Tuesday 14 February 2017

Books and Keeping Track

At the end of the summer last year I began keeping a record of the books I read on the computer, I originally did this on good reads but after forgetting  a password last year and not being able to access my own record until I reset it I thought just who am I doing this for?  As it was for me I started a folder on the computer but then decided I wanted a paper version.  Now this may be to do with my love of books that I need an actual book to record them in, I don't know but I prefer it.

So I just bought a journal from ASDA, quite cheap and still kept up with the  file on my laptop but when I fill a page I print it and stick the entries in. I get a lot of books from the library and some I buy, the ones on my shelf are there as a reminder but the borrowed ones are not so this is a good prompt if I want to remember an author.

I just make a few notes for me, I can look back and think about whether a new release by a particular author is worth a look or not.  I am not aiming to write a detailed review just something to jog my memory.

Today after work I stopped off to take a picture, I didn't get the one I really wanted as there wasn't anywhere to pull over in rush hour safely.  I did get one though, here is todays picture.

Monday 13 February 2017

Random thoughts

Well  after taking another photograph straight after work today I have decided I will have to start and stop on places on my way home or all my pictures will be in the same area. That said it is half term next week so I can get out in the day to take daylight pictures so that will be better.  I do quite like a bare tree though, there is something beautiful and earie about them.  So here is todays picture I am not going to title them as I can never think what to title my posts.

I have just started reading  After You by Jojo Moyes which is the sequel to Me Before You.  I have got through a few books this last few months and I have started a little journal to document what I have read as I often forget over time what an author was called unless I have  read a few by the same person.  This can be annoying and also as I have a lot from the library so it is good to look back on, I will share more on this tomorrow.

At the weekend I had a disastrous attempt at puff vegan GF pastry, well I say disastrous but I ate half of it so it can't have been that bad but it wasn't mouth watering soft puff pastry either!  I adapted a recipe I saw and I thought it was all going really well as I rolled it between the plastic sandwich bags and it didn't fall apart.  It also didn't rise or go golden and was quite firm, shame as I was so looking forward to it.  I just added my fancy garlic mushroom and nut filling and ate it anyway. Gluten free flour Grrrr.

Sunday 12 February 2017


I listened to a really interesting Ted Talk this morning while I was doing the ironing about how we use and define time.  You can find it here Ted Talk.   What was really interesting about this particular talk was that the main idea was that we have plenty of time all of us no matter what we do for a living or what our family commitments are.  What saps our time as we see it is that we feel we are busy with things we don't enjoy or that we feel are not of our choosing.

The point of this talk was that we always choose how we spend our time, our jobs, families and our hobbies were all the result of choices we made and we can choose to make different choices.  So this was a very different approach to looking at time rather than trying to save minutes here and there.  I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to save minutes but if you choose to cut an activity you can possibly save hours. 

This was really interesting to me because there have been many times when certain  people have repeatedly said they were too busy to make plans or whatever, while I on the other hand have said yes even when over stretched or sometimes even feeling unwell.  So yes we can all choose what we commit our time to or not.  If you are really unhappy with your career maybe it is time to move on, if you hate your keep fit class don't go! Choose a different activity, switch off the T.V, stop whatever you don't enjoy.

A lot of what we do is just habit and the sad thing is we don't always make a habit of the things we love but only the mundane.  I have been reading lots of posts by bloggers who are taking up running, swimming or retraining, I have a colleague who has just joined a gym so she can do all the different classes.  Choosing to make time for these activities will determine whether or not they become  habit.

The reason I watched this particular Ted Talk today was as a result of a little habit I have set myself that combines a dull activity with one I enjoy. So far this year I have stuck with the habit of ironing on a Sunday morning. Rather than this being a chore it has become a slot of time that I enjoy because I place my tablet on the side with my little speaker, select a theme and listen to Ted Talks on that particular subject.  I am hearing new ideas every week and it feels like a good use of my time, I know a lot of people who say they never iron but I cannot get this concept, I have a husband who wears shirts and now a working son, plus many of my clothes do not come out the wash wrinkle free so how??  I might also add I don't use a tumble dryer as they waste energy, wear clothes out  and so on.

One habit I have decided to try for thirty days is to take a picture each day, this idea also came from a talk and it will be just point the camera and shoot.  So I apologise in advance for blurred, out of focus pictures I am just going to go with it for a month then decide after that amount of time if I want to spend more time improving .

Here is todays picture, dark all day with flurries of light snow.

Monday 23 January 2017

Problem Fabric

I made a dress over the weekend and I had decided to use one of the patterns that came with the magazines  that I got for Christmas.  A nice style but I felt the recommendations for the amount of fabric were way too much but then they always are.  I used the red fabric I bought before Christmas and I really wish I hadn't,  it was awful!  Such a woven nature to it that it literally fell apart as you cut it, but instead of trusting my instincts which said this was a bad idea I carried on and it didn't make for enjoyable sewing.

The  sewing pattern is very nice, I will make it again but I will add a little length to the body as I feel the waist sits a little high on me, I will certainly  not use this type of fabric again.

This is the magazine it came with.

I liked the style of the sleeve and neck on the dress but I am  sure I would have made a neater job had I not been grappling with a self destruct fabric.

When I tried the dress on I felt it looked frumpy, I'm not sure if I have taken a dislike to it due the  problems with it but I can't see myself wearing it.  This is a shame but not all is wasted, I know what I like about the pattern, I know it works with maybe a small adjustment to bodice length and I know what not to buy again.  So like they say you always learn something.

The fabric is also quite thick which doesn't really suit the style so the gathers hang in a bulky way.  Never mind, in all the years I have been sewing there have only been a few items that I have really not liked, it is just a pity it is the first item of the year.

On a positive note I did a few alterations for someone I know last week and a few repairs for myself I also made a few birthday cards.  I am trying to stick to recycled paper for the cards, I don't like the way there are ready made things to stick on cards as this defeats the idea of making them yourself if you ask me.  With that in mind mine probably don't look polished, maybe more rustic (ha).

Maybe this is just me showing my age but I can't quite believe we are already so far through January, with feeling a bit run down and the dark evenings I just don't feel like I am getting much done.  Making something however small helps me feel a little productive so maybe I need to concentrate on small projects in between the bigger ones.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

New Start

Hello I hope everyone has made a good start to the year in a positive frame of mind, that is tricky I know with all these  viruses still floating around.  I didn't get much making done over the Christmas period other than a set of napkins for my Christmas table.  I was really pleased with them though as all they cost me in fabric was a pair of pillow slips from the charity shop for £1.50.

 I quickly whipped those up on Christmas Eve, I also saw this name place idea on pinterest so just copied the image free hand and coloured them...
So that was that sorted I don't spend a lot on dressing the table just a few candles, a table cloth and some tinsel etc and it will do.  I have a real annoyance with crackers as well, I used to buy them when the children were little but they are such a waste of paper and money so now I don't bother.

I also made  some 3D paper snow flakes to hang from the light fitting above the dining table and I have left those up as I have decided that is a winter themed decoration not a Christmas one.
So much you can do with  simple piece of paper, this is something I want to explore a bit more this coming year I think. Paper crafts have such low costs if you stick to recycled materials and stay clear of all the fancy tools and machines.

I still haven't made up the red and black check fabric I bought in December so no fabric purchases for me until that is complete, but I do have a couple of sewing magazines that I will share another day.  They are not something I usually buy but my husband bought them for me for Christmas and there are  a few nice ideas.   I had thought about a subscription to one but I am still undecided on that, I think I mainly like the idea of the magazine coming in the post once a month as a little treat.  If I tell myself I can just go and buy one anytime I never will.

Monday 19 December 2016

Random Bits

I had a really good few weeks of posting regularly then I had this insane amount of traffic that was clearly spam or whatever you call it, coming from certain countries I know it wasn't genuine as I researched it a bit a while ago.  The thing is you are not supposed to click on any of the links in your traffic stats as that is where you then get diverted to unsavoury sites and hacked or something. How very sad that all is, anyway it sort of puts me off posting anything.  It is still happening a bit now as I can tell with the odd names of where hits are coming from so unfortunately if there are any interesting new views with blogs I would like I will probably not know as I daren't look!

We finished work for Christmas on Friday so it is nice and relaxed around here.  I have a big pile of shirts to alter for someone, a dress to make and a shirt for me. 
Earlier I made these gf vegan mince pies from the Naturally Sassy blog they are really nice and the home made fruit mince smells lovely while cooking I have a lot left so will be making more to freeze tomorrow.
I didn't have a cutter I don't know where they have got to, so I used a wine glass as recommended by Saskia, and I have seen such pretty mince pies where the tops have been cut with a fancy cutter.  I don't do much pastry since becoming gluten free as it is so hit and miss and very difficult to handle.  These were tricky while rolling but now they are cooked they hold up well.

I read Gone Girl this last few weeks as it was recommended by a couple of friends, quite a twist in that one so worth a look if you haven't already. I have a few to read over the next few weeks a box set of non fiction by C. S Lewis and a few others which I will share later.   I have started a little journal for myself with what I read each month in it and a short review, as I often forget over time and it can come in handy when you are thinking about whether to revisit a certain author.

On the television I have recently finished watching the Swedish drama 30° in February on Sky Arts, this has been a fabulous series if you want to watch it you will have to go back and watch from series 1 to get the whole story.  I am a little sad it's finished, however I have started watching another Swedish drama called Modus and that one is good too.  A lot of people I know won't watch any TV with subtitles but they are missing so many good dramas.

Friday 2 December 2016

This Week a Trip to the Ballet

This has been a nice week, starting to recover from the nagging cough and finally getting some energy back has helped. Earlier this week we went to see Snow White by the Vienna Festival Ballet I really enjoyed that, we don't go out much but we have seen this company five times now over the last three years and it is something I look forward to.   I have already got my tickets for the next one...

It is a small theatre so it is nice, a relaxing few hours in a busy week.

A bit of wonderful news is that my oldest son has secured himself a trainee I.T position, quite amusing was that he wasted no time in handing in his notice at his part time job, but it will be good to see him doing something he enjoys.  He also came home with these lovely flowers for me. Feeling very proud.

It has been a lovely feeling around school with all the children rehearsing for the play and getting excited about advent calendars.  Sometimes you just need to be around children to see everything in a better light I think. The grown ups I hear talking about stress and how they are not ready and are never going to be.  The children just want a bit of sparkle and fun, I don't think it has to cost a fortune to give them that, that meal we will all eat on the 25th doesn't have to be perfect, and to the grown ups out there do you all need to buy so much? Smile everyone and relax.

Speaking of buying I bought a piece of fabric last week for £4, it is red and black so that will be my Christmas day dress, or winter dress just when I decide what to do.  I am thinking usual skater style that I like to make but I want to add some detail somewhere.  That is my personal contribution to the consumer madness. Ha!
I have this in a blue that I made last year and it sews up really  nice.

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...