Monday 27 December 2021

Year end

 Hello I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas however you chose to celebrate.  We had a quiet one which is just the way I like it, dinner with close family and a walk with the dogs that left us drenched due to the wet weather we are having at the moment. 

We have no plans for New years eve we never do, just a quiet night in again, that may not seem very exciting to some people but I have no desire to be in a crowded, over priced venue as the clock strikes midnight I am very content in my home.  Another bessing to this is that my dogs have us here with them when everyone starts going crazy with the fireworks for hours on end.  I don't know how you find this where you are but they are so loud here and seem to get worse year on year, I may sound a grump but it is very hard on the dogs and I don't see why such a loud explosion is deemed entertainment!

I can now share a blouse I made for my friend for Christmas...

It is cotton chambray with slightly gather sleeves at the shoulder and a little button at the back.  I do think this is nore of a classic look, much as I like all the wild prints I know not everyone shares my style and people do like a simple look.

I was going to do a flounce on the bottom of the sleeve as sleeve details have been a thing this year but if what she normally wears are an indication then I thought she would prefer them plain.  It is also easier to get your jackets and coats on  because lets face it here in the UK we generally need one of those.

Today I am wearing a dress I made for  a video a few days ago, the style is very baggy so I am wearing it with a belt.  This is another fashion trend of this year that does not suit my body.  As I am quite petite the looser style tend to just look ill fitting on me so I do prefer a more fitted look.

I have a red belt on with it and this works much better.

Here I will share a few of the cards I made, now I made all of them but what happened was I was making them and writing them as I went to be organised.  This did mean that I only thought about photographing them when I was nearing the end so a few pics for you but the rest were already sealed.

Even though I have a lack of images for all my hard work I am pleased that I managed to make everyone this year. I have read over at Three Stories High that Jo makes hers for the following year as she is taking down the old ones. What a great idea!  I am going to do this rather than saving bits and starting the following winter it makes much more sense.  Also you are still in the festive mood. 

In my true nature of getting the most out of all my fabric I made a bag with leftover bits from my colourful bomber jacket.  I am pleased to say it sold on my Etsy shop the very next day.

Well I must be going now as we are off to visit family shortly, enjoy the rest of the holiday season and take care everyone.


  1. Nosotros hemos celebrado la Nochebuena y la Navidad en familia, en mi casa, seis en total y hoy martes nos hemos vuelto a reunir, siete en total también en mi casa para celebrar un cumpleaños con retraso.
    En éste momento no queremos entrar en establecimientos hosteleros por la difícil situación que vivimos y en cuanto a Fin de Año estaremos mi esposo y yo en cas pasando una noche tranquila.
    Tu blusa es bonita y siempre puedes acompañarla con un pantalón o falda floreada.
    Muy bonitas las tarjetas. BESICOS.

  2. Such lovely makes as always. I hope the gifts were well received.


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