Monday 1 January 2024

January Intentions

 Hello everyone,  a happy new year to you all.  I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas break and that you are all feeling ready for what the new year brings. I have a few intentions as I always do at this time but they are all pretty fluid as I don't think it does anyone any good to set loads of musts, fail at some point through no fault of your own (illness etc) and then berate yourself.  So what I like to do is add in more of what I would like to do, and perhaps let go of a few things too that are not serving me as they once did.

So before I start on my few little must do more ofs for 2024 I thought I would share a recent make and I have to say a favourite make of last year for me.  It is my Burda shirt 6849, I have made many times before and this is an Art Gallery fabrics cotton poplin, I really loved the print although it is narrow so I had to be a bit creative with the pieces.  The inside collar stand is in plain pink as is the inside back yoke panel.  I literally had crumbs of fabric left after cutting out so that was really satisfying. 

I have a video about the other makes I have made from this pattern and if you are interested in seeing that the link is below. 

  Find the video here

Now as far as the new year goes I am starting by letting something go, now that may seem an odd place to start but really we need to make room for things.  If we always just add on more and more each year we end up feeling overwhelmed and not doing any of it. 

The thing I am letting go is my Duo Lingo in Spanish, now I have been learning for years I never travel abroad any more and have no one to practice with.  I have done it daily, mostly for the past few years and was learning by cds and books long before that.  Can I speak it, a little bit, if someone speaks in spanish at full speed I can't get anything but the odd word.  So you really need to be speaking any language regularly to learn to speak it.  I am not saying I will no longer dabble and look at my books or do it occasionally.  I have realised though that I spend an awaful lot of time every day doing something that gets me very little progress.  I am going to spend that time on something else.

I will be adding a course of some kind over the next few weeks I just haven't decided on what  yet, I like to learn so I will enjoy looking what is on offer.

Next I am going to try Huberman Labs, daily light viewing morning and twilight so I will let you know if this helps my sleep, which is terrible currently.

I will continue doing a little art each week, in what ever form takes my fancy, just for me.

Also ongoing is my dressmaking scrap book, I have kept this going all year logging everything.  There are a few missing photos where I sent event garments back and forgot to take an image but I did still log the project and fabric.  I will show this book in the next post if anyone would like to see it.

So just a few add ons for me, I hope you all have a wonderful year, take care. 


  1. Happy New Year! I would love to see your dressmaking scrapbook. While I no longer make clothing, I really enjoy seeing your projects. You are so talented and creative!

  2. Ese patrón de camisa te sienta realmente bien, se entiende el repetirlo muchas veces, yo también repito los patrones que me gustan durante años.
    Tus reflexiones son justas , hay que ser práctico para no sentirnos abrumados con demasiadas metas.
    FELIZ 2024 y BESICOS.

    1. Hola Arish. Si, creo que tratar de hacer demasiado a veces me siento defraudado, Necesito ser mas amable conmigo mismo. Feliz 2024.


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Me Made May 2024

 Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well I know it has been a while.  There are so many things that I haven't posted that I just do...