to find something to get interested in on the TV recently, all the Scandinavian dramas I like appear to have finished and have not been replaced with anything to grab my attention.  Broad church is quite enjoyable and also The Replacement but really there is an awful lot of rubbish across the channels.  I came into the living room the other evening after doing some alterations and turned on the TV, across three channels these were the options; Britain on Benefits, Britain on the Fiddle and Britain After Brexit, I turned it straight off again!

Saturday 25 February 2017

Schar Gluten Free Pizza Base

Being gluten free I have to admit that I miss pizza, these days also being vegan that would be a
cheese free pizza but still I do miss it.   I have tried various things to satisfy this including many gluten free bread products, it is never the same. We visited Zizis the restaurant because I read they did an amazing GF vegan pizza, it wasn't, but it was wafer thin, overpriced with practically zero topping on it.  Did I mention how I hate to be ripped off and we don't even go out that often.

So when I saw these Schar pizza bases I was excited, I love the Schar bread and although it is expensive I will pay the extra for this as I am so limited in what I can have and their bread has quinoa, linseed goodness and tastes super.  We brought the bases home today and I piled on all my lovely toppings, fried red onions, cherry tomatoes, sauce, garlic mushrooms, Italian herbs and vegan cheese. 
Now these bases were two for three pounds so again not cheap for a bit of bread but I had high hopes.

When it came out of the oven I cut it up and sat down to tuck in.  Well, dry powdery bread just like every other  gluten free product I tend to try, I was disappointed to say the least.  The loaf I buy by this make is so good I expected too much I think.  You see I had resigned myself a while ago to the fact that bread based meals are a thing of the past.  On the occasion I have some it is beans or tomatoes on the Schar toast so this moistens the bread.  I would not recommend buying this product but their loaves are good if pricey.

The best and closest I have come to enjoying something resembling a pizza is when I used a wrap as a base and just topped that with lots of veg.   The reason that may have worked better is that a wrap is so thin so you don't experience the dry floury texture of a thicker dough.

If anyone has tried anything better I would love to hear about it.  I am usually pretty good at improvising with the GF, vegan foods but sometimes on a Saturday you just want to come home and have a pizza like everyone else!

Friday 24 February 2017


Today I have had another bit of a clear out, I was looking for a particular top this morning and thought I needed a little sort through.  Many things have just been moved along and put together.  For example summer dresses that I want but don't need yet.  I know many people take all of their seasonal stuff out altogether and rotate but I am not going through that every season.  There is also the fact that some items can span seasons with a top under and thick tights.

There  was also a few items that needed a bit of care.  A dress with a belt loop hanging off, a nice next t-shirt that has always been too baggy, jeans that can turn into shorts and a levi jacket that has always bothered me because the shoulders hang over.  So this little pile has been brought down for action, first up was the levi jacket, I marked where the shoulder should sit by laying another little jacket on top that fits me well.  There was quite a lot of unpicking involved due to all the top stitching.

I have had it years but it is such a lovely soft cord, maybe it will get more wear in the summer now the shoulders are better fitting.

I removed thirteen items of clothing that have not been worn over the past year and that I can't see me wearing again. In truth some of them should have gone with the last lot that went to the charity shop but I don't find this easy as I am not quick to buy new.  There is a little bit of me thinking I might need that so I have to be ruthless with myself.

There were also two books on the pile, a shirt of my husbands (I had permission!) and a fleece one of the boys had outgrown. I have not been far in way of walking due to mad weather yesterday and todays business, just the usual places.   I have begun to do the reupholster job on some seating and curtains for a colleague of my husband, it is for a small caravan. The curtains are finished but she needs more fabric as by the look of it she just guessed and there was no where near enough for all the seating.  So more on that next week.

Quite a few people have gone on their travels, we have done this at February half term in the past but after cold weekends in Amsterdam, Paris, Lego land and Loch Lomond we decided to give this one a miss.  Unless you are following the year round sun it can be a bit chilly and with three dogs now our holidays involve a lot of being outside.

Whatever you have been up to this week I hope you have had a good time, I know a lot of you not working in education will have had a regular week but maybe you managed a day off with the children.

Monday 20 February 2017

So Much Space

I have been thinking recently about how we view and use our space or more to the point about how I do.  After talking to my husband about putting in another bathroom downstairs we decided against it, the reason being that we manage with the one and we have done so for all this time so is there really a need?  I know there are probably a few wondering how they would do without their second or third bathrooms but it really is just a matter of what you are used to and how you use things.

My sons are now teenagers, the oldest is working and three of us like to shower in the morning and the youngest likes to do so in the evening.  I am first up and out, oldest son goes in straight after me closely followed by the youngest to wash and do his teeth and my husband goes in after that.  It works, we have the occasional shout of hurry up but mostly it is a good system.

But it is not just bathrooms though is it, we seem to be conditioned to believe we need more space when actually we probably spend most of our time in the same areas.  Of course if you have a larger family then you will need more space than a childless couple but sometimes it is about storing stuff.

While out walking yesterday we saw this property for sale and it is also yesterdays picture of the day.
Yes a church that you can live in.

Now I'm not sure if I like the idea, when we got home I looked at the pictures of the interior and as you could see from the outside the building is vast.  Inside while nicely done there is no sense of cosiness, it is just so big.  I would also imagine the upkeep on the exterior would be a money pit but someone will no doubt buy it because they are attracted to the amount of space it offers, which also needs to be heated, cleaned and lit.

We have talked about the possibility that we may move one day when we retire but if we do it would be more about the outlook and the location than the size of the property.  I watched a Ted talk by Graham Hill here where he show off his apartment designs, every item is multifunctional and you make the most of the space you have.  While I wouldn't want such a minimalist look the ideas are super and certainly give us something to think about in our ever expanding population.

So I think I will embrace my one bathroom and be grateful that my sons accept our little rota without complaint and also that I only have the one bathroom to clean.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Sunny days

We have finally had a bit of sunshine this week so I managed to get  a couple of pictures without a grey sky, yesterday and today.  I went out early for dinner with friends last night so  I'm posting that picture now.

This was from a distance so hazy due to zooming in on a non powerful camera,  nice to see the horses in the fields.  There is a field nearby with alpacas so I may have to wander over and take a photo of them one day next week.

This one is from my walk today I was under the cover of trees so it appears darker than it was.

 Other than getting out with the dogs and doing the food shopping I've not been up to much today but I have decided that from this week I will be saving my receipts from my food shop.  Just to get a clearer idea over the course of a year and also because I am fed up of hearing how our food prices are going to go up so I thought I would monitor it myself.

I don't really buy anything in bulk, I wonder how much could be saved this way so I am going to look into that. I keep the food shop pretty reasonable but there is bound to be somewhere I can improve, I don't have a big freezer so it can't be too much frozen stuff but otherwise I'm curious.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Planning a Walk

I have just come back from my walk with the dogs and yet again I have had to carry three dog bags this time for about 2.6 miles before reaching a bin. Ridiculous! Of course I want to tidy up after my pets but  where have all the bins gone? Just about every time I go out I find this and it doesn't matter which route I take, unless I am passing through the park or by the school there are no bins.  The sad thing is in one particular area by the side of the road I saw dog bags on the floor as if people had given up after miles of walking. Obviously they should not be doing this but they have picked it up so my thinking is if there had been any bins around this wouldn't be happening.

The reason I know how far I walked before encountering a bin is this little website I found this is really handy because you just drag your route on the map and it tells you how far it is, you can estimate arrival times and so on.  Quite handy I think, I have found that two of my regular walks are just over three miles and thought they were a quick whip around as I walk quite fast.  It is good to know I am covering more ground than I realized and that when we do longer walks it is better still.
Here is my picture for the day, I had to put the dog bags down to take it but be assured I picked them up again and carted them around looking for the elusive bin.
I do hope it is not going to be thirty days of dreary skies although the light in this one is a little better.

There is hope for lighter days to come, there is something growing in this field, the daffodils are all coming up and it has been quite mild today so hopefully the days will be brighter.  I am finding everyone is in need of a rest and the dark days don't help.
 I have been watching an Icelandic drama called 'Case' it was good but a bit dark as most crime dramas are, I watched the last episode of the first series this week but they left it so there can be a second series.  I am finding the  book 'After You' a bit dull otherwise I would have finished it by now.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Peace and Joy

That title sounds a bit like Christmas doesn't it? Well don't worry we are not there yet, it's just that I read something earlier that really appealed to me.
'When you think everything is someone else's fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.' - The Dalai Lama
How wonderful, and it is basically taking responsibility, of course it doesn't mean illness or unavoidable accidents but the every day thoughts and actions that can tilt things this way or that.

My picture for today was an orchid that has just come into flower again that I keep in my kitchen...
Now orchid from what I read is lovely, beautiful and calm and the colour yellow, wholesome, honest and pure. I just thought the picture quite fit the quote although I already had the picture for the day.

I always think it is good to remember all the little things each day that bring you joy rather than all the things that wind you up, I am very grateful but some days it is hard not to grumble.  Considering the quote above I think I will pop it in my bag and look at it whenever I am feeling out of sorts.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Books and Keeping Track

At the end of the summer last year I began keeping a record of the books I read on the computer, I originally did this on good reads but after forgetting  a password last year and not being able to access my own record until I reset it I thought just who am I doing this for?  As it was for me I started a folder on the computer but then decided I wanted a paper version.  Now this may be to do with my love of books that I need an actual book to record them in, I don't know but I prefer it.

So I just bought a journal from ASDA, quite cheap and still kept up with the  file on my laptop but when I fill a page I print it and stick the entries in. I get a lot of books from the library and some I buy, the ones on my shelf are there as a reminder but the borrowed ones are not so this is a good prompt if I want to remember an author.

I just make a few notes for me, I can look back and think about whether a new release by a particular author is worth a look or not.  I am not aiming to write a detailed review just something to jog my memory.

Today after work I stopped off to take a picture, I didn't get the one I really wanted as there wasn't anywhere to pull over in rush hour safely.  I did get one though, here is todays picture.

Monday 13 February 2017

Random thoughts

Well  after taking another photograph straight after work today I have decided I will have to start and stop on places on my way home or all my pictures will be in the same area. That said it is half term next week so I can get out in the day to take daylight pictures so that will be better.  I do quite like a bare tree though, there is something beautiful and earie about them.  So here is todays picture I am not going to title them as I can never think what to title my posts.

I have just started reading  After You by Jojo Moyes which is the sequel to Me Before You.  I have got through a few books this last few months and I have started a little journal to document what I have read as I often forget over time what an author was called unless I have  read a few by the same person.  This can be annoying and also as I have a lot from the library so it is good to look back on, I will share more on this tomorrow.

At the weekend I had a disastrous attempt at puff vegan GF pastry, well I say disastrous but I ate half of it so it can't have been that bad but it wasn't mouth watering soft puff pastry either!  I adapted a recipe I saw and I thought it was all going really well as I rolled it between the plastic sandwich bags and it didn't fall apart.  It also didn't rise or go golden and was quite firm, shame as I was so looking forward to it.  I just added my fancy garlic mushroom and nut filling and ate it anyway. Gluten free flour Grrrr.

Sunday 12 February 2017


I listened to a really interesting Ted Talk this morning while I was doing the ironing about how we use and define time.  You can find it here Ted Talk.   What was really interesting about this particular talk was that the main idea was that we have plenty of time all of us no matter what we do for a living or what our family commitments are.  What saps our time as we see it is that we feel we are busy with things we don't enjoy or that we feel are not of our choosing.

The point of this talk was that we always choose how we spend our time, our jobs, families and our hobbies were all the result of choices we made and we can choose to make different choices.  So this was a very different approach to looking at time rather than trying to save minutes here and there.  I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to save minutes but if you choose to cut an activity you can possibly save hours. 

This was really interesting to me because there have been many times when certain  people have repeatedly said they were too busy to make plans or whatever, while I on the other hand have said yes even when over stretched or sometimes even feeling unwell.  So yes we can all choose what we commit our time to or not.  If you are really unhappy with your career maybe it is time to move on, if you hate your keep fit class don't go! Choose a different activity, switch off the T.V, stop whatever you don't enjoy.

A lot of what we do is just habit and the sad thing is we don't always make a habit of the things we love but only the mundane.  I have been reading lots of posts by bloggers who are taking up running, swimming or retraining, I have a colleague who has just joined a gym so she can do all the different classes.  Choosing to make time for these activities will determine whether or not they become  habit.

The reason I watched this particular Ted Talk today was as a result of a little habit I have set myself that combines a dull activity with one I enjoy. So far this year I have stuck with the habit of ironing on a Sunday morning. Rather than this being a chore it has become a slot of time that I enjoy because I place my tablet on the side with my little speaker, select a theme and listen to Ted Talks on that particular subject.  I am hearing new ideas every week and it feels like a good use of my time, I know a lot of people who say they never iron but I cannot get this concept, I have a husband who wears shirts and now a working son, plus many of my clothes do not come out the wash wrinkle free so how??  I might also add I don't use a tumble dryer as they waste energy, wear clothes out  and so on.

One habit I have decided to try for thirty days is to take a picture each day, this idea also came from a talk and it will be just point the camera and shoot.  So I apologise in advance for blurred, out of focus pictures I am just going to go with it for a month then decide after that amount of time if I want to spend more time improving .

Here is todays picture, dark all day with flurries of light snow.

Monday 23 January 2017

Problem Fabric

I made a dress over the weekend and I had decided to use one of the patterns that came with the magazines  that I got for Christmas.  A nice style but I felt the recommendations for the amount of fabric were way too much but then they always are.  I used the red fabric I bought before Christmas and I really wish I hadn't,  it was awful!  Such a woven nature to it that it literally fell apart as you cut it, but instead of trusting my instincts which said this was a bad idea I carried on and it didn't make for enjoyable sewing.

The  sewing pattern is very nice, I will make it again but I will add a little length to the body as I feel the waist sits a little high on me, I will certainly  not use this type of fabric again.

This is the magazine it came with.

I liked the style of the sleeve and neck on the dress but I am  sure I would have made a neater job had I not been grappling with a self destruct fabric.

When I tried the dress on I felt it looked frumpy, I'm not sure if I have taken a dislike to it due the  problems with it but I can't see myself wearing it.  This is a shame but not all is wasted, I know what I like about the pattern, I know it works with maybe a small adjustment to bodice length and I know what not to buy again.  So like they say you always learn something.

The fabric is also quite thick which doesn't really suit the style so the gathers hang in a bulky way.  Never mind, in all the years I have been sewing there have only been a few items that I have really not liked, it is just a pity it is the first item of the year.

On a positive note I did a few alterations for someone I know last week and a few repairs for myself I also made a few birthday cards.  I am trying to stick to recycled paper for the cards, I don't like the way there are ready made things to stick on cards as this defeats the idea of making them yourself if you ask me.  With that in mind mine probably don't look polished, maybe more rustic (ha).

Maybe this is just me showing my age but I can't quite believe we are already so far through January, with feeling a bit run down and the dark evenings I just don't feel like I am getting much done.  Making something however small helps me feel a little productive so maybe I need to concentrate on small projects in between the bigger ones.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

New Start

Hello I hope everyone has made a good start to the year in a positive frame of mind, that is tricky I know with all these  viruses still floating around.  I didn't get much making done over the Christmas period other than a set of napkins for my Christmas table.  I was really pleased with them though as all they cost me in fabric was a pair of pillow slips from the charity shop for £1.50.

 I quickly whipped those up on Christmas Eve, I also saw this name place idea on pinterest so just copied the image free hand and coloured them...
So that was that sorted I don't spend a lot on dressing the table just a few candles, a table cloth and some tinsel etc and it will do.  I have a real annoyance with crackers as well, I used to buy them when the children were little but they are such a waste of paper and money so now I don't bother.

I also made  some 3D paper snow flakes to hang from the light fitting above the dining table and I have left those up as I have decided that is a winter themed decoration not a Christmas one.
So much you can do with  simple piece of paper, this is something I want to explore a bit more this coming year I think. Paper crafts have such low costs if you stick to recycled materials and stay clear of all the fancy tools and machines.

I still haven't made up the red and black check fabric I bought in December so no fabric purchases for me until that is complete, but I do have a couple of sewing magazines that I will share another day.  They are not something I usually buy but my husband bought them for me for Christmas and there are  a few nice ideas.   I had thought about a subscription to one but I am still undecided on that, I think I mainly like the idea of the magazine coming in the post once a month as a little treat.  If I tell myself I can just go and buy one anytime I never will.

A Slow Week, A few Books and Pretty PJs

 Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.  So this week has been brought to a bit of a standstill for me.  I have somehow injured my b...