Hello everyone I hope you are doing well, it has been a while. I have had little motivation to post here mainly because as I have said before there seems to be very little in the way of traffic these days and I know I had comments stating that yes blogs are still read these days but the stats show otherwise. It is another on my list of things to do and I suppose I need to get back into the mind of it being something for me to document on and stop wondering about if these is an audience? Of course it is not fpr profit so it makes very little difference but I suppose it is that feeling that we have, that what we are doing has some use, a purpose and we all want that don't we.
So December is quite for us and not the chaotic rush it is for some families, we are having my mum for Christmas day and my older son also joins me, my husband and youngest son. This did used to be a bigger get togther but now my dad has passed away and mother in law it has shrunk somewhat.
We don't do any parties, or mad Christmas shopping. I have to admit to missing the children in school around Chritsmas time, when I worked in School there was always so much going on and the excitement of the little ones was quite contagious. I do not miss some of the staff getting all bent out of shape thinking that the nativity play was a west end show and that every child should be perfect however!
We are going to see the film Napolean at the cinema, that is our one night out and other than that I will be reading , sewing and walking the dogs. That is my kind of holiday.
Here are a few of my recent makes to catch you up on the sewing side of things...