Wednesday 10 June 2020

Retro Sewing on a Rainy Day

A little bit of bag making today and I just loved this fabric as soon as I saw it when it arrived in my gift bag from Jo.  The colours are very 1970s I think and I decided to do a little bow design to keep it in that sort of same style, it was really fun to make with a bit of playing around with the bow to get it just the right size in the right spot.

I have used a number of fabrics on this one with three layers in the body, one of them being a waterproof piece as the outer body is not, there was only just a small amount of the black faux leather left so this has just been used as detail at the edges, underneath and on the strap.  Although I would have to say do we ever let our handbags get completely soaked, I think not but the extra layer gives a bit of protection from the damp.

I am happy with how this turned out and I may do other variations of this design, experimenting with where the bow can go and so on.

While I was making this I listened to a couple of videos about etsy, I say listened as it was just people talking so I didn't really need to look.  There were a few interesting tips but I am always left feeling very behind with the whole techy thing whenever I listen to this sort of stuff.  Everyone making these videos always seems so young and they have grown up  with IT as a first language while all us older people are still frantically peddling to catch up.  Or is that just me?

I also made a few more face masks for my friend and I will give those to her tomorrow at work, I really do not relish the idea of having to wear these things for any length of time. It can get very hot behind a mask.

People are making lots of these but I do find them rather boring to make, is because they are now a necessity and things like that are never as much fun?  I went to visit my mum earlier and she has an appointment next month so she will be needing some and my brother asked for some for his girlfriend so obviously I am not done yet.  I had better source some more elastic.

There are some lovely courgette flowers growing in the greenhouse and lots of buds on various plants, it would be nice to see the sun again although I do appreciate the gardens were in need of a good drink.  It is much more fun gardening when the sun is shining and you are not getting blown about, a few of the taller plants are starting to lean due to all the wind and just as they were getting stronger!  Lets hope this cool snap doesn't last long.

I have strarted a new book 'Things in Jars' by Jess Kidd it is nice to be reading something other than War and Peace after all these weeks and a nice change of pace.   I'm not fully into it yet as I have only just started it, I'll let you know if it is any good as the reviews were very mixed as they often are. 

That is all for now, take care. 


  1. Your bag looks lovely and you right it is very 70s. IT is not my first language either, I love how you have put that! I can usually work things out tech wise but I do get very frustrated when things are unnecessarily complicated or really difficult to work out.

    I have yet to make a mask, like you say I am not sure that it would be the most exciting sewing project.

    1. I know I was not in any hurry to make masks as I feel quite ok without one, but my friend has asthma. Also now there is the need to wear them on public transport I will be making them for youngest son too as he has a long bus journey, don't know when that will be as his school is still closed. x

  2. No not just you re Etsy! I feel the same - they are always young and certainly very tech savvy. One must have a brand must pitch sales to a certain demographic and have super professional photos...and the list goes on!! I just want to make a few dollars here and there and don't fancy spending lots of time of sales pitches and demographics!!! Actually I really just like to make stuff ;o)

    1. Yes Evi, I just like to make stuff too! I don't want to pester people with mailing lists and all that. x

  3. The bag is wonderful and so are those masks. I made a total of 62 for family and friends. But now I find them very hot to wear as it is pretty warm here in Florida. I have switched to paper masks for the times I need to wear them for several hours at work. They are lighter and I feel like I can breathe better. But my fabric masks are still perfect for a trip to the store or a quick appointment. I understand about the tech stuff, I was an utter failure at some of Little B's online school, I did not have the time or patience to figure out the more technical stuff. Stay safe.


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Me Made May 2024

 Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well I know it has been a while.  There are so many things that I haven't posted that I just do...