Sunday 7 February 2021

Making and Mending

 Hello I hope you are all doing well this week and managing to keep busy at home, we had a snow day at the start of the week and it is not looking good for this coming week.  I hope it doesn't settle as it is such a pain worrying about how to get to work and wishing for a closure to make the decision for us.  I live quite a way from my work so walking is not an option and to take the bus would mean two provided they  are running so it can be a nuisance.  Now if we are at home it all looks rather lovely so it just goes to show how your perspective differs depending on responsibilities doesn't it?  

I whipped up a quick top yesterday with a lovely piece of jersey that I bought a few weeks ago, I have been wondering what to do with this and then remembered I am supposed to be making more simple long sleeve t-shirts to go with jeans so that is what I did.   I made the Freya dress into a top again as I know this is a good fitting top, I am very happy with it and wearing it today. 

I loved this fabric when I saw it but wondered about it not looking right with my hair, too similar perhaps but now I am ok with it.  I am trying to branch out with my colour choices a bit.

I made the neck a bit taller then folded it down again as it looked a bit odd on me, I also think a high collar is a bit irritating and I know I would be pulling at it all day.   It has been freezing in school recently so we have been leaving our scarves on and that has been annoying me so I think this was the right decision for me.

There has also been more crochet, I made another hat for myself in a different colour combination and then my friend said she would like one to go with   her new coat so I am currently working on that.  Though I have to say this will not become a regular thing doing crochet for others as I am not fast at it so it is a lot of time for me.  

I made this cowl last year, or maybe it was the year before I forget!  Anyway I think it goes quite well with the new hat.  The colours for my friend's hat are teal and yellow and I am currently up to the middle yellow band.
That picture does not do the lovely teal colour justice but I will share when it is finished.  I have just seen a pattern for a little top but it may be a little beyond my crochet ability for now, I will have to think on it.

I have also done some repairs for my clothes and others, patching things, redoing a few hems, darning tights and a patch on a dress for a colleague, I actually sandwiched some denim between two layers of the top fabric from above as the dress with the hole was a similar mustard colour, you can't actually see it now I have done the repair but should it open in future she will have some pretty fabric showing behind it.  

We have just had a very cold walk but before we left I had just put a nectarine and blueberry crumble in the oven so it was ready when we got back, it was very nice and just what we needed.  This week I have been trying to avoid things that may aggravate my tummy now I cook a lot with onions and garlic so going without those has been hard, I have to say no stomach ache all week.  Now if I have to go without those I will have a very sad face indeed, I may have to introduce small amounts and see how I go as a gf vegan I need to have some flavour!

This week we have been watching a lot of Marcella, in fact we may have watched too much I think I need a little break from it.  We watched the last series then went straight onto the current one, we also watched a film Friday night called Greenland, a disaster film of all things I mean that is just what we need right now!  It was watchable though nothing to crazy about. 

Well I have a workout and a pile of ironing to do so I will say bye for now, take care. 


  1. I love that fabric and the neckline is really neat - I want one now! Fingers crossed for a proper snow day for you. Jo x

  2. Me gusta como ha quedado tu blusa y te sienta estupendamente y veo que sigues tejiendo.....

  3. I love your new top, it is just lovely and well done on the crochet. You will get faster at it. Hope your stomach feels better. I have given up gluten and dairy to help mine. So far it has not made a huge difference but I am trying. Stay safe.

  4. Nice top! I love yellow and I think everybody should have at least one yellow top in their wardrobe. Yellow suits you very much.


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What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...