Saturday, 28 April 2018

Projects, Books and What's Growing

A bit of a catch up post today rounding up some of what has been happening over the last few weeks.  I am loving the greenhouse, even on a rainy day like today I can pop in and check on everything and it's nice and cosy.  It is amazing how much things have grown in the two weeks since we put them in, we went straight out when the greenhouse was finished and bought some small veg plants to starts us off then I bought some seeds.  I wish I had measured everything now as they have grown such a lot, especially the swiss chard which was tiny...
I put it in that pot as it had lots of room, it may need moving soon!
Tomatoes and courgettes.

The strawberries always get ravaged by the birds outside so we thought we try those inside but one is flowering already, will this force them on too soon?  Advice welcome.
I thought I'd killed these Kale when I put them in as they were tiny and looked very unhappy at first but now they are growing .  I also planted seeds of purple kale which are now  just coming up...
This is quite exciting!
Basil coming up there in the middle, chives and parsley either side (when they show) my friend bought me this little set as a gift about a year ago. 

There are other things in there as well but I am sure you will get bored with looking at pictures of my plants, you may not find it as exciting as I do but I will update as things develop so you have been warned.  

I have finished two books this last couple of weeks Eleanor Marx A life by Rachel Holmes, this was fascinating but heavy, literally. It was quite intense to read and a big thick hardback so also hard going to hold up while reading.  I started it before my holiday and finished it last week, what an interesting life, I may not have agreed with all her ways of thinking but wow! Definitely worth a look, I actually read this because of the Essex Serpent it was listed at the back as a subject of research and I'm so glad I followed it up.

I then started a novel called In a Cottage in a Wood by Cass Green, when I first started this I was very nearly put off by the first few pages. It begins with a scene in a grotty hotel room after a one night stand and after the beautiful language of Jane Eyre a few weeks ago it felt a bit jarring.  I am glad I stuck with it as I really enjoyed it, there are a few twists and just enough suspense.

On the sewing front I have two projects to attend to, one is for Minerva and has just been cut out.  I couldn't go any further until I had been and bought the lining fabric which I have done today. The thing is I didn't want to take all the pattern pieces off until I had the lining and I could see everything was there.  I am using a pattern this time, my favourite jacket one...
An unusual choice for a jacket I know, but we will see what it is alike when it is all made up.

While I was there I also spotted this lovely black fabric which will become a top tomorrow, I just need to decide on my neckline I have an idea to do something a bit different but not sure if it will work.  Pattern free again for this top so just a case of working it out.

I may have been influenced by the growing theme here. 😊


  1. Glad to see you are enjoying the greenhouse. I am way behind on gardening - those pesky sheep of my dads take some looking after so we have been off task. J x

  2. We have only just made a start with the seeds and planters so a little later than usual but Spring arrived later here this year. Your plants are certainly looking healthy, its always a joy to gather produce from the garden.

  3. Lots of gardening! Swiss chard is a great veg, love it, stems and leaves and all. We have been gardening, too. Mostly cosmetic as our garden was still a mess after last year's building work.

  4. Mineva keep asking me to show them my sewing projects from fabric purchased from them. Is it worth it?

    1. I contacted them to be a blogger for them but they said they were full, they asked if I wanted to product test so I occasionally get emails to do that. You pick from options of fabric, wool etc then write a post on it for them. If that's appealing to you why not try that. X


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