Tuesday 4 April 2017

Recycled Photo Frame

A while ago I bought this small photo frame from the charity shop for a pound.  It has been sitting around my sewing table for some time and last week I remembered this little quote I had written in my diary.  I can't remember where I got it from I think it may have been pinterest, anyway some playing around with lettering and this is what I did...
I wrote it on the green paper from the inside of a card, it will sit on my table to remind me of these things.

Things I am enjoying this week...

Free exercise,  I have been doing some every night using the internet, there are lots videos you can watch for every ability.  I am doing something every day for 30 days then I will see if I can keep it up after that.   

The Last Kindom, really good I think and there is not a great deal I am interested in on the TV at the moment. 

Light evenings, what a difference it makes to have  more daylight.  I can take the dogs for an evening walk and see where I am going, sometimes even  without a jacket. (Oh little things)

The book 'The Whole Wide Beauty by Emily Woof, I just picked up three books from the library this week without spending too much time pondering and it seems to have paid off.  More on this when I finish it but so far so good.

Singing in the car on the way to work, I'm sure I look silly sometimes but who cares.

( This post has been edited  with regards to exercise, I don't want to encourage anyone to take up exercise that may conflict with their faith.)

Sunday 2 April 2017

Spring Sewing for Me

Today I have made  start on a new shirt for myself, I have had the fabric for a few months but had no desire to start it until now as it is light summery cotton. Also the dark months seemed to rob me of all get up and go this last season so I am only now getting back to wanting to get lots done, make plans, have ideas and so on.  Has anyone else felt like that?

Despite the fact that have been plodding on getting bits of alterations done for others and of course the caravan seating project there hasn't really been any sewing for myself.  It is also a delicate balance in that I don't buy fabric very often, I try to mainly recycle and not get sucked into the mindset of needing more.  With all this in mind I will be taking care with item as it is new fabric, and hopefully it will look good on when complete. 

This is the fabric, the little elephants caught my eye.

As everyone who sews will know sometimes you love a fabric and a design but once it is complete it just does nothing for you and unlike a bought item you can't return it.   Fortunately this doesn't happen that often and I do try to have gratitude for all the projects that turn out well and accept that some were just not meant to be.

On a thrifty note I didn't need to buy any notions when I bought the fabric as it is white so I already have the cotton in plentiful supply.  I also keep any small buttons off shirts when my husband has finished with them so there are plenty of those around and  there is just enough facing in my sewing box for the front and collar.

I am using a blouse that I own already as I like the fact that it is small and neat,  the collar only comes to the sides as the neck forms a sort of v.  I just lay it down and work around it.

I have cut these pieces slightly longer as this blouse is quite short in the body.

I'm going to mark these onto paper so I don't have to mess about with the blouse again a different day.

This is where I'm up to, I am not going to rush to finish it today as there are lots of other things I also need to get done and I want to enjoy the process not just rush to the finish.  That is me sometimes with sewing, hurrying to get it all done in one sitting.

Recently it does appear that I have posted more about food, since I turned vegan from vegetarian I have been much more aware of what I am eating and this will be reflected in my posts as food and cooking are on my mind.  I always tried to eat healthy as a vegetarian but I feel that now I am more aware of making sure I eat a good balance. It does mean that I sometimes think people may land on a page and think isn't this a sewing blog?  While that was my intention when I started it and the majority of my posts are about sewing I feel that these days it reflects the interests of a  crafter/maker. I hope that doesn't disappoint.  There are also I find pockets of sewing activity in my life where I seem to do lots over a couple of weeks and then more of a dry spell as in recent months. 

Friday 31 March 2017

Broccoli, Apple and Cashew Soup (Vegan/Gluten free)

I often make myself a nice soup for Friday lunch as I don't work on Fridays and it is nice to not be in a rush and have something home made and healthy.  I have made this soup a couple of times now but I'm only now getting around to posting it.  It is my own recipe and I like it quite thick so the quantity here for me is only 2 servings but very thick and filling.  It would definitely serve 4 as a starter just add more water.

Broccoli, Apple and Cashew Soup

350g Broccoli
60g cashew nuts
1 apple
1 veg stock cube (GF)
300ml water (boiled)
1 red onion
1 level desert spoon vegan cheese sauce powder (optional)
black pepper
Soya single cream (I use Alpro)

Steam the broccoli until tender, for the last few minutes add the chopped apple to the steamer to soften.

  Fry the onion in  a little olive oil until soft, sprinkle the stock cube into the frying pan and add the boiled water, you can also stir in the cheese sauce powder at this point if you are using it.

Pop your cashew nuts in the blender and blitz, if your blender is hand held you can put the nuts in a bag and beat them with a rolling pin, just take care the bag doesn't split. 

Add all ingredients to the blender except the cream and blend, then return to the pan. Continue  heating gently and at this point add a swirl of soya cream and a little black pepper to taste.

There is now a portion in the fridge for me to have tomorrow for supper, I always fancy something on a Saturday evening because we usually eat our dinner earlier so that is one problem solved.  Oldest son tried this last week and it got his approval and that is hard to come by when it comes to food he is fussy.
You can see how thick it is, add as much liquid as you need to your desired consistency.

What to Let Go

 Hello everyone, so I have mentioned that for memademay I am focusing on remaking and using up fabric scraps.  This has presented me with a ...