Wednesday 13 March 2019

March Inspiration

It is finally looking a bit brighter morning and evening and my creativity seems to have woke up a little.  The weather is all over the place  but at least it's light so I don't feel like I'm venturing to and from work in the middle of the night (dramatic I know but I loath short days), daylight does wonders for the mood.   I made another bag last week inspired by all the gorgeous daffodils that are everywhere, a few recycled bits and pieces and a repurposed strap from another bag that is no longer used.  The idea for this bag has been in my head for a while but it was the daffodils that finally brought it together in my head I think.

 I have added it to my Etsy shop I will put the link at the bottom from now on as I don't quite know how to add it at the side!  If it doesn't sell after a few months I will have it, it cheers me up.  The problem with that is I often think that so I would never want to part with anything.
There may be other bags along this nature theme as I really enjoyed stitching the design on this one, it is also a great way to showcase lovely bits of fabric you have leftover.

My modern twinset was featured on Minerva crafts here a couple of days ago, I did intend to share that on the day but I had wrote down the 13th for some dizzy reason.  Here is a reminder anyway the full post is available by  following the link above.

The top has had lots of wear already not so much the jacket so I have a feeling the top is going to fade much quicker.

I finally found a fiction book I am enjoying at the moment in fact it is almost finished, it is called The Wonder by Emma Donoghue.  It is historical and I am finding I enjoy that particular kind of fiction more.  I picked it up because I liked the cover as they say you shouldn't but this time it paid off.

I have had a bit of a run of starting books that had a lot of hype or good reviews and they have been terrible, so it does make you wonder how some books get so much attention.  Although I have put quite a few on order at the library so let's hope they are worth a look.

Etsy shop

Friday 8 March 2019

A Quick Sweater

In my quest to add more tops and everyday wearable items to my wardrobe I ordered this knit fabric from Minerva a couple of weeks ago.  It is a good weight, not too heavy but just right for this time of year when it is still cold but you don't want a really thick jumper on.   I decided to use a favourite long sleeved top of mine that I made last year, I know it fits well I made the pattern for it and it gets a lot of wear.

Working again  with just the one metre I had to get creative with the sleeves to have the pattern in the right direction.  This time I chose to do a deep cuff otherwise there wasn't enough fabric to make the sleeves long enough.

This worked well I think and at least these little setbacks force me to add a bit of detail here and there where otherwise it might not have happened.  I also wanted to add some interest at the neck, I have done this detail before on a black top.  I cut the neck round then made a slit, after that I added binding and hemmed it, finally fishing the effect by hand gathering it down to create a slightly rouched effect.

I am not about to stitch over there I just rested the needle there a moment to get an image for you.

The colours are nice and bright and it is comfortable to wear, I do feel I have to force myself to make practical items even though I need them.  It just always seems to me that dresses are more fun especially the impractical ones, but then they sit in the wardrobe waiting for a rare night out!

There is a definite need for some more plain black tops to go with the colourful skirts I have made, or navy perhaps, it is just a case of buying the plain fabric because it is not very exciting.  Maybe if I can find some with a texture on it will inspire me a bit more.

I have decided to give Etsy another go, I had a few bags packed away that I had made a while ago and I intend to add to that each week.  I got quite excited because I listed last weekend and got a sale on Monday evening.  They are a modest sum which doesn't really reflect the time spent but it is always nice to see that people want the things you make. Here is a link if anyone would like a peek, my etsy shop 

Saturday 2 March 2019

A Flamingo Makeover

Last week I was wondering what to do with the fabulous flamingo wrapping paper that I bought from Wenthworth garden centre. A few ideas came to mind like notebooks and storage boxes but I still felt it needed to be on display as it is too pretty to hide in a cupboard. Julie at  My Threadbare Life suggested putting it in a frame, that is also a good idea but then I spotted one of my sewing boxes that was looking a bit tired.  I had painted the vintage box when it was given to me some years ago but it was starting to get a bit faded and scuffed.  It is one the boxes I use for some of my cottons and many of you may have one the same.

Here it is with its new flamingo cover...

I started off cutting out all the pieces by carefully laying the paper on then making a little fold where I needed to cut.  Originally I started out with some very sticky glue that was not a good idea and just made a mess, a trusty glue stick from Asda worked much better I just made sure I put plenty on.  It could really do with a clear coat of varnish now but I haven't any at the moment.  All the ones I have seen in the shops have a slight yellow tinge to them and I don't want that.  Any ideas would be welcome.

When I had placed all my paper pieces there was still a little bit of cream paint showing around the edges of the drawers.  Luckily I had a little pale green paint leftover from when I did the makeover on my hall cupboard here Retro cupboard makeover, it was a little pale for this so I added a little dark green from my son's paints he had when he was younger.  I kept the little box of paints and brushes  as I knew they would come in useful and they often do!

This has given it a new lease of life and the wrapping paper was only £2.49, there were so many lovely designs I will have to keep them in mind for any future makeovers.  There is still a small amount of paper left so maybe it will go around a pencil pot or something like that.

Here it is before I started with my  original paint job, it has many more years of life left in it.  I think the old lady who originally owned it would be pleased to see it is still being put to good use.

Etsy Shop

Me Made May 2024

 Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well I know it has been a while.  There are so many things that I haven't posted that I just do...