Wednesday 23 December 2020

Days Indoors

 Hi, I just thought I would do a bit of a catch up while we have the extra time. I am keeping busy around the house and also I had time to get my car booked in and checked out this morning first thing, this is always easier when we don't have work to get to.  The way back was very wet and cold but I took advantage of the uphill walk through a farmers field by dashing up it and then I can count that as part of my daily exercise. I was a little breathless when I got to the top and the cold seams to add to that (or is that just me?)

When I got back I thought I would do my Pilates for the day and of course the dogs have to try and join in, this usually involves the little one trying to climb on my legs and then looking offended when I make him get off because he is so used to sitting on laps.

Yes I had to get off the mat to take the photo and they always look a bit alarmed when I point the phone at them!

There has been a bit of sewing today, I had in mind a pattern from one of my Burda magazines but I have changed it quite a bit, it was 114A from November issue but the neck was not for me and the bagginess a bit big so it has been changed.

There is some gathering into  straight band that you can't see, the printed fabric hides it too, if I had more fabric the bottom band would have had the stripe going vertical but I didn't have enough for that.

This afternoon I did some experimental baking and made mince pie buns, gf pastry is not great to make so I made my own with gram flour for the pie bases, then baked and filled them and then I made banana cake batter for the tops.  So they are a bit of a hybrid, but they do taste good and my husband who is not a fan of actual mince pies ate one and enjoyed it.

Just a bit of what I am up to at the moment, I am now off to make something else but it is my final gift to make so I won't say what it is I will share after the big day.  

That is all for now, back soon. 



  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Happy Christmas Dianne. I have that fabric on order too! Jo x

    1. Happy Christmas Jo. I look forward to seeing what you make with it. x


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What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...