Sunday 14 September 2014

Feeling Positive

After a shaky start to last week I am feeling much more positive, there are so many things that I wouldn't change that it left me thinking why was I feeling so low about the new term. I have a choice in what I do and if an opportunity presents itself that I think is better then I will act on it, otherwise I will do my best with a smile on my face and not let trivial things spoil my day.

Here are some wonderful quotes that I want to share, these are my favourites...

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can,and the wisdom to know it's me.  -Author unknown

I'm working on it!

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.  - Berthold Auerbach

I have music on in the car every day on the way to work and it never fails to lift my mood.

All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads to complaining,but it's truer to say that complaining leads people to become unhappy. -Dennis Prager

This is one to think about. I tend to think that talking things overs helps but are we in fact fuelling the misery?
There has to be a balance though, a person who goes through life thinking everything is glorious while walls are crashing down around them may be unrealistic if not annoying.
If disaster does strike then I think you are allowed a moan.

Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!-Amanda Bradley

Thank you friends, you know who you are.
All these quotes are from Inspiration Line  

Thursday 11 September 2014

Late Summer Lethargy

I haven't  updated this as often recently, or done much sewing, exercising, reading (other than online) or learning Spanish for the last two weeks! I know it's disgusting isn't it? I need to get on with stuff! On the plus side I have practised my guitar every day but I seem to have chopped everything else for the time being.
That is not good, we need balance and I suppose if I go on like this I could ruin my enjoyment by making it the only interest.
There has been  some sewing for others but that is not really sewing in its role as a fun hobby but more an extension of work.
I do wonder whether I should feel guilty or if this slump is just a natural slowing down for a few weeks that I needed to take.  Any motivational book you read ( and I do like those) will tell you to get stuff done, get on, write lists, make stuff happen.  Should we feel guilty when we take our foot off the pedal? Are we allowed a few weeks of not maximising every minute?

It is probably ok  as long as it doesn't become a habit, days should be made the most of but if we are feeling run down then our bodies are probably telling us we need to slow down for a while ( although if you feel like that all the time, see a doctor!)
There is a wonderful list on the The positivity blog 25 ways to motivate yourself. I will be trying most  of them over the coming weeks to get back to a place where I feel more in control of my time. Thank you Henrik.
Personally I think it could be the end of the summer blues, if there is such a thing if not I just invented it.

It has been lovely this week while I was stuck in work (and many of you) and a couple of times I just got home and thought I'd take my cuppa outside and the sun went in or it turned cool. Grrr!! not good.
However new term started I need to get on and make the most of all those bits of daylight we have left when I get home then try and find something to love about the dark nights. Suggestions greatly appreciated.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

The machine is gathering dust!

I have been a little distracted this last couple of weeks and sewing has taken a back seat.  I decided I wanted to learn to play guitar and I have tried before on  my own from children's books but I got fed up of playing nursery rhymes! I have resolved not to give up this time and I am following an online tutor
 I have also bought a new guitar, an acoustic,  the one I had my husband bought a few years ago and was a classical.  I have been practising every day for hours! Obviously I can't do much of anything yet but my fingers are certainly getting tougher and a bit stretchier so I am sure in time it will come.

I have bought a couple of books from justinguitar one from a music shop in the city and I have ordered another from the site direct but unfortunately this one has not arrived! It is a good site and relies on donations and purchases to fund it but it is free to those who can't afford any of that.
So currently my sewing machine does not call to me, wanting to learn to play is occupying all of my free time and as I am now back at work I am having to choose one or the other.  I will see if I can spare the machine some time at the weekend!

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...