I think the reason for these choices a lot of the time is that everything is so instant now, we have accounts and passwords for everything and anytime we have a need or whim we only have to turn on the computer, click a button and items are there within hours sometimes. So that is not always a good thing.
This whole incident got me thinking about my own list on Amazon, now I have a list but it is very changeable and the reason for that is that I use it as a holding place for wants. I only occasionally buy things from this list but throughout the year many items make their way onto it and then later get deleted. The latest being this book...
Now I have looked at this book on there before and wondered about buying it, it is supposed to be the book that tells you all you need to know about pattern cutting, professionally. The thing is, it is £28 and that is a lot of money for a book that yes I am sure I will learn from but I am not ready to commit that amount to it at this time. So it left my list after a few days, the reason being that I don't want my husband to rush in and buy it for me for Christmas when I am not sure if it will be worth the investment.
There was another book on there a few weeks ago with patterns to trace, a Burda one and that has also been removed. You see on further inspection on a new day I had a better look at the 'look inside tab' and found that the items I liked I could already make and have already done so in the past. The trousers I didn't like but would have been able to figure out anyway had I wanted to. Maybe I just like the idea of the books because I enjoy sewing and browsing the ideas, but I have the internet for that.
One book that I have mentioned before and that is inexpensive and very useful is Sew What! Skirts, I have recommended this to a friend who has bought it and used it. There are no complicated illustrations just some common sense calculations and ideas for variations on what is a basic shape.
I will continue to use my list as it gives me thinking time, for me that is a valuable tool to store things that interest me without committing just yet. I will keep my eyes open on ebay, in charity shops and look on the library catalogue to see if there is something similar to the book above but I'm in no rush.
If I have been making clothes all these years without knowing the technical aspects of pattern making I'm sure I can wait a bit longer.