Tuesday 3 January 2023

My Sewing Scrapbook

 Hello I hope you are all feeling good and are back into the swing of things now the new year has properly begun.  I know a lot of people were back to work today, me included although that is working from home so it softens the effect but still back into that routine of getting things done.

I have started my sewing scrapbook that I mentioned previously and thought that I would share it with you now before it slips my mind.  If you follow me on instagram you will have already had a peek it was updated as I finished my work for today so I hope this is a habit that will be fun as well as really useful.

Here it is...

I did start with the last projects of December just to get it up and going.

So what I decided to do was divide each page into four boxes because I usually do three work projects per week and then perhaps something of my own, if more I can always go over onto the next side but this will normally give me a week to view.  I know I don't have to write project each time I just wanted it there, I write the pattern, number, view, then list the fabric choices, code if available and any notes if I have altered anything.  For example I may sometimes change things afterwards if they are not entirely to my taste, or make something shorter, slimmer etc.   Also there is a fabric sample and a printed out photograph.

I am hoping this will keep me organised but on the plus side it will be nice to look back on as things get passed on, gifted or returned as in the case of work projects.  There will need to be a little bit of will power involved in filling it in every day, especially if I have been worrking on something complex and it has been a long day.  This will save time later though, in terms of not having to hunt high and low for a pattern number or fabric swatch code.  Oh I almost forgot that I have also added a little pencil line drawing too.

The scrapbook has been in my possesion for about two years so it was destined to be this! Let me know in the comments how you organise yourselves with your sewing, I am always interested in finding new ways to do things.

Have a lovely evening. Back soon. 


  1. This is a fantastic idea - kind of like journalling. I think it will be great to look back on. I am wondering ... do you sew for work also, as well as for yourself??

    1. Hi Julie, yes I sew for work that is why so many makes. I was a sewing machinist in a factory when I was young for 13 years then did further education (Open University) along side working from home and being mum. Then 16 years in School as TA and Speech and Language teacher. Now back sewing from home again, This time the sewing is more fun though!

  2. That's a great Idea, I've done something similar for my knitting/crafty stuff to.


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What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...