Showing posts with label Sewing Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing Tutorial. Show all posts

Thursday 24 August 2023

A New Channel

 Hello everyone I hope you are all well and enjoying the last bit of the er...summer. It has been a funny one hasn't it?  I keep seeing people now sharing posts about the start of Autumn and so on and I think is that it!  Is that all we are getting this year, and then I have to remind myself to embrace the seasons whatever they may be because after all it is nice that we get them.  It does give a bit of variety to the year so I am going to focus on that. 

Now about a month ago I started a new youtube channel as I don't how or to what purpose but my other channel has some sort of block on it, probably due to hacks or something that I know nothing about?? Anyway I decided to start over with a new one, I have left the other videos up for now so people can still use them but if you haven't already can you hop over and follow my new channel here...  Beyond the sewing Room

So this post here is my latest one, I show how to make a fabric storage box without an actual box, it is all just made from fabric scraps.  The pattern I show just uses A4 paper and it is really easy, another cheaky ask is this, if you watch any videos can you let run to the end please.  I have noticed that the watch time is either half or less of the videos which means that people just skip and watch bits of them and this a bit disheartening when you have put the time in making them.   

What I tend to do is watch youtube videos  of the people I follow while I am ironing, it is my treat and makes ironing less of a chore, I always do it on a Sunday and take my laptop and catch up on the vlogs I follow whaile I get all the washing sorted for the week.  It works for me, although I do know a lot of young people don't iron any more, this I can't get my head around as I like to see everything looking well pressed and cared for and I dont think you get this with things that are not ironed. So as I was saying doing it this way passes the time in a fun way and I do tend to watch videos right through as I am not sat over the laptop skipping.    Also if there is anything you would like to see on my channel please let me know here, or in the comments on youtube and I will try to include it in future videos.

This past week I have read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, now I have mixed feelings about this one.  I did enjoy it in a way but I also had moments of thinking it was very repetitive and a bit out there.  The thing that jumped out at me from it mainly was the idea that if we are meant to be makers and creators then we should just do it rather than thinking about the results, productivity and also how things are reccieved.  We should just do it, because it is what we are meant to do and it makes us happy.  Now I have always been a maker and I know that lots of you are too, a lifelong maker of all sorts of things and I have lots of interests.  However somewhere along the way we get sucked into this idea that we should be making more of it, making it profitable, having more sucess with it.  That can be a killer for everything that we want to do when we start measuring it all based on other peoples ideas on how valuable it is.  Is it worth our time, and also can we make a living from it?  

So this really  hit home for me as I am currently making a living from my making, and I am constantly aware of what other people are thinking about it, is it good enough, are people bored with it, how can I improve, what next etc.  Well this book did spell out the realization that regardless of whether or not I make money from making, or how many other people appreciate it, watch or like, I am still going to always want to make things so I may as well just do.  A funny thing is quite often when I have been making and it may have been with scraps, or painting or whatever it may be Ihave had the question from famliy members 'what are you going to do with that now?' as in are you going to list it etc.  So we are conditioned to think that everything we do has to have a monetary goal, a bit sad I know becasue much as I want to continue making as a living I still want to just do it for me too and not lose that joy.

A few years ago someone did say to me aren't you afraid that if you sew for your job you won't love it any more and it will spoil your hobby?  Well it has not done that but I do need to lose this preoccupation with how it can support me.  Gilbert does say in the book not to expect your creativity to support you, it's great if it can do that but just don't expect it.  She is talking of writing in her case but I suppose it can be applied to whatever it is that you love to do.

So that is my little ramble for today, I would love to know your thoughts on this if you have felt something similar and now I am off to create.  Take care. 

Sunday 12 February 2023

Staying on Track and The Gertie Bow-Tied Blouse

Hello everyone how are you all doing? Also how are your plans holding up into February? Well for me it is so far so good I have been sticking to my intentions and I find for a few thigs this works well if I do them straight away when I get up. Now I know this is not ideal for everything or even everybody come to that. For example if you have to be at work early you don't want to have to cram in a lot of habits before you even leave the house. Although I do have a book that says you should get up at 5am to do just that! Well I could see my husband loving it if I disturbed his rest everyday to do that, also you have to go to bed really early to get up at that time and that is just not for me. However a few things do work well first thing and this has made them a habit for me, does anyone else prioritise anything first thing in the morning? Please let me know if you do and how it works.

I have made  these knicker this week  from the free Megan Nielson Pattern on  the website for the acacia knickers.  I didn't have enough of the elastic so I used stretch lace on the legs.  One pair is cotton Jersey and the other is frech terry I will let you know if they are too hot to wear ha, ha.  I have ordered more elastic so more on the way  and also made my own pattern from some favourite fitting knickers.

I made the Bow-Tied blouse from my Gertie Book yesterday and I am very impressed with how well her sizing works for me.  I used some of my gifted fabric and another odd selection of buttons, this time various purple ones. 

I made a video so if you would like a peak here is the link. video here

 I am going to have to go as blogger keeps auto changing my words and I don't know what I have caught!  This has taken me ages to keep correcting.  Back soon making more sense I hope.  Take care.

Sunday 14 August 2022

Making it up as I Go

Hello has it been hot enough for you in the UK? Currently have a fan on in the living room much as it pains me with the energy prices so high but the dogs are just panting away so it was a case of having to.  We are not having much luck with the garden it is in flower but I am having so many casualties despite trying to keep them watered.  I was looking at the plants while shopping in Asda earlier but thought no, they are just all withering and dying at the moment and they didn't look that well cared for to be honest.  I don't understand why they stock all those racks outside the supermarket with plants then not water them??

I have made a little off the cuff top yesterday and a video of the process, I had fabric left over from another project and had in mind  what I wanted to do so just made it up my way.

I have already made wide leg trousers in the fabric which I made to my mother in law's measurements, they have since been given to her.  I did model the trousers for a minerva post but had to hold them at the back as they were never intended for me;)   The video link is below if you are interested in how I made the top.

                                                                           Here is the link

I really need to give my wardrobe a good going through but as it has been so hot I really don't want to be in my bedroom not even at night, we have big bay windows and in the summer it is like sleeping in a greenhouse.  So as soon as it cools a little I will be sorting through that and either ebay, donate or refashioning the things I don't wear I find it hard as I make them to get rid of things, does anyone else have that? Time spent on making things makes you more attatched, so more often than not they will be unpicked and turned into something else.

In that frugal mindset, the  supermarket shop has turned into something of a personal game for me.  I am determined to still spend roughly the same as I always have despite the ridiculous increases in most things.  That is also the case if I need something extra, so today I saw some paint at £9 for a really big tub while I was shopping. The reason I bought this is my bathroom needs doing and I am just about out of white emusion.  I was being extra mindful then about what I bought so that the end cost still came in about right.  Don't worry we are well fed, I like to cook so I work around things. At one point I had some filled pasta which I put back as I thought I like my own pasta dishes, also a bottle of fevertree tonic water was returned to the shelf as I enjoy water from the fridge with lemon so I don't really need that.  I came in on target even with the paint! Result.  That may seem an odd game to you but it makes you be more creative with you have and buy. 

Well I hope you are all having a super week wherever you are, take care.

Friday 9 July 2021


 Hello I hope you are all well, I am just recovering as I have been ill again! I am really starting to think that working in school is hazardous to my health because of what I pick up there. So now I am feeling a bit more human I have just done something I have been meaning to do for ages and that is put some videos on you tube.  I have done a few for Minerva that won't be live until later in the year, but I wanted to do it for myself too focusing on using up scraps and refashioning etc. 

I want to show how you can sew for very little which is what I have always tried to do and had to do when I first started as a teenager.  Hopefully these will be helpful to people who don't have money to spare for fabric and patterns but want to get sewing. 

 Hopefully you will have a look, like, subscribe and comment as a newbie I have only three views so far and they are family. I have uploaded one on how to make a t-shirt from two old ones here...

T Shirt Refashion, Thrifty Sewing Tips - YouTube

So they were using two old t-shirts that used to belong to my boys when they were younger but quite baggy and a couple of holes at the bottom.  It made a little fitted one for me I like the effect at the sides.

Then I used a shirt a mans large one from a charity shop and a maxi dress a friend gave me to make a shirt dress with a few details.  I am really happy with how they  both look but still not comfortable in front of the camera filming. If you watch and have time please leave a comment I would love to know what you think, or do you have any filming tips for me?

I don't know how often I will do this but initially I thought I would do a few to get things going, I have no idea how people get views as there is so much on there.

Part of doing this is also getting over my fear of it, I made the banner ages ago, made another video and filmed it the wrong way and just generally worried about negative feedback. So I am over that and as I don't much energy for much else at the minute I thought it is now or never!

Have a lovely week everyone, back soon.

Friday 20 November 2020

Simple Sew Sophia Top Sew Along

 This week I took a few photographs of this project that I made some months ago, the  skirt was the first thing I made and initially I wasn't sure about it because the fabric is heavy and the pattern required a lighter fabric I think.  Now that it is cold, I have changed my mind and it is just right with tights so it was not so much the wrong fabric choice at the time but rather the wrong weather when I first tried it on.   It is another simple sew pattern, The Sophia top and skirt  and I have made the top as well. 

 I actually made a video on how to make the top and it was my first ever attempt, I felt a bit awkward and as it turned out I have filmed it with the phone the wrong way so there are lines down each side!  I tried to remedy that by putting tips and comments in the black parts down the side.  So please excuse this novice production and with the making of the garment also I like to just do things my way and if this helps then wonderful just take from it what is helpful.  I felt very odd talking to myself and I think my dogs were a little confused too!  

 Here is the link to the video  I have put it on as private but you can view from this link.   Here it is being worn on a sunnier day. I thought adding a video was going to be a quick job but it wasn't and I also didn't realise I couldn't just add it directly until I tried because the file is too big then I had to do it through youtube.  So the sew along video is about half an hour long so you can either skip and just watch bits or make the top along with me for the whole thing.   


In the video I do state how the skirt came it a bit heavy and I'm not sure about it, as you can see I have changed my mind. 

There are still gaps in my wardrobe in the form of sweaters to wear with jeans, these have never been a thing that I have chosen to make as I am always drawn to the printed cottons.  That said they would be much more practical for this time of year so maybe there needs to be a plan of action on that front.

I hope you are all ready for the weekend and staying safe wherever you are. 

Sunday 4 November 2018

Burda Trousers and Sewing a Pocket Welt

This week has been lovely and relaxing, a few things made, books read and these Burda trousers finished off.  I don't know why but I had them near completion about two weeks ago and then they just sat there waiting to be finished off.  My husband thinks they are a little busy but I like them, there is no point making your  own clothes if they all look the same, change is good.
My husband did point out that you can't see the details because of the pattern and he does have a point so I have taken a few close ups so you can see the pockets and belt loops.
I actually have two buttons on the back pockets that are not exactly the same, they are the same colours but slightly different. I'm ok with that.
I did have to make the seams a bit larger on this pattern as it starts from a size 10 also once I had alsmost finished and was about to put the waistband on I had to alter that at the sides and back too.
I chose to put a button and button hole at the front although the pattern suggested a bar and catch, I prefer and feel more secure with a button as I've had trouser with that sort of fastener and they can come undone.
The fabric is lovely and soft and was bought along with the pattern from Minerva Crafts, after trying these on I may have to make some more for the winter.
One thing I thought I would mention is the way the welt pockets at the back are created, on the pattern you are instructed to cut tow small pieces for the inner vents and that is not the way I do it so here is my way.

I just cut one rectangle and stitch it over the marked points on the pieces. Put  a piece of interfacing over it first  then cut out your little letter box opening.
 Next you push it all through then arrange the folds so they feel even and hold them at the sides ( this manipulation gets easier with practise so have a go on a few  scraps first.
Flip it over at the sides and you can put your fingers on the little triangle bit, it does get easier the more you do it.
Then machine stitch it, you may find you want to stich all the way around to maintain an even width or you can just do that part when you add the back of the pocket.

I hope that is clear enough I just find it easier than messing about with two pieces. This may have been explained by  me before on here when I have been making skirts, so if you have seen it before I apologise for repeating myself but without going back through and checking I can't remember!

I also made another pair of fingerless mittens for my younger son in grey and I have just started on a cowl. It looks a bit narrower than I thought so I made add an edging once it's complete so any suggestions welcome.

Friday we had a browse in the charity shops and I found this super book...
It was only  £1.50 and is full of recipes, places to see, tips for camp sites, days out and all kinds of camping information.  Plus many vegetarian recipes or ones that can be easily adapted.
The book is also divided into seasons and this recipe above is from the winter section, I may have to try that one.  I was going to take a few more shots then the battery went dead, photo overload for today.

Back to work tomorrow so that will interfere with my making time :(  I have decided I am going get up a little earlier each day to fit a bit of something in before I go to work, as I have to be there for 7.30 on Monday this may be a push put even if it just a row or two of crochet or a few stiches on something it will be a start.   I will keep you posted.

Friday 13 April 2018

Tie Neck Blouse How To

I thought I would share today how I hack my existing clothes to make new ones, removing the need for patterns and ensuring a good fit.  Warning this post contains a lot of pictures today and I hope they are clear enough to be helpful if you want to have a go at doing something similar  for yourself.  Below is the finished blouse...
This type of blouse was one that I had on my to do list for this year, as all tops follow pretty much the same shape however I didn't want to buy a pattern for it.  I had seen an image for it which I shared in a previous post and I put this on my notepad...
So my first job was to get one of my existing tops that has no stretch in it, the reason for this being my fabric is non stretch and I want this blouse to just pull on with no need for a zip or buttons.

From here on are the steps to making this blouse.

I lay the blouse on the fabric, this one has some gathering at the bottom I arranged the fabric of the blouse so that this would not make my pieces too wide.  I then cut around it leaving a good inch all the way around, you can take in but can't put back once it's been cut so allow more if you are cautious.
Fold in the sleeve so that you can see where to cut for the armhole,  of course if you have an old top you may want to just take it apart to make a pattern.  I do it this way because this is a top |I still wear.

Cut around the neck and along the shoulder, I cut back and front together then lowered front neck line after.
Fold your front piece in half and cut where you want your neckline to lie.  Don't worry if it is not spot on you can take more off later if you need to.
Then I cut a V shape notch to one side where I want the blouse to tie, I also cut two small pieces to face inside the V but no interfacing as the fabric is quite floaty and I don't want it unnaturally stiff there.

Fold fabric in half, double again to make two sleeves, lay on sleeve of blouse to get an idea of armhole shape then fold back so you can see to cut.  You may want to mark the line with chalk.
You will now have this sleeve shape, now measure your arm from shoulder to wrist to see what length you will need for the arm.  Add on 2cm for the hem and 1.5cm for the shoulder seam.
Now cut up the side tapering it  a little .

Now cut two long strips for your tie pieces, about 4cm wide, it will be folded then folded again so if you want a wider more obvious tie on your blouse then make your pieces wider than that.  Now to put it all together.

Put your front piece on the machine right side up, fold one of your little facing pieces in half then stitch down one side of the V.  Take the other piece and repeat on the other side.
Then turn them through to the wrong side and cut a little v there.
Then pin it in place and topstitch on the right side. Neaten the inside by trimming, folding under and hand stitching on the inside.

Now you can sew front piece to back piece at the shoulder.
Then take your sleeves and fold them in half, make a little notch at centre sleeve where it will meet the shoulder, open the shoulder seem right sides facing up, lay sleeve right side facing down match notch to shoulder seem then pin in place easing sleeve to arm hole gently but don't force it.  If it hangs over a little you can trim that off. Sew in place.
When both sides are done fold blouse over and stitch down side seems and up along arms, match the under arms and pin before you do this and ensure the fabric doesn't slip.

Try on to check that the neck is where you like it, if not lower it a bit, or reshape if needed.

Join both tie pieces then fold in half lengthways, make a small cut centre back neck then start sewing you tie band on from the centre cut matching the centre join of tie piece.  Raw edge of tie to raw edge of neck.  sew down one side then the other this will ensure even tie on each side.

Then starting from one side fold the tie piece in half again tucking the ends under, sew all around the neck trying to stay in last line of stitching.  If you find this tricky pin it first then work from the right side to ensure neat topstitching.  Make sure you overlap it a bit on the inside if you do it that way so that you catch it in.

Before you go any further now you may want to try it on to check the fit, take your pins with you!  Make it as fitted as you can while still pulling it over your head easily, just pin on the outside and try it you can always move the pins after. Check the sleeve length is ok.
Now you can just hem the sleeves, I chose a thin elastic, zig zag or overlock first, measure around your wrist with elastic then sew it together. place on the bottom of the sleeve and pull as you hem around leaving it to move loosely inside.

All that is left is to hem the bottom and neaten up those inside seams, I always do this after now when I am happy with the overall fit it saves wasting time.
I've done a curved hem so it can be worn out or tucked in, you can just make it straight if you want.
It is purple but on a very gloomy day!
I hope this has been of some use and inspired you to have a go at winging it without a pattern, my apologies to any purists out there who do things differently or like to stick to the book.  Patterns can be expensive and I know there will be many people who want to make new styles but can't afford all the latest patterns.  For those people I hope this is helpful, if any of the steps are unclear just leave a comment and I will answer it.

Happy Sewing!

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...