Friday 25 March 2022

A trip to Knaresborough

 Hello what a lovely week we have had here, this was clearly the week we should have booked to go away but doesn't it always work out that way? We made the most of it today by having a trip to Knaresborough, what a beautiful little place that is!  We will definitely be going back there as it not that far, I can't understand why we haven't been before but I suppose there are lots of places like that.  We sat outside and had a drink after walking for two hours and it really did feel like being on holiday, just give us a bit of blue sky here in the UK and we are happy. Here are a few images from my day trip...

There were people queueing to get into a riverside cafe, the queue was really long I would have just gine somewhere else but they clearly really wanted to sit by the water.  We had a gorgeous walk along the river and the properties  overlooking the water were very nice, maybe a bit nerve wracking in high water though.

We had a nice chat with a man whitewashing the sides of the building oppsite this one, he had a beautiful venue for doing his work.

So many people out enjoying the sunshine, we really have to make the most of it.  The temperature is set to drop next week so get it while you can.

Oh I did mean to get a photo of the train station it was so pretty and I have just realised I have not got one, we were sat looking at it too.  

Here are a few of my makes...
John Kaldor sateen in duck egg, pattern New Look 6567.

This handbag with leftover chambray, denim and new cotton fabric.

This jumpsuit, I have added a few stitches front and back to this as it crosses over but hangs loose, so to be secure it needed a few stitches. Viscose challis, grey pattern New Look 

Another bag from recycled bits, the pink denim is from the hem of a pair of jeans I altered for someone, the grey a skirt from the charity shop  £1 rail, the lining recyled cotton and the foxy print is just a quarter that I did buy new,

This one is a lovely summery dress new look again ,I don't have the details to hand.  I will try and collect them together for next post.  There are a few other things that I have not had chance to share, as I film with my phone I keep having to clear and move stuff over to storage regularly.  Quite a few images I took the other day on mannequin I cleared before moving doh!  This included a top for my mum so I will retake them for the next post.

Now I really enjoyed my last read The Pull of  the Stars by Emma Donoghue, I bought that one on my last trip out and I would really recommend it.  There are a few things you need to know it is about the 1918 pandemic set on a maternity contagion ward, very well researched and interesting. So if the  pandemic is something you want to avoid, now you know. I am currently reading The Betrayals but have yet to get into that one.

Despite having a wardrobe packed with handmade clothes I had that thing this morning where I thought what do I wear? The weather has been unseasonably warm so I didn't quite trust it and having been living in tights and layers for months I was  not quite ready to face bare legs!  So I wore the trousers in the image above with a tiny denim jacket that is more of a shrug.  My husband said you could wear that jumpsuit you made the other day ( it is bare shoulders) but it is March I replied.  Anyway as it turned out I could have worn it as there were people in full summer gear everywhere, shorts sandals, vests the lot. British weather though, I was just expecting it to blow a gale or send a down pour at any minute.

We have started watching a new drama Young Wallander, I am enjoying it and my husband thinks it is a  bit slow.  

There has been  a lot of sewing as usual, my overlocker realy gave up last week then after two sessions of faffing and isisting it wouldn't beat me I fixed it, yay. My husband said just buy another you have had it years, 23 years to be exact, I adjusted the needle bar after watching some you tube, tension, etc.  Then after a week it is complaining again while working on viscose challis, it really does  not like that fabric and I know this as I tried a few others and it works fine.  Go back to working on that and it starts playing up again. Anyone else find this?

Well that is a little glimpse of the last week or so, take care everyone and if you are in the UK enjoy that sunshine while it lasts. 


  1. ¡¡Qué bien!! poder disfrutar del buen tiempo, por aquí llevamos varias semanas nublado y con lluvia, algo de frío, viento..... un tiempo desapacible.....
    Muy bonitas tus costuras y tus bolsos siempre coquetos. BESICOS.

    1. !Hola¡ Arish, el tiempo volvéra a ser frío el proxima semana. Estoy disfrutando ahora. Besicos


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A Slow Week, A few Books and Pretty PJs

 Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.  So this week has been brought to a bit of a standstill for me.  I have somehow injured my b...