Wednesday 24 February 2021

My Patchwork Sweater (Scrap busting Sweater)

 This weekend I decided to give an idea I saw on another post a go, I don't know how many of you follow Made by Leisl but she is just the queen of upcycling  clothes if you ask me.  This idea is super thrifty and great if you want to save money on your sewing too.   Made by Leisl has made some amazing biker style jackets out of blazers and bits of denim, embroidery and all sorts so I do like her style.   I just saw this post she had done on colour blocking and I loved her sweatshirt, she had used paler colours than mine so I was  not sure if my colours would work but I gave it a go anyway. So the idea is to make a sweater using all your offcuts, so you really get an extra sweater for free and the fun part is it is completely unique to you.  I think this is an idea you could use in all sorts of ways and I will be looking for more ways to incorporate colour blocking in my makes in future. 

If you go on her link on the Bernina Blog here she not only tells you what to do but there is a pattern I believe that you can print.  Now my printer is not working properly and I like to do things on a whim so I didn't use that. However I did copy her front and design, I used the freya dress to make a sweater pattern, then I retraced the front of that pattern to cut up and make the patchwork design.

I did that by sketching it first on a notepad, then I went over my pattern with tracing paper and drew the lines all over it. Next I added numbers next to the lines that matched so that I wouldn't get muddled putting it all back together again. 

As my colours were all a bit red and black I was a bit worried that these colours would be a little jarring together.  I needn't have worried as once it was all together it made all the difference. 

It all looked a bit uncertain at this point, I think it is just because it is pieces pinned on a table!

I thought a definite cuff and matching at the bottom would tie it all in .

The back is plain and one sleeve is floral, so maximising all those bits.

So there you have it, I do have other remnants in some shades of blue so there will be another sweater like this to make the most of them.  Why not give it a try and don't forget to have a look at the original post where I got my inspiration.  Have a good week. 


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A Slow Week, A few Books and Pretty PJs

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