Wednesday 19 August 2015

Summer and Books

It has been a strange summer, the weather has been pretty good but with the absence of any caravan travel it has not seemed complete somehow. The bathroom was finished, well there is just the blind I need to make but I have the fabric for that and it will be a quick job, just need to find the staple gun out.
Plans for the pond changed as my husband decided he wanted fish again, he made some repairs, built a new filter set up and refilled it.  Then he went out and bought 20 very small koy carp that someone was selling really cheap as they had too many and I have to say they have really grown in a few weeks.
This was a few weeks ago they have grown a lot since but they are so friendly up near the surface when you come to the pond, that I'm a bit worried the heron is going to spot them and steal this lot as well. Hiding caves have been made and there is talk of a pergola to go over it to disrupt the bird from swooping straight down.

It is nice to go out and watch them again and I suppose the idea of a seating area would have only been used occasionally, how many seating areas does one garden need.

The lilies were also relieved to be moved back into the big pond as they gave this gorgeous display.

The time at home has given me lots of opportunity to read while it has been quiet and enjoy being outside.

Reading on the tablet is not so easy in full sun!

We complain about the weather in England but on a good day you can't beat it.

I have read few books while I have been off work, this one The Anchoress I just picked up at the library in a rush and it was so good!  A strange subject matter a young girl being locked in a cell to live her life as a living death to serve God and the village where she is contained. However wow! really gets you thinking ( mainly about why would you do such a thing!) and the characters are so believable.

This week I have been reading Forgive me, Leonard Peacock.

I read this one over a few days after initially thinking after the first few pages it was depressing and I wouldn't continue.  I did continue and I was really glad I did, I wanted good things for Leonard.  This is one to check out and don't be put off by the beginning. ( If you are like me you might think it's too dark at first)

Currently I am making my way through Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner, I have been trying to learn Spanish for years and although I know loads of words and phrases as soon as I hear someone speaking it all goes out the window as my brain can't keep up with trying to make sense of it all!  Spanish speakers appear to talk very fast but then I'm sure that is how English speakers sound to others.  So I bought this book and I'm trying out the tips, but to be honest as I never get the opportunity to try out the actual talking part I'm not fooling myself to think I will have anything more than a knowledge of the language.  I will continue (forever probably) because I can only improve no matter what the pace. I think you really need to live somewhere where the language is spoken daily and you are forced to respond, that is the way to become fluent, but it doesn't hurt to learn as much as we can in our own environment does it?

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Cupboard revamp/makeover

We have been in the middle of doing up our bathroom, not because we felt like it but rather because we had a leak that meant everything had to be taken out to get at it and repair it.  We sourced everything cheaply and kept what we could such as the sink and toilet and just added new taps  (found in the discount section but very nice) My husband is very skilled at many things so he installed the new bath and did the tiling and flooring.
One thing I did want was a nice cupboard to keep all the cleaning products and toiletries out of sight.  I didn't want to pay too much for it and also what I had in mind probably did not exist.  We looked in some salvage shops and I have to say they charge an awful lot for junk!  We eventually found one the right size in a charity shop, solid wood for £20.  Very pleased with that I bought a small tin of paint, some sand paper, primer and a new handle.  The paint was for the door and other woodwork also so not really included in the price of the makeover.  I also had a small piece of wallpaper sample (free).
Here is the before and after...

I had already taken off the many gold handles as you can see.
Now this is exactly as I saw it in my head so I am pleased and it goes well with the bathroom.

I sanded it all over and wiped off all the dust, then it had a coat of primer.  Then two coats of gloss 24 hours apart.
The wallpaper piece had the effect of panelling so I used a baking paper template to get the size of the insets in the mock drawers.  I then cut out four and stuck them on with paste.  The handle was £3.45.  It just needs the paper sealing with a clear varnish and we have some of that in the garage.
Total cost £30.

When I was looking for this cupboard we went in one shop and it was a vintage shop.  We saw a small cupboard that looked like it needed painting as it was all patchy and flaky looking.  We asked how much, thinking we could get it and do it up, the lady said oh that is £40.
  It was much smaller than mine and my husband said really?  She said oh it cost me loads for the Annie Sloan paint I can easy sell that for £40.  Well I have to say I have seen how much that chalk paint is and it is expensive, if people like it good for them but I like finish of regular paint better, if something is freshly painted I want it to look that way.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Prom Dress Alterations and Watching those Savings

This week I was asked to alter a prom dress ready for next week so I thought I would share that.  It was too long for the girl and she preferred it just below the knee, I was also asked to make a strap for the right shoulder as it only had one on one side and she didn't feel secure in it.
 Here it is...
Now there was quite a bit taken off the bottom but there is no point keeping something at a length you don't like. I always think it's best to make something suit the way you wear things.  Also floor length dresses are very dressed up,  it's a good idea  making it this length  as it means she will be able to wear it for lots of different occasions and not just once.
The shoulder strap that I made is sewn on the inside by hand so if she later decides she wants it just on one shoulder I can unpick that and there won't be any marks. 

There are lots of bargains to be had on dresses I think if you know someone that can alter them for you. 
Things are never exactly the right length, fit or style, but a few changes can make them perfect.  I hope that by sharing this some of you are encouraged to try to altering a few of your own clothes.  If you never wear them as they are what have you got to lose?
I hope the owner of this garment has a lovely day and gets lots more use out of her pretty dress. 

Right I have a little rant now just because it is not the first time it has happened and I want you all to be vigilant!  I just popped out to the tesco to get my boys a couple of pizza's and a few bits we needed but not enough to go and do a big shop. I rushed in, saw these pizza's on 2 for £4, got my soya milk, a reduced salad, some wine and a couple of other bits, back in the car and home.  I was just putting stuff away and the pizza was already in the oven when I went to throw the receipt in the bin, it said 3 pizza!!! I thought what! I only bought those as they were 2 for £4 and now I've paid for 3.  It is not far so I asked  the oldest to watch the oven as I was off to get my money back. (he is 16, it's ok) 
When I got there I made sure I got the same lady (young woman)  she said 'Oh yeah, I charged you too much I'll get someone as I don't know how to pay it back'.
Now it may seem ridiculous going back out for £2.66 but this is not the first time it has happened, and to be honest it makes me wonder how often we are robbed and just don't notice. A lot of what we pay comes straight off our debit cards and we are often in a rush so we don't stand and check before leaving the store.
If you only have a couple of items you would probably see it but if you have a basket or trolley full and there is a big queue behind you and you are on your way home from work, do you stop and check?  I bet you don't.    So I am asking everyone to check their receipts this week and if it is wrong go back in and get your money!   
In a lot of cases like this one it could be human error and of course we all make mistakes but there is also the issue of special deals.  Now this has happened to us a couple of times so I am wise to this now, but you see an offer that is two for one, or a wine that is usually £6 but now £3.99 so you get that one instead of what you would normally buy.  At the till you have a heap of shopping, the store is busy and the cashier is throwing stuff at you, you get home and see the offer price did not come off and you paid full price.  The store is miles away and factoring in time and fuel you decide that it is not worth going back.  Thousands of people must be thinking this a day and the big businesses must be making a fortune by accidentally not updating the systems with the offer prices. Now I ask you if they are making so much money this way is it an accident??  For the few people like me that notice (in asda) and then have to go to customer services to get a refund ( which is doubled if you have it on a gift card!) they can afford to do this for all the people who go  home and don't bother to make a fuss.
This week everyone make a fuss, it is your money.  You wouldn't let someone just dip their hand in your purse so why ignore the supermarkets  mistakes.  That few pound  that  you think  is not worth the fuss get it back anyway and donate it to a good cause if you think you don't need it.  Rant over.

 Oh OK here is another rant.  Today also saw the return of Network rail to destroy some more nature behind my house, bizarrely just as I am typing the chainsaws are fired up again!!!  They have taken down another beautiful tree outside my neighbours house, she was so upset she couldn't watch, it also had beautiful pink roses growing up it.
This one directly behind the garage is now gone completely, you can just see the top of the work man's head in the photo. They are currently at it again chopping down more.  I always thought trees acted as a natural buffer against noise from the railway, also they are the lungs of the earth. It is just so sad.

On a calmer not here is one of the books I have been reading this week...

I started it as he was one of the contributors to a book I read last week, the power of silence.  It is so interesting and makes so much sense. The author is a Franciscan priest and gives such a wonderful insight into growing older and growing into yourself.  It makes you appreciate your experiences more as they really do grow you as a person.  It also says the second stage of life cannot be rushed and we all reach it at different ages due to our life experiences.  A really inspirational read. 

Monday 29 June 2015

Frugal gluten and dairy free pudding

Yesterday after lunch everyone was about to have desert except for me because I usually don't bother now. ( being gluten free means there isn't much I can have unless I bake it or get ripped off with the price!)
I really fancied a desert though so I decided to make one. I had to pop out to get Alpro custard but the shop is just down the road.

I made bread and butter pudding using the genius bread I had in the freezer. ( just a couple of slices)
It was really easy just butter your bread using dairy free spread, cut in to triangles, sprinkle on some raisins, add cinnamon if you like it, pour over half a carton of the custard and drizzle a little syrup over the top.

Here it is before it went in the oven I forgot to take one when it came out but the bits of bread sticking up went nice and crunchy.

It worked out to 70p a portion but that was because the bread  and ready made custard were expensive. If you can get  them on offer or buy cheaper versions it would be less.  Still I thought that was ok considering the cost of a GF ready made desert. 
I may add jam and no syrup next time or vary the fruit.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Alterations, Books and Silence

  This week I had to alter a ball gown for a friend, it was very long and bias cut. Those of you that sew know that this is not great if you trying to make alterations as the fabric develops a mind of its own.  It needed shortening by about 9 inches, taking in under the arms and the straps shortening.
The first job I did was the hem and I decided to overlock this so that the slight curve in the bias fabric was not lost. Turning up a hem on this would not have worked plus my friend goes dancing and this looked much better to twirl in!
Now whenever I am making a dress I avoid bias cut patterns I made one years ago and have altered a few and they just annoy me really.  I like to sew for pleasure and bias cut does nothing for my well being. (I'm just saying!)

I also had to sew on some of the roses as they were coming loose around the top. My friend got this dress from a charity shop as she wears lots of dresses to various dance events.

This week has also involved lots of reading, I like to read and often have a few books on the go that may sound strange but you don't always fancy reading the same thing do you?  I am re-reading a motivational book by Tony Robbins which I already had, I don't agree with everything in there but there is lots of good advice  eg 'its up to you to make things happen' I like that.  I have also read three library books...
This one I read in one sitting, a quick read, mildly entertaining but also a bit contradictory in places.

Now this one I enjoyed, it describes how silence is used across the religions with varying success, how we live in a state of constant noise pollution and have forgotten how to just sit in silence and enjoy.  I have recommended it to others and have ordered another book of a similar nature.

This was another great one, lots of clear examples and I love that all of the models used were over 40 many of them into 60's and beyond.  Also has exercises for people with joint replacements or medical conditions, so something for everyone.  I think often older people are put off by the young models in the book as they think they can't do that. This is a great example that you can.

So all of those completed and I'm now reading a book by Seth Godin after listening to an interesting Podcast by him last week.  You can find it here at farnoosh.  More on the book later.


Sunday 21 June 2015

What to do with stripes

Stripe fabric, it can be a bit of a pain, they do say not to wear the stripes horizontally as it is unflattering.  There is also the issue of matching them up as depending on what you are making matching around a curve can be troublesome.  I had bought this stripe jersey fabric a while ago and to be honest I was disappointed when it arrived as the colour was not what I expected.  I thought it was a black and white stripe but when it arrived it was more of a very pale peach colour. This colour does nothing for me so it sat on my sewing table in the bag for about two  months making me feel like I had wasted my money!
Then there was the issue of what to do, I had thought a dress  ( I know another one!) but I wasn't sure how I would lay the stripes on it.

So today I decided to just get on with it because waiting for inspiration was getting me nowhere,  I decided to do the back and front pieces of the dress with a centre seam so that I could have the stripes meeting at the middle in a point. This meant I laid the stripe on a diagonal as I cut out each front/back half.  There is probably a technical name for this but I don't know it, being a self taught get on with it sort of dress maker.
The bottom of the dress I laid the fabric vertical, this way I feel the dress looks more interesting than if all of the dress fabric was used in the same way.

I have to say it was a nuisance to work with, I bought some ball pointed needles but they did not help on this very stretchy jersey, the first one broke after ten minutes. I had to just ease all the seams and go slowly, I overlocked afterwards otherwise all the seams would have just snapped.
I am now really happy with how this turned out despite much unpicking when seams moved and did not line up and the overly bouncy fabric!

When I came to face around the sleeves I did  not have enough fabric left, this was mainly due to the fact that in laying out my pieces in a different way to get the desired effect on the dress, I did not have long pieces left to making binding. Argh!

So a quick look in my fabric box and I had a bit of the lace from the evening dress I took up for a friend ages ago.  I also used some of that on my Christmas  party dress hem and still I have some left.  You see  these little bits do come in handy, so I faced around the sleeves using that.
You can see in this picture that the fabric is peachy not white but in the main picture it looks white.

Anyway this solved my problem of facing the sleeves, I did think of adding some around the neck too but my husband said that may be too much so it stays as it is.  Another bit of bother with the hem that got partially sewn then unpicked three times! Then hand stitched as it would just not lay correctly under the machine without twisting and missing stitches.  Sometimes doing it by hand is just better and it's invisible.

A little note about my overlocker, it has been a bit funny to work with the whole time I've had it, I recently got it working and changed blades/ sorted tension etc. Still it did not like the right hand needle, I took it out, removed the cotton for that needle and now it works great on just three threads.  It uses less cotton this way anyhow but still gives a good effect.  If you are having this same trouble just try it.

Sunday 31 May 2015

More Barcelona

Today is so grey and blowy, I walked up the hill earlier from church and thought what a huge difference the sun makes. Everything looks better under a blue sky, we have a beautiful country here it just needs more sun! I have just seen a link that someone shared though that says we are going to be having glorious weather by the end of next week so I look forward to that.
For now here a a few more pictures of my trip, below are some of Sagrada Familia again we didn't get inside as the lines  went right around the building  for tickets and that was on both sides. Also the children were not as interested as I was, they looked at the outside, declared it impressive then continued their conversation with each other about something totally unrelated. It was also expensive to go inside I thought for a family, there is some further information here
So much work still going on here.

A few random tourists in this shot!

These pictures really do not do it justice, the scale and detail are incredible. It is so busy in the area though it was difficult to get good photos as somebody was always in front of you with their head in the way!
We walked from Park Guell  to Sagrada Familia using our map and stopped halfway down for lunch. After we spent a bit of time in that area everyone was ready to head back. 

Lovely palms I wish we could have these in the garden, we have had a few palm plants before that looked amazing but they always die in our cool climate.

                                           The view from my apartment on Friday
So now I need to go and tackle the ironing mountain, cook the dinner, walk the dogs under the grey sky (boo! grey sky) and get back into routine. 

A Slow Week, A few Books and Pretty PJs

 Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.  So this week has been brought to a bit of a standstill for me.  I have somehow injured my b...