Monday 3 January 2022

A Good Start

 The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day, what a good start to the year.  We have just been out with the dogs and came back to have a sandwich and some crisps.  The park was full so maybe everyone has the same idea to get out while the sun is shining.

As I don't eat regular bread I have used the last of my little gf rolls, so if anyone knows of a really quick little bread that can be made daily in small amounts please let me know.  I know how to make a full size gf loaf but it doesn't keep, it is only really good on the day and only me that eats it.  I buy the schar ones occasionally but they are so expensive for what you get so I need a really quick fix maybe something yeast free?  I had thought of adapting my scone recipe but there is plant spread in that so not so light as a bread, just a thought is thee such a thing as a scone bread?

Yesterday I finished my bag and listed that, I actually got all the photographs done only to find i had not added a label to the front.  As I have bought these bag labels they ought to be used so I handstitched one on and redid the photos again!  It is a good combination of colours this one, a bit of good news too when I got up this morning to see I had sold another bag, that always makes me happy.

First bag of the year this one, watch out for many more I do enjoy making them. 

 After lunch I have listed a few items on Ebay, I haven't done this for a while but thought I would give it a go.  They are clothes I don't wear anymore all in good condition back from the days of me buying in the next sale.  That was sometime ago as I make everything now but they are classic work wear styles so nothing that is out of fashion.  Step one for me of letting go of what I don't use, I look at them and they are nice but never wear them so someone else could be using them.

We have been watching Around The World in Eighty days and I am enjoying that, it is nice to see some easy to watch TV.  Also watching The Tourist, they do tend to start the new year with a bit of good viewing.

I have commented on the weather too soon as I have been typing this the sky has gone dark and it is now pouring.  We got out just at the right time. That is where my flexible plans for my days will come in handy, to get out while it's good and never put off a dog walk while the sky is blue. 

The tree came down this morning, it is always a little sad to say goodbye to Christmas.  Many people do leave their trimmings up a while yet but once it is new year we always tend to tidy them away for a fresh start.  It is just bare in the window without the twinkling lights.   We pop everything back in the loft in the same place each year so it is easy to find, the little counter top tree I had in the kitchen has been put in a bag with all the baubles still on it ready for next year.  Do you do the same or do you have a change each year?  I like to stick with the same decorations but if you like to mix things up I suppose you could do a swap with a friend or relative to save on waste. 

Have a lovely day everyone.

Sunday 2 January 2022

New Year Plans

 Happy new year to you all, I hope you all enjoyed your celebrations. I am excited for the new year and one of my intentions is to try and stay clear of the news especially first thing in the morning.  It can put a real spoiler on the day I think and of course there is not such much media coverage of all the good things in the world so I am aiming to focus more on those things.  I will of course watch later in the day at some point to keep up to date but I don't want to be consumed by it.  I think there has been a lot of that this last few years so it is now time to move forward without constant dread!

So I read the other day that is better to have intentions and I agree, we should try to do more of things we plan rather than this all or nothing approach where we just give up after a few months.  

We are palnning some more trips away in our van and we are looking forward to be able to plan those when we want now that my working time is more flexible.  For many years I have been restricted to the school holidays becasue even though my boys are grown I worked in school.  As I won't be doing that this year we are free to go when we wish and my husband can book his holidays when it is not peak times so that is a real bonus.

There is new bag cut on my sewing table ready to be but together, well it is mostly cut I just need to decide on a base and a lining but getting into all those odd bits of fabric. My stash of little bits is quite large now so I need to make a few more bags these coming weeks and get them worked down a bit I can barely get in the cupboard.

The little zip you can see in that image was also salvaged from something I was throwing away that was too danaged to go to the charity shop.  I just snipped off the zips and I will unpick it preperly just before I use it. There is much fun to be had getting out all the scraps and playing with them on the table, I am sure those of you that quilt probably do this too.

When we were going through the boxes to take for reycled I noticed that the whittards box that my tea came in before Christmas was patterned on the inside and very pretty, I have flipped it inside out and it is now on a shelf filled with zips.  Here it is with some of my other thrifted sewing bits, a nice tin (also home to zips) and my little tea cup.

One of my aims is to be more intentional with what I do in a day especially now as I am working from home.  I do tend to focus better with a list as  having things wrote down does give some structure and a plan.  There are  two jobs crossed off already today although I do know that many people don't like to do this.  It is whatever works for you, but pen and paper seem to be my friends in this regard. 
All of my sewing jobs for the next few weeks are lined up on drawers ready to go and I planned the next list after that last night. 

A few other bits I wish to improve on are 
  • Staying off facebook unless its a quick check in for groups that I am in 5 mins tops and using a timer! My close friends don't use it anyway so it is a bit of a time waster I fell back into last year.
  • Reading more non fiction alongside my fiction of course.
  • Doing a daily declutter even if it is just a couple of things.
  • Looking back on the past week to see what is on track, to celebrate not criticise. 

So I think they are a few good things to concentrate on for now I can alsways add more if I wish,  what are you up to this coming year any specific things to focus on for you?

Well have a lovely day and enjoy the rest of the week. Take care. 

Friday 31 December 2021

2021 A Few Makes

 We are nearly there, the end of the year and I just put togther these nine earlier for instagram as everyone seems to be posting that.  It was quite tricky as I have made so much this year but included here are a few that are worn a lot for example the hoodies, also a few unexpected favourites. The the bear dress which I had doubts about halfway through but it is really easy to wear and can layered so I have worn this quite a bit.  Have you got any favrourite makes of the year and have you shared them on instagram if you have let me know in the comments if I don't follow you already.

My jackets have all been favourites and there are a few more that are not featured here that I love just the same.  I have also noticed I have a lot of black in my wardrobe even though it does not appear so looking at the above image. 

 Just  this morning I have finished a project in black print  and there are a few more waiting on the sidelines.  Maybe I will have to make 2022 the year of colour, I did branch out and made a hot pink dress last week but my husband is not into the colour and I did read recently that the colours should not be wearing you, so maybe I have to be cautious of that.

There is a selection of sources above, the two top center and top right are from the same pattern from a magazine a sinple sew pattern sienna I think.   The green coat, white blouse and black skirt are all traced off from Burda magazine that I had for a year as a gift from my husband.  Top left hoodie is from the Tilly Walnes stretch book that I borrowed from the library ages ago. Navy coat and the bomber jacket were both from patterns made for Minerva and the zip hoodie bottom left I traced off from one of my own hoodies that I knew fit well.  I have to say looking at the fabrics above they were all minerva! I have made garments from fabric from a local store to me and a number of refashions this past year too, a few of those can be seen on my youtube channel.  If you haven't had a look at that please do and maybe leave me a comment.  You can find the link in the sidebar.  I haven't done any for that for a while as i have been busy with other filming so I must do some refashions for that soon. 

I am about to go shopping so I hope people are not in there going crazy like they do when any shop will be closed the following day!  I went a few days before Christmas and people were there trollies full to the brim shopping for the apocalypse, I just want a few things so I will try to be quick.

Hopefully you all have your New years eve planned and are all set, we will be celebrating at home with maybe a glass of wine and a good film that will do me. Maybe a few chapters of my book that I am reading (I know how to party;)  

Well I am going to get on with things now, have a wonderful evening and take care. 

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...